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Bob Dylan Bringing It All Back Home (180g Edition)

Bringing It All Back Home (180g Edition)
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  • SLP5070
  • 0.2
Exact repro on 180 gram vinyl, with original art and liner notes Rare original mono mix,... mehr

Bob Dylan: Bringing It All Back Home (180g Edition)

Exact repro on 180 gram vinyl, with original art and liner notes Rare original mono mix, available for the first time in more than 30 years All-analog mastering from the original master tapes

Say the phrase 'Dylan went electric' to a rock music fan practically anywhere on the globe and they will instantly think of his infamous Newport Folk Festival appearance on July 20, 1965. It has become one of the most oft-told tales in modern musical mythology, with any number of versions depending on the teller. Did the crowd boo Dylan because he dared to plug in or were they merely upset at the short length of the three-song set' Did Pete Seeger really grab an axe and try to cut the electrical umbilical cord' Did the crowd even boo at all' While we're not likely to get a consensus on these issues, everyone agrees that Dylan signaled a bold new direction that day. Some hated it, many loved it but it forever changed Dylan's approach to presenