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Bobby Bare Bobby Bare Sings Shel Silverstein plus (8-CD Deluxe Box Set)

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8 CD-Box- (LP-Format) mit 128-seitigem gebundenen Buch, 137 Einzeltitel. Gesamtspieldauer ca....mehr

Bobby Bare: Bobby Bare Sings Shel Silverstein plus (8-CD Deluxe Box Set)

8 CD-Box- (LP-Format) mit 128-seitigem gebundenen Buch, 137 Einzeltitel. Gesamtspieldauer ca. 8 Std. (476:39) 

Die ersten 300 Exemplare beinhalten ein Original Autogramm von Bobby Bare!  (nur im Bear Webshop)
  • 8 CDs mit 137 Stücken, einschließlich 25 bisher unveröffentlichte Aufnahmen..
  • Bobby Bares Interpretationen von mehr als hundert Shel Silverstein-Songs.
  • Enthält legendäre Titel von 1972 - 1983, darunter sechs komplette Alben.
  • Shel Silverstein schrieb Hits wie Sylvia’s Mother, The Cover Of The Rolling Stone und A Boy Named Sue (bekannt durch Johnny Cash).
  • Das Live-Album Great American Saturday Night (seinerzeit unveröffentlicht) wird hier mit 3 Titeln erweitert.
  • 128-seitiges gebundenes Buch im LP-Format mit einem Hank Davis-Interview mit Bobby Bare aus dem Jahr 2020 über seine Freundschaft mit Shel Silverstein, den vollständigen Songtexten, sowie einer ausführlichen Sessions-Discographie.
  • Enthält einen neuen Essay von Dave Samuelson über Shel Silverstein und seine vielseitige Arbeit.

Neben Silversteins bitter-humorigen Geschichten über Gewinner, Verlierer und einsame Nachtcafés werden Sie auch bezaubernde Kinderlieder und gefühlvolle Liebeslieder entdecken. Ein komplizierter Mensch, dieser Silverstein.

Shel Silversteins allseits anerkannte Beiträge zur Kinderliteratur haben seine herausragenden Talente als Cartoonist, Stücke- schreiber, Darsteller and Songwriter fast überschattet. Mit ihren geistreichen Texten und eingängigen Melodien sind Silversteins Songs eine nicht versiegende Inspirationsquelle für Folksänger und Country-Musiker. Viele Künstler haben Silversteins Geistesreichtum dem Country-Publikum nähergebracht – aber niemand hat so viele seiner Songs aufgenommen wie Bobby Bare.

Bobby Bare hatte in den 1960er Jahren riesige Hits auf RCA VICTOR mit Songs wie Detroit City und 500 Miles Away From Home, die ihm für seinen Folk/Countrysound einen Grammy einbrachten. Danach unterschrieb er bei MERCURY RECORDS, gründete einen Musikverlag und begann Songs aufzunehmen von so bedeutenden Songwritern wie Tom T. Hall, Kris Kristofferson und Billy Joe Shaver.
Als RCA ihm anbot, seine Werke selbst zu produzieren, war es das erste Mal, daß ein etablierter Künstler aus Nashville die Verantwortung für seine eigene kreative Arbeit übernahm. Willie Nelson and Waylon Jennings erfuhren davon und beanspruchten die gleiche Selbstbestimmung – was zur Outlaw-Bewegung in den 70er Jahren führte, bei der Kreativität mehr bedeutete als geschäftliche Belange.

Diese BEAR FAMILY-Kollektion enthält Bares Aufnahmen von mehr als hundert Silverstein-Songs, einschließlich 25 bisher unveröffentlichter Stücke. Sechs Alben sind vollständig enthalten: Lullabys, Legends And Lies aus dem Jahr 1973 markierte Bares künstlerischen Durchbruch, Silversteins pessimistisches Album Hard Time Hungrys (hier mit 6 zusätzlichen Songs) entstand, während Amerika sich fest im Griff einer langwierigen finanziellen Rezession befand,Singin' In The Kitchen portraitiert Bares Familie, Great American Saturday Night wurde damals nicht veröffentlicht und blieb mehr als 40 Jahre lang ungehört. Hier ist es vollständig enthalten, mit drei zusätzlichen Stücken, Down & Dirty und Drunk & Crazy waren maßstabsetzende Alben aus den früher 1980er Jahren.

Das 128-seitige gebundene Begleitbuch enthält ein neues Interview mit Bobby Bare von Hank Davis, einen Überblick über Shel Silversteins Leben und Arbeit von Dave Samuelson, sowie die Texte der in dieser Box enthaltenen 137 Songs. Eine ausführliche Discografie und eine Fundgrube an Fotos und Album-Covers vervollständigen diese definitive Edition.

