preview_BCD16800 - page 15

Puff, puff, take another drag
Light another fag
I’ve tried to stop, but I haven’t yet
So come what may I’ll have to say
I can’t quit cigarettes
Now my boss hung up NO SMOKING signs
And I thought for sure I’d lose my mind
So I went to his office and I said,
“By George I quit!”
He said, “Now look, this ain’t no joke
You keep this place fogged up in smoke
You can’t resign, you’re fired!
Now take your things and git!”
He said, “I never have seen a man
Who can burn that weed the way you can
And just thinkin’ about it, sshheew,
makes me sweat!”
I said, “Oh well, I guess you’re right
But before I leave would you give me a light?
I guess you see what’s wrong with me
I can’t quit cigarettes!”
Now my girlfriend said, “Give up them things
If you don’t I’ll give you back your ring
‘Cause you gettin’ pale
and thin as a walkin’ ghost!”
Said, “I ain’t a-goin’ to keep on a-kissin’ a fiend
That’s always reekin’ with nicotine
And you can take your choice
of which one you love the most!”
Well I thought this over for a little while
Then I give ‘er my answer with a sheepish smile
I know I’ll miss her ‘cause she’s my favorite pet
But I don’t need love, I’ve saved a grand
I’m gonna buy me a ton of my favorite brand
Then I’ll be broke, but oh how I smoke,
I can’t quit cigarettes
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