Wer war/ist 13th Floor Elevators ? - CDs, Vinyl LPs, DVD und mehr
The 13th Floor Elevators
The 13th Floor Elevators are a legend and one that will continue to grow as the years go by. They were ahead of their time in many ways and also a product of them. Wether or not they were the first "psychedelic" band is not that important; what is important is their music. The recordings that are left are good but not the band as it was live, especially in their first year. The ridiculous "live" LP that International Artists put out is overshadowed by the live tapes that do exist. Drugs, an incredibly malevolent record company and the usual inter-band conflicts brought an early end to the Elevators. To think of a band like that in 1960s Texas is amazing. But they were definitely a part of it; acidized country boys playing psychedelic Buddy Holly riffs, a mixture that couldn't have happened anywhere else.
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