CD 1 - Lullabys, Legends And Lies
CD 2 - Hard Time Hungrys plus
CD 3 - Singin’ In The Kitchen plus
CD 4 - Stray Bare Tracks
CD 5 - More Stray Bare Tracks
CD 6 - The Complete Great American Saturday Night
CD 7 - Down & Dirty
CD 8 - Drunk & Crazy


Video von Bobby Bare - Bobby Bare Sings Shel Silverstein plus (8-CD Deluxe Box Set)

Artikeleigenschaften vonBobby Bare: Bobby Bare Sings Shel Silverstein plus (8-CD Deluxe Box Set)

  • Interpret: Bobby Bare

  • Albumtitel: Bobby Bare Sings Shel Silverstein plus (8-CD Deluxe Box Set)

  • Genre Country

  • Label Bear Family Records

  • Preiscode HK
  • Edition 2 Deluxe Edition
  • Artikelart Box set

  • EAN: 5397102175701

  • Gewicht in Kg: 2.9
Bare, Bobby - Bobby Bare Sings Shel Silverstein plus (8-CD Deluxe Box Set) Box set 1
01Lullabys, Legends And LiesBobby Bare
02PaulBobby Bare
03Marie LaveauBobby Bare
04Daddy What IfBobby Bare
05The Wonderful Soup StoneBobby Bare
06The WinnerBobby Bare
07In The Hills Of ShilohBobby Bare
08She's My Ever Lovin' MachineBobby Bare
09The MermaidBobby Bare
10Rest AwhileBobby Bare
11Bottomless WellBobby Bare
12True StoryBobby Bare
13Sure Hit Songwriters PenBobby Bare
14Rosalie's Good Eats CafeBobby Bare
Bare, Bobby - Bobby Bare Sings Shel Silverstein plus (8-CD Deluxe Box Set) Box set 2
01Hard Time HungrysBobby Bare
02(Taxes On) The Farmer Feeds Us AllBobby Bare
03AlimonyBobby Bare
04Two For A DollarBobby Bare
05Back Home In Huntsville AgainBobby Bare
06Daddy's Been Around The House Too LongBobby Bare
07Warm And FreeBobby Bare
08Able-Bodied ManBobby Bare
09$100,000 In PenniesBobby Bare
10Bottles And BoxesBobby Bare
11Truck Driver, Truck DriverBobby Bare
12The Unemployment LineBobby Bare
13Too Much Blues (prev. unrel.)Bobby Bare
14Things To Sell (prev. unrel.)Bobby Bare
15Door To Door (prev. unrel.)Bobby Bare
16Poor Blues (prev. unrel.)Bobby Bare
17It's Good To Know The Sun's Still Shinin' Somewhere (prev. unrel.)Bobby Bare
18Lead Me Back Home (prev. unrel.)Bobby Bare
Bare, Bobby - Bobby Bare Sings Shel Silverstein plus (8-CD Deluxe Box Set) Box set 3
01Singin' In The KitchenBobby Bare
02The Monkey And The ElephantBobby Bare
03Lovin' You AnywayBobby Bare
04Where'd I Come FromBobby Bare
05Ricky Ticky SongBobby Bare
06The Giving TreeBobby Bare
07You AreBobby Bare
08The UnicornBobby Bare
09Cloudy SkyBobby Bare
10She Thinks I CanBobby Bare
11Scarlet RibbonsBobby Bare
12See That BluebirdBobby Bare
13Sylvia's Mother •Bobby Bare
14You Know WhoBobby Bare
15Staying Here With Me (prev. unrel.)Bobby Bare
16The Wheel (prev. unrel.)Bobby Bare
17Love And Flowers (prev. unrel.)Bobby Bare
18The StrangerBobby Bare
19ChesterBobby Bare
20Bald Headed Woman •Bobby Bare
21Baby Wants To BoogieBobby Bare
22Brian HennesseyBobby Bare
23Climbin' The Ladder And Climbin' The WallsBobby Bare
24Yes, Mr RodgersBobby Bare
Bare, Bobby - Bobby Bare Sings Shel Silverstein plus (8-CD Deluxe Box Set) Box set 4
01Sweet Larraine (prev. unrel.)Bobby Bare
02Lemme Be Something (prev. unrel.)Bobby Bare
03VinceBobby Bare
04Make It Pretty For Me Baby (prev. unrel.)Bobby Bare
05VegasBobby Bare
06It Ain't Easy (prev. unrel.)Bobby Bare
07February SnowBobby Bare
08Sing For The SongBobby Bare
09From The Jungle To The Zoo (prev. unrel.)Bobby Bare
10Too Many Nights AloneBobby Bare
