
6 F A T S D O M I N O I ’ V E B E E N A R O U N D T H E C O M P L E T E I M P E R I A L & A B C - P A R A M O U N T R E C O R D I N G S A W O R D F R O M T H E P R O D U C E R S b y H a n k D a v i s a n d S c o t t P a r k e r T his is the new Fats Domino set set from B EAR F AMILY R ECORDS . The most important message is that it's not simply a reprint of the old box. Everything – the packaging, the book you're reading, the music it- self – has been rethought and brought up to date. We didn't take the easy way out and just reproduce what we had. Things have changed from that 1993 edition. We know more now and there is more information to cover (including, of course, Fats's death). In addition, more music has come to light. The number of CDs has in- creased by 50%. Some, but not all of that, includes the addition of the ABC P ARAMOUNT recordings that Fats made after leaving I MPERIAL in 1962. A lot of work has gone into re-mastering the music. The brilliant engineering by Christian Zwarg will leave you shaking your head in admiration. You may not recognize some of your favorite Fats Domino tracks because they've never sounded this good. In addi- tion, we've added some tracks that were thought to be lost and oth- ers that nobody knew existed. We have alternate takes that have never before been issued. We've got new unedited and non-over- dubbed versions of some familiar Fats songs, and newly discovered