Presse - Sandy & The Wild Wombats Devoted To Rock 'n' Roll - Vive Le Rock

Bear Family Records of Germany have long since held the crown for the kings of quality reissues. Their back catalogue of boxsets lavished on artists who are hardly household names has borne testament that they are a rare entity of a label, in it for the music and not just the money. This release is a fairly new foray for s the label, releasing a current band's material. That given, you'd expect it to be quality, and this is. Sandy hails from Saxony and has powerful smoke and whiskey vocals, backed by an internationally talented band. Don't be put off by the moniker; this is tough neo-rockabilly featuring exemplary guitar work from the aptly named Mark Twang. It's not often a y drummer gets a special mention but Matty Stroke is a clattering power-house. Rocking good stuff. Simon Nott


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Passende Artikel
Devoted To Rock 'n' Roll (CD)
Sandy & The Wild Wombats: Devoted To Rock 'n' Roll (CD) Art-Nr.: BCD17557

Sofort versandfertig, Lieferzeit** 1-3 Werktage

12,79 € 15,95 €