11Greasy Grit GravyBobby Bare
12They Held Me Down (prev. unrel.)Bobby Bare
13This Guitar Is For SaleBobby Bare
14There's An 18 Wheeler In Front Of The Ritz Hotel (prev. unrel.)Bobby Bare
15More Like The Movies (prev. unrel.)Bobby Bare
16Hattie Halle And Big DupreeBobby Bare
Bare, Bobby - Bobby Bare Sings Shel Silverstein plus (8-CD Deluxe Box Set) Box set 5
01Nobody Wants To Go Home (prev. unrel.)Bobby Bare
02Childhood HeroBobby Bare
03A Week On The Town (Gone As A Goose) (prev. unrel.)Bobby Bare
04Yard Full Of Rusty CarsBobby Bare
05When She Cries (prev. unrel.)Bobby Bare
06Cold Day In HellBobby Bare
07So Good To So BadBobby Bare
08The Diet Song (Version 1)Bobby Bare
09When Hippies Get OlderBobby Bare
10Jennifer Johnson And MeBobby Bare
11Me And Jimmie RodgersBobby Bare
12You Jumped Off The Gravy TrainBobby Bare
13TimeBobby Bare
14Drinkin' From The BottleBobby Bare
15Someplace To Come When It RainsBobby Bare
16Stacy Brown Got TwoBobby Bare
17The JoggerBobby Bare
18Three-Legged ManBobby Bare
19Rodeo QueenBobby Bare
20The Diet Song (Version 2) (prev. unrel.)Bobby Bare
Bare, Bobby - Bobby Bare Sings Shel Silverstein plus (8-CD Deluxe Box Set) Box set 6
01Great American Saturday NightBobby Bare
02Red-Neck Hippie RomanceBobby Bare
03Kids Today (prev. unrel.)Bobby Bare
04Dirty Ol' Me (prev. unrel.)Bobby Bare
05The Diet SongBobby Bare
06Paintin' Her FingernailsBobby Bare
07Goodnight Little HouseplantBobby Bare
08I Can't Sleep (prev. unrel.)Bobby Bare
09The Living LegendBobby Bare
10They Won't Let Us Show It At The BeachBobby Bare
11The Day All The Yes Men Said NoBobby Bare
12TimeBobby Bare
13Whiplash WillBobby Bare
14Me And Jimmie RodgersBobby Bare
15Someone To Talk ToBobby Bare
16Great American Saturday NightBobby Bare
Bare, Bobby - Bobby Bare Sings Shel Silverstein plus (8-CD Deluxe Box Set) Box set 7
01Good For Nothing Blues (Funky Water)Bobby Bare
02NumbersBobby Bare
03Some Days Are DiamondsBobby Bare
04Tequila SheilaBobby Bare
05Rock Star's LamentBobby Bare
06Crazy AgainBobby Bare
07Tecumseh ValleyBobby Bare
08Blind Willie HarperBobby Bare
09Rough On The LivingBobby Bare
10Down To My Last Come And Get MeBobby Bare
11Quaaludes AgainBobby Bare
12Goin' Back To TexasBobby Bare
13I Can't Watch The Movie AnymoreBobby Bare
Bare, Bobby - Bobby Bare Sings Shel Silverstein plus (8-CD Deluxe Box Set) Box set 8
01Drunk And CrazyBobby Bare
02Food BluesBobby Bare
03The World's Last Truck Drivin' ManBobby Bare
04I Can Almost See Houston From HereBobby Bare
05If That Ain't LoveBobby Bare
06Rock And Roll HotelBobby Bare
07This Much Rain (prev. unrel.)Bobby Bare
08Song Of The SouthBobby Bare
09Appaloosa RiderBobby Bare
10Bathroom Tissue Paper LetterBobby Bare
11Willie JonesBobby Bare
12Gotta Get Rid Of This BandBobby Bare
13Drinkin' And Druggin' And Watchin' TVBobby Bare
14Your Credit Card Won't Get You Into HeavenBobby Bare
15I've Never Gone To Bed With An Ugly WomanBobby Bare
16Desperados Waiting For A TrainBobby Bare
geb. 7. 4. 1935 in Ironton - Ohio Record Labels: Fraternity, Capitol, RCA, Mercury, United... mehr
"Bobby Bare"

geb. 7. 4. 1935 in Ironton - Ohio Record

Labels: Fraternity, Capitol, RCA, Mercury, United Artists, Columbia, Rice, Ember, Intercord, Bare Works

Erster Hit: Shame On Me (1962) Erster Top Ten Hit: Detroit City (1963)

