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Bachman Turner Overdrive Blue Collar (CD)

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(Echoes) 10 Tracks Fünf Jahre nach dem mächtigen Kanadier Rocker nannten es einen Tag, Randy...mehr

Bachman Turner Overdrive: Blue Collar (CD)

(Echoes) 10 Tracks

Fünf Jahre nach dem mächtigen Kanadier Rocker nannten es einen Tag, Randy Bachman würde seine alten Freunde für wieder verbinden ihr neuntes Studioalbum mit dem Titel Bachman-Turner Overdrive faka Hart und schnell]. BTO's Auftritt im August im Misty Moon in Halifax, Nova Scotia wäre ein würdiges Beispiel für die Live-Arbeit der Band mit Stil und Inhalt gleichberechtigt in der energetisierten Leistung. Antizipierte Treffen erfüllen nicht immer die Erwartungen eifriger Ventilatoren, aber dieses bestimmte Datum würde alle mögliche Verleumder prüfen, die innen dumm sind sie als Live-Auftritt abzuschreiben.

Berücksichtigung der Ausdehnung ihrer Repertoire, die Hand lehnte es ab, sich auf ihrem und spielten ein kurzes, aber spannendes Set, das ihre in den Annalen der kanadischen Rockmusik. Echoes präsentiert stolz die gesamter Pre-FM Live-Auftritt im Misty Moon, Nova Scotia im August 1984, später Sendung im RHO Radio am 24. September 1984. Professionell neu gemasterter Sound mit Background Linern und seltenen Archivaufnahmen.

Artikeleigenschaften vonBachman Turner Overdrive: Blue Collar (CD)

Bachman Turner Overdrive - Blue Collar (CD) CD 1
01Intro > Roll On Down The HighwayBachman Turner Overdrive
02My SugareeBachman Turner Overdrive
03Blue CollarBachman Turner Overdrive
04For The WeekendBachman Turner Overdrive
05Four Wheeled DriveBachman Turner Overdrive
06You Ain't Seen Nothing YetBachman Turner Overdrive
07Another FoolBachman Turner Overdrive
08Let It RideBachman Turner Overdrive
09City's Still GrowingBachman Turner Overdrive
10Takin' Care Of Business > OutroBachman Turner Overdrive
Bachman Turner Overdrive Two years after the mighty Canadian rockers called it a day, Randy... mehr
"Bachman Turner Overdrive"

Bachman Turner Overdrive

Two years after the mighty Canadian rockers called it a day, Randy Bachman would rejoin his old friends for another album, but this reformation would bigger some painful decision-making for Bachman. Robbie Bachman would depart to make way for Garry Petersen on drums after a dispute over Randy's choice of guitarist in Tim Bachman replacing Blair Thornton. Robbie refused to compromise citing "irreconcilable differences" and so left the band signifying Robbie's only marked absence from Me BTO album catalogue. Petersen would find comfort in the ranks having provided rhythm in the previous BTO incarnation, The Guess Who.

Their latest studio effort resulted in the release of their ninth studio album simply entitled Bachman-Turner OvenItive /aka Harland WO. Although some observeltas uninspired, it paved the way fora string of highly successful shows most of which were recorded and some of which enjoyed a spot on the Live, Live, live compilation issued in 1986. BTO's August performance at Me Misty Moon in Halifax, Nova Scotia would prove a worthy example of the band's live work with style and content finding equal footing in the energized performance. Anticipated reunions don't always live up to the expectations of eager fans, but this particular date would prove any detractors foolish in writing them off as a live act.

Lers face it; Bachman and Co. had a huge catalog from which they could wield a high calibre show drawing on a multitude of hits and album classics. However, Bachman would never just look back and so fans are treated to a choice selection of new material taken from the new album with My Sugaree, City's Still Drone: For The Weekend and Another Foolproudhi announcing their latest effort.

1974's BTO classic album Not Fragile would feature heavily here from the off with Roll On Down The Highwayin particular chosen to open the show. let It Ride and BTO's two biggest chart hits Roll On Down The Highwayand You Ain't Seen Nothin' Yetconfirmed the popularity of Not Fragile amongst fans and listeners worldwide. Their 1973 single Blue Collar was a guaranteed crowd pleaser along with the title track to their 1915 album four Wheel Drive. Bachman' desire to push forward allowed a slot for their new' single for The Mekong which in typical Bachman fashion took precedence over the safe and easy option of "simply bashing out the old stuff'. Considering the expanse of their aforementioned repertoire, the band declined to rest on their laurels and played a brief, but exciting set drat re-affinned Moir legacy in the annals of Canadian rock music.

BTO's appeal is firmly and simply in their music as Randy Bachman best describesit:"Straightforward rock 'n' roll, foot -stomping, iugband, good-time music. It has a dancing sort of thing. People can remember it:the songs have a hook. It doesn't appeal to specialized tastes, but to general tastes. Everybody can play our songs, bands in clubs where they play other people's material. Everybody started that way."

Even an inviting and generous deal from West Coast investors promising a million bucks for each band member should they regroup was eventually refused, but the existence of this deal did bring the musicians back together in one room in 1983 and it was that encounter that brought about their ninth album and this landmark tour.

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Bachman Turner Overdrive - Blue Collar (CD) CD 1
01 Intro > Roll On Down The Highway
02 My Sugaree
03 Blue Collar
04 For The Weekend
05 Four Wheeled Drive
06 You Ain't Seen Nothing Yet
07 Another Fool
08 Let It Ride
09 City's Still Growing
10 Takin' Care Of Business > Outro