Wer war/ist Ruthie Collins ? - CDs, Vinyl LPs, DVD und mehr
Ruthie Collins
US Country Artist from Fredonia, New York
Ruthie Collins is the kind of lady who wears her finest floral dress to her favorite dive bar. She’s not afraid to drink wine from a box or top shelf whiskey from a mason jar. She’s a classic Southern songstress with a vintage airstream embracing the modern world.
Raised on a farm in Fredonia, NY, Collins fell in love with country music at a young age. Her mother, a church organist, celebrated her natural affinity and introduced her to a variety of instruments, starting with piano and the violin. As a promising vocalist and multi-instrumentalist looking for a bigger pond, she left home to attend Berklee College of Music in Boston.
Post-graduation, Collins accepted a position as musical director for a church in San Antonio. It was a comfortable, pleasant path, but she couldn’t ignore the call from within to pursue a career as a singer songwriter in Nashville. With a few vintage suitcases and a hand-me-down Martin to her name, she moved to Music City to pay her dues. Years of writing by day and waitressing by night paid off when she was signed to Curb Records.
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Weitere Informationen zu Ruthie Collins auf de.Wikipedia.org
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Sofort versandfertig, Lieferzeit** 1-3 Werktage