Der ehemalige Farm- und Fabrikarbeiter Bobby Bare begann seine Karriere als Gitarrist in einer kleinen Country Band. Kurz bevor er zum Militärdienst eingezogen wurde, nahm er noch rasch den selbstgeschriebenen Titel ,All American Boy“ auf und verkaufte die Aufnahme mit allen Copyrights für 50 Dollar an die Firma Fraternity, welche die Platte auch veröffentlichte, doch nicht unter Bares Name, sondern unter dem Pseudonym Bill Parsons. Der Titel wurde ein Riesenhit und erreichte in der amerikanischen Pophitparade den zweiten Platz im Jahre 1959. Nach dem Militärdienst nahm Bobby Bare einen zweiten Anlauf, schrieb drei Songs für den Film ,Teenage Millionaire“ und hatte mit „Shame On Me“ 1962 seinen ersten Hit.

Bobby Bare gehörte damals, Mitte der 60er Jahre, zu jenen Musikern, die in den Nashville Sound einen „Folksy Touch“ mit dominierenden unverstärkten Gitarren einbrachten und damit dem damaligen Folk-Trend entgegenkamen. Weitere große Bare-Hits hießen ,Detroit City“, „500 Miles Away From Home“, „Miller`s Cave“ und ,Four Strong Winds“.

Nach Exkursionen zu kleineren Plattenfirmen stieß Bobby Bare Ende der 70er Jahre zu Columbia, wo er eine ganze Reihe fantastischer L.P.s einspielte und zahlreiche Hits verbuchen konnte. Dennoch, die ganz großen Erfolge stellten sich nicht mehr ein und so stieß Bobby Bare Mitte der 80er Jahre ein zweites Mal zu Capitol, wo man, ähnlich wie in den 50er Jahren, auch diesmal nicht so recht wusste, was man mit ihm anfangen sollte.

Es blieb bei ein paar Singles mit mittlerem Hitparadenerfolg. Ganz offensichtlich gelingt es Bobby Bare nicht mehr, an seine große Zeit, die 60er Jahre anzuknüpfen.

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Kundenbewertungen für "Bobby Bare Sings Shel Silverstein plus (8-CD Deluxe Box Set)"


Presents that will really sing Our picks for the season’s best box sets, books, and artist merchandise. “Bobby Bare Sings Shel Silverstein Plus” (Bear Family Records). An essential set for country fans. Bare predated Waylon and Willie as a Nashville trai

Presents that will really sing
Our picks for the season’s best box sets, books, and artist merchandise.
“Bobby Bare Sings Shel Silverstein Plus” (Bear Family Records). An essential set for country fans. Bare predated Waylon and Willie as a Nashville trailblazer who took creative control of his records. The music in these eight CDs documents his spectacular collaborations in the ’70s and ’80s with the songwriter, cartoonist, and author Shel Silverstein. Included are concept albums that cover the range from Singin’ in the Kitchen (with Bare’s wife and kids) to Down and Dirty and Drunk and Crazy.


A gorgeous, 128-page hardback book includes a new interview with Bare, a profile on Silverstein, photos, and lyrics and liner notes for every song. This lovingly crafted set is ideal if you’re seeking a deeper dive into Bare’s storied career or whether yo

A gorgeous, 128-page hardback book includes a new interview with Bare, a profile on Silverstein, photos, and lyrics and liner notes for every song. This lovingly crafted set is ideal if you’re seeking a deeper dive into Bare’s storied career or whether you only know Silverstein from his printed stories. (

– Jeff Elbel 9 of 10


Los Angeles Times LIFESTYLE The music gift guide to get you through 2021 Plenty of people had hits with Shel Silverstein’s songs, but he had no better interpreter than Bobby Bare, a gentle giant of 1970s progressive country. The pair grew close as both

Los Angeles Times LIFESTYLE
The music gift guide to get you through 2021

Plenty of people had hits with Shel Silverstein’s songs, but he had no better interpreter than Bobby Bare, a gentle giant of 1970s progressive country. The pair grew close as both friends and collaborators, resulting in Bare recording more than 100 Silverstein tunes between 1972 and 1983. All those recordings are in this eight-disc box, a set that highlights the duo’s knack for lullabies, legends and down-and-dirty country.


Bear Family’s box is a stunning tribute to their collaboration. Head down to the dive bar, crank up the jukebox, and raise a glass – or more likely, a bottle – to the great American Saturday nights of these two country renegades.

