Wer war/ist Johnnie Allan ? - CDs, Vinyl LPs, DVD und mehr


Cajun singer born John Allen Guillot in Rayne, Louisiana in 1938.  He first recorded in 1958, and his debut single on Jin, 'Lonely Days, Lonely Nights', was pickied up by MGM for national distribution in 1959.  He toured Europe in 1997 and was still active in the 2000s.

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Weitere Informationen zu Johnnie Allan auf de.Wikipedia.org

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Something Old, Something New (CD)
Johnnie Allan: Something Old, Something New (CD) Art-Nr.: CDJIN9107

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(JIN Records) 13 Tracks
16,95 €
Louisiana Man - Live in London 1991
Johnnie Allan: Louisiana Man - Live in London 1991 Art-Nr.: CDST029

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(2011/STOMPERTIME) 18 tracks (56:42) cracking good concert, recorded at the Royal Naval Club, London, England, December 4th.1991. Top Sound quality! Feat. Johnny Allan (voc), Harry Simoneaux (sax), Nick Pentelow (sax), Gary Rickards...
11,75 € 15,75 €
Swamp Pop Legend - The Essential Collection (CD)
Johnnie Allan: Swamp Pop Legend - The Essential Collection (CD) Art-Nr.: CDJIN9044

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(JIN Records) 25 Tracks - 1958-1988 -
17,95 €
Another Man's Woman (LP)
Johnnie Allan: Another Man's Woman (LP) Art-Nr.: LPJIN9015

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(Jin) 10 tracks - Originally sealed 1977 'Jin' Lp album
19,95 €
The Ultimate Louisiana Experience (CD)
Johnnie Allan: The Ultimate Louisiana Experience (CD) Art-Nr.: CDJIN9052

Sofort versandfertig, Lieferzeit** 1-3 Werktage

(1996/JIN) 16 new tracks with backup by Rufus Thibodeaux, Steve Riley and other Cajun/Zydeco musicians, recorded at Louisianne Studio, Lafayette and produced by Johnny & Floyd Soileau !
10,95 € 49,95 €
Memories (Jin Records)
Johnnie Allan: Memories (Jin Records) Art-Nr.: CDJIN9087

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(2008/JIN) 22 tracks (54:15) JIN masters, many first time on CD!
9,95 € 16,95 €
Shine On...And Favorites From The Past
Johnnie Allan: Shine On...And Favorites From The Past Art-Nr.: CDJIN9094

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(2011/JIN) 12 tracks (43:23) 1979-99 plus 2 new recordings, celebrating 60 Years In Music!(1951-2011) Swamp Pop Highlight!
16,95 €
Essential Collection, Vol.2 (CD, US)
Johnnie Allan: Essential Collection, Vol.2 (CD, US) Art-Nr.: CDJIN9065

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(1999/JIN) 23 tracks
16,95 €