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Presse und Rezensionen
Bobby Bare Bobby Bare Sings Shel Silverstein plus - Original Autogramm von Bobby Bare!
Bobby Bare Bobby Bare Sings Shel Silverstein plus (8-CD Deluxe Box Set)
Presse Archive - Bobby Bare Bobby Bare Sings Shel Silverstein plus - amazon review!
Bobby Bare Bobby Bare Sings Shel Silverstein plus - amazon review! Bobby Bare Sings Shel Silverstein plus (8-CD Deluxe Box Set) So, I was thrilled when I saw that the German-based reissue label Bear Family Records – which always goes “first class” on reissuing deluxe boxsets of artists who deserve, but rarely get, attention, I knew I’d learn more about the two of them. Yes,, like most reading this review, I knew Bobby Bare from basically one other recording back in the 1960s from his hit single “Detroit City” (written by Nashville writers Danny Dill and Mel Tillis) but other than the “LLandL album”, I knew little. After spending (literally) hours with this EIGHT-CD (plus 128-page hardbound Lp-size book) box I feel I know both guys. Thanks to the capacity of a CD vs. vinyl, the original two discs fit on the first CD. Then we get the follow-up album “Hard Time Hungrys (another misspelled title!) where not all, but most, are penned by Silverstein. Tracks recorded though not on the original album are added. “Singin’ in the Kitchen” – with the whole Bare family joining in gets the same treatment. A brief break in the flow of issued releases fills the next two CDs, “Stray Bare Tracks” and “More Stray Bare Tracks” before we get to “The COMPLETE Great American Saturday Night” ,and finally two albums from the 80s: “Down and Dirty” and “Drunk & Crazy” which ends with “Desperados Waiting For A Train”, the Guy Clark song made famous by the late Jerry Jeff Walker. The book has an essay on Silverstein and a new interview with Bare plus the lyrics to all 137 songs in the set.
Presse Archive - Bobby Bare Bobby Bare Sings Shel Silverstein plus - Elmore magazine
Presse Archive - Bobby Bare Bobby Bare Sings Shel Silverstein plus - Elmore magazine No BS, when it comes to box sets, Bear Family Records seems to set the standard. Just consider the numbers on their latest LP-sized deluxe offering: 137 tracks on 8 CDs, 6 complete albums, 25 previously unreleased masters, one 128 page hardcover book, containing interviews, tributes, photos and more photos, no selfies, but beaucoup “shelfies” (portraits by Lawson Little), along with a down-to-the-last-detail discography of sessions that ran across two decades, all of it artistically packaged and remastered beautifully so it sounds like it was recorded yesterday. Like “sessions,” the often-repeated word in Bare’s first big 1959 hit “All American Boy,” playing on lots of sessions were always very important to Robert Joseph Bare Sr.. The music world first knew Bobby as “Bill Parsons” thanks to sloppy label copy on that Top 40 hit.There’s no sloppiness here with this outstanding Bear Family production of the now CMHOF legend’s prolific partial lives work. The bulk of it originates from one irrepressible songwriter, Shel Silverstein. Much of it is conceptual, a term that did not exist in the Music Row that cranked out standard issue LPs back then, with one or two hits and eight placeholders.
Presse Archive - Bobby Bare Bobby Bare Sings Shel Silverstein plus - LA Times
Presse Archive - Bobby Bare Bobby Bare Sings Shel Silverstein plus - LA Times Plenty of people had hits with Shel Silverstein’s songs, but he had no better interpreter than Bobby Bare, a gentle giant of 1970s progressive country. The pair grew close as both friends and collaborators, resulting in Bare recording more than 100 Silverstein tunes between 1972 and 1983. All those recordings are in this eight-disc box, a set that highlights the duo’s knack for lullabies, legends and down-and-dirty country.
Presse Archive - Bobby Bare Bobby Bare Sings Shel Silverstein plus -
Presse Archive - Bobby Bare Bobby Bare Sings Shel Silverstein plus - The 128-page hardcover book is worth the price of admission. It features an introduction by Peter Cooper, a new interview with Bobby Bare by Hank Davis, a biographical feature on Shel Silverstein by Dave Samuelson, Bear Family’s signature discography by Richard Weize and Samuelson, and most excitingly, complete lyrics for every track. While lyrics are meant to be sung and poetry is meant to be read, Silverstein was adept at both, and his words are often an enjoyable pure reading experience. The book is lavishly illustrated with photographs of both men as well as album artwork. The discs are housed in four digipaks, each holding two CDs. When placed in the box’s tray, they create one large image with their covers. An 8 x 10″ publicity-style photo of Bare and Silverstein has been placed within each box; early copies ordered directly through Bear Family found these autographed by Bare. Mixes of the unreleased material have been created by Vic Anesini and Mark Wilder at Battery Studios, and the subtle mastering is by Marcus Heumann. There are still other Bare-sings-Silverstein recordings to explore further, including the 1998 album Old Dogs on which Bobby teamed with Waylon Jennings, Mel Tillis, and Jerry Reed for another set of Shel’s songs. That Atlantic release is a coda to this collection worth seeking out, as is Twistable Turnable Man, a 2010 tribute to Silverstein produced by Bobby and his son Bobby Bare Jr. who by then had become an acclaimed artist in his own right. In Samuelson’s text on Silverstein, it’s revealed that Bobby Sr. spoke to Shel on what turned out to be his final night on earth. Their close, brotherly rapport is evident throughout these eight discs of enduring music. Bear Family’s box is a stunning tribute to their collaboration. Head down to the dive bar, crank up the jukebox, and raise a glass – or more likely, a bottle – to the great American Saturday nights of these two country renegades.
Presse Archive - Bobby Bare Bobby Bare Sings Shel Silverstein plus -
Presse Archive - Bobby Bare Bobby Bare Sings Shel Silverstein plus - Title - Bobby Bare Sings Shel Silverstein Plus [8CD Box] Artist - Bobby Bare For those not in the know, no artist recorded more Shel Silverstein songs than veteran country singer Bobby Bare. Indeed, his 1972 cover of Silverstein's bittersweet 'Sylvia's Mother' launched a professional relationship that led to an enduring friendship. Lullabys, Legends And Lies (1974) remains an exercise in pure imagination, establishing Bare as a major album artist and yielded 'Marie Laveau,' Bare's first chart-topping single. Furthermore, among Silverstein's wry sagas about winners, losers, and lonely all-night cafés, you'll discover charming children's songs and touching, affectionate love ballads. A complicated man, that Silverstein. If most people associate the late Shel Silverstein with his children's literature, others remember his cartoons and graphic travelogues for Playboy. By contrast, relatively few recognize this Chicago native as a prolific songwriter, penning such hits as Johnny Cash's 'A Boy Named Sue,' Dr. Hook and the Medicine Show's 'The Cover Of Rolling Stone,' Tompall Glaser's 'Another Log On The Fire,' and Loretta Lynn's 'One's On The Waycorn.' During the late '70s, Silverstein shifted his creative focus to playwriting and children's books, but he continued crafting clever songs specifically for Bare. By the mid-'80s, Bare had recorded more than 100 Silverstein originals. Out now, Bobby Bare Sings Shel Silverstein, Plus is the first comprehensive collection of this material, and is accompanied by a quite wondrous 128-page hardcover book. Complete with eight (8) CDs (with a total playing time of 476:39 minutes), which include 137 tracks, 25 of them previously unissued, six (6) albums appear complete, including integral songs by other writers. The long-unheard Great American Saturday Night includes three songs missing from a recent independent label release. The Box-Set contains an LP-sized, lavishly illustrated 128-page hardcover book that contains song lyrics and a discography. In a conversation with Hank Davis, Bare recalls his years working with Silverstein, and Dave Samuelson documents the songwriter's multiple creative pursuits. That all said, there is also to be found a disclaimer within the liner notes from author Dave Samuelson: “Newcomers to the Bare/Silverstein catalog should note several of these recordings contain language that may surprise if not shock more sensitive ears." "Always the iconoclast, Silverstein generally directed his ribald, often dark humor to a predominantly male audience. His world straddled both the Playboy philosophy and the bohemian Beat Generation of the 1950s."
Presse Archive - Bobby Bare Bobby Bare Sings Shel Silverstein plus - The Big Takeover
Presse Archive - Bobby Bare Bobby Bare Sings Shel Silverstein plus - The Big Takeover Bobby Bare – Bobby Bare Sings Shel Silverstein plus (Bear Family) Bobby Bare Shel Silverstein 10 November 2020 by Jon M. Young A celebrated children’s book author (“Where the Sidewalk Ends”), as well as a cartoonist and playwright, the multi-dimensional Shel Silverstein probably made his biggest mark as a songwriter, with such witty hits as the Johnny Cash smash “A Boy Named Sue” and Dr. Hook’s “The Cover of Rolling Stone” to his credit. The performer most associated with his tunes, however, was the smooth country crooner Bobby Bare, who helped craft the template for the polished countrypolitan sound in the ‘60s on such smashes as “Detroit City” and “Five Hundred Miles Away from Home.” Bare shifted gears in the early ‘70s, becoming a charter member of the outlaw movement that rejected conservative Nashville formulas and made superstars of Willie Nelson and Waylon Jennings. From 1972 to 1983, he recorded more than a hundred of Silverstein’s inventive compositions, in the process creating the classic albums Lullabys, Legends and Lies and Down & Dirty. Offering 137 tracks (most written or co-written by Silverstein) on eight CDs, including more than two dozen previously unreleased cuts, along with a large, 128-page hardcover book, this wonderful set is a feast of irreverent humor, bracing social commentary and tender vignettes. Among the six full or expanded albums featured in Bobby Bare Sings Shel Silverstein plus are Hard Time Hungrys, a chronicle of economic struggle, and the family-oriented Singin’ in the Kitchen, while two discs of “Stray Bare Tracks” collect singles-only releases or otherwise-overlooked Silverstein songs from other projects. On the basis of sheer bulk alone, this massive compilation could seem daunting, which is the opposite intent of the music. A supremely genial vocalist, Bare’s easygoing style brings a warm glow to gentle ballads and boozy barroom singalongs alike. Dig almost anywhere and a gem awaits! A few highlights: the toe-tapping tale of voodoo queen “Marie Laveau,” which topped the country charts in 1974; “Yard Full of Rusty Cars,” a sly, talking blues-style account of down-home hospitality; and the aching love song “When She Cries.” Much like a great short story collection, Bobby Bare Sings Shel Silverstein plus brings all manner of memorable characters to life, celebrating oddballs, losers and renegades. It’s a perfect match of brilliant composer and masterful interpreter.
Presse Archive - Bobby Bare Bobby Bare Sings Shel Silverstein plus -
Presse Archive - Bobby Bare Bobby Bare Sings Shel Silverstein plus - Founded in 1975, Bear Family Records of Germany has pretty much set the golden standard for box set reissues beginning with multi-LP sets in its early days and moving to compact disc with its advent as a medium in the 1980s. The latter, by virtue of being able to contain up to 80 minutes of music on a single disc, afforded Bear Family the opportunity to amass even larger and more comprehensive retrospectives on an artist or genre spanning 10-CD sets focusing on such cats as Lefty Frizell and Fats Domino or more recently a compilation chronicling the Bakersfield, California country music scene from the 1940s to ‘70s. Consider Bear Family the vault raiders who invade the tombs of record companies and grab as much as they can on an artist and turn it into a lavish box set oft-times replete with hard-cover coffee table type book containing everything you need to know about the artist and recordings contained within. The country music singer/songwriter Bobby Bare has certainly qualified for legend status thanks to early smashes like “500 Miles from Home,” “Miller’s Cave,” “Four Strong Winds,” “Streets of Baltimore,” and “Detroit City,” as well as later hits “Marie Laveau” and “Daddy, What If.” A member of the Country Music Hall of Fame and a master of the country ballad, that last mentioned hit leads us into this week’s Ear Bliss focus which is the newest box set from Bear Family Records chronicling Bare’s work with the writer Shel Silverstein. Silverstein’s name is one mostly synonymous with children’s literature thanks to books like “Where The Sidewalk Ends” and “Light in the Attic.” So how does a Bobby Bare and Shel Silverstein connect? Whereas they had met prior thanks to Bare covering the hit song “Sylvia’s Mother” by Dr. Hook & His Medicine Show which just so happened to be written by Silverstein, it wasn’t until meeting again at a music industry party that would get the collaborative ball rolling. It was also lead to a friendship that would last until 1999 when Silverstein succumbed to cancer. Over the course of that friendship, Bare by his own recollection would record over 100 Silverstein compositions, many of which made it to records beginning with the hit Bare album from 1973 entirely written by Silverstein called Lullabys, Legends and Lies. It leads off the new released 8-CD LP-sized box set titled Bobby Bare Sings Shel Silverstein Plus from Bear Family. It features some 137 songs representing six full albums including 25 previously unreleased tracks. It gets the Ear Bliss look-see this week. Let’s get to it.
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Bare, Bobby - Bobby Bare Sings Shel Silverstein plus (8-CD Deluxe Box Set) Box set 1
01 Lullabys, Legends And Lies
02 Paul
03 Marie Laveau
04 Daddy What If
05 The Wonderful Soup Stone
06 The Winner
07 In The Hills Of Shiloh
08 She's My Ever Lovin' Machine
09 The Mermaid
10 Rest Awhile
11 Bottomless Well
12 True Story
13 Sure Hit Songwriters Pen
14 Rosalie's Good Eats Cafe
Bare, Bobby - Bobby Bare Sings Shel Silverstein plus (8-CD Deluxe Box Set) Box set 2
01 Hard Time Hungrys
02 (Taxes On) The Farmer Feeds Us All
03 Alimony
04 Two For A Dollar
05 Back Home In Huntsville Again
06 Daddy's Been Around The House Too Long
07 Warm And Free
08 Able-Bodied Man
09 $100,000 In Pennies
10 Bottles And Boxes
11 Truck Driver, Truck Driver
12 The Unemployment Line
13 Too Much Blues (prev. unrel.)
14 Things To Sell (prev. unrel.)
15 Door To Door (prev. unrel.)
16 Poor Blues (prev. unrel.)
17 It's Good To Know The Sun's Still Shinin' Somewhere (prev. unrel.)
18 Lead Me Back Home (prev. unrel.)
Bare, Bobby - Bobby Bare Sings Shel Silverstein plus (8-CD Deluxe Box Set) Box set 3
01 Singin' In The Kitchen
02 The Monkey And The Elephant
03 Lovin' You Anyway
04 Where'd I Come From
05 Ricky Ticky Song
06 The Giving Tree
07 You Are
08 The Unicorn
09 Cloudy Sky
10 She Thinks I Can
11 Scarlet Ribbons
12 See That Bluebird
13 Sylvia's Mother •
14 You Know Who
15 Staying Here With Me (prev. unrel.)
16 The Wheel (prev. unrel.)
17 Love And Flowers (prev. unrel.)
18 The Stranger
19 Chester
20 Bald Headed Woman •
21 Baby Wants To Boogie
22 Brian Hennessey
23 Climbin' The Ladder And Climbin' The Walls
24 Yes, Mr Rodgers
Bare, Bobby - Bobby Bare Sings Shel Silverstein plus (8-CD Deluxe Box Set) Box set 4
01 Sweet Larraine (prev. unrel.)
02 Lemme Be Something (prev. unrel.)
03 Vince
04 Make It Pretty For Me Baby (prev. unrel.)
05 Vegas
06 It Ain't Easy (prev. unrel.)
07 February Snow
08 Sing For The Song
09 From The Jungle To The Zoo (prev. unrel.)
10 Too Many Nights Alone
11 Greasy Grit Gravy
12 They Held Me Down (prev. unrel.)
13 This Guitar Is For Sale
14 There's An 18 Wheeler In Front Of The Ritz Hotel (prev. unrel.)
15 More Like The Movies (prev. unrel.)
16 Hattie Halle And Big Dupree
Bare, Bobby - Bobby Bare Sings Shel Silverstein plus (8-CD Deluxe Box Set) Box set 5
01 Nobody Wants To Go Home (prev. unrel.)
02 Childhood Hero
03 A Week On The Town (Gone As A Goose) (prev. unrel.)
04 Yard Full Of Rusty Cars
05 When She Cries (prev. unrel.)
06 Cold Day In Hell
07 So Good To So Bad
08 The Diet Song (Version 1)
09 When Hippies Get Older
10 Jennifer Johnson And Me
11 Me And Jimmie Rodgers
12 You Jumped Off The Gravy Train
13 Time
14 Drinkin' From The Bottle
15 Someplace To Come When It Rains
16 Stacy Brown Got Two
17 The Jogger
18 Three-Legged Man
19 Rodeo Queen
20 The Diet Song (Version 2) (prev. unrel.)
Bare, Bobby - Bobby Bare Sings Shel Silverstein plus (8-CD Deluxe Box Set) Box set 6
01 Great American Saturday Night
02 Red-Neck Hippie Romance
03 Kids Today (prev. unrel.)
04 Dirty Ol' Me (prev. unrel.)
05 The Diet Song
06 Paintin' Her Fingernails
07 Goodnight Little Houseplant
08 I Can't Sleep (prev. unrel.)
09 The Living Legend
10 They Won't Let Us Show It At The Beach
11 The Day All The Yes Men Said No
12 Time
13 Whiplash Will
14 Me And Jimmie Rodgers
15 Someone To Talk To
16 Great American Saturday Night
Bare, Bobby - Bobby Bare Sings Shel Silverstein plus (8-CD Deluxe Box Set) Box set 7
01 Good For Nothing Blues (Funky Water)
02 Numbers
03 Some Days Are Diamonds
04 Tequila Sheila
05 Rock Star's Lament
06 Crazy Again
07 Tecumseh Valley
08 Blind Willie Harper
09 Rough On The Living
10 Down To My Last Come And Get Me
11 Quaaludes Again
12 Goin' Back To Texas
13 I Can't Watch The Movie Anymore
Bare, Bobby - Bobby Bare Sings Shel Silverstein plus (8-CD Deluxe Box Set) Box set 8
01 Drunk And Crazy
02 Food Blues
03 The World's Last Truck Drivin' Man
04 I Can Almost See Houston From Here
05 If That Ain't Love
06 Rock And Roll Hotel
07 This Much Rain (prev. unrel.)
08 Song Of The South
09 Appaloosa Rider
10 Bathroom Tissue Paper Letter
11 Willie Jones
12 Gotta Get Rid Of This Band
13 Drinkin' And Druggin' And Watchin' TV
14 Your Credit Card Won't Get You Into Heaven
15 I've Never Gone To Bed With An Ugly Woman
16 Desperados Waiting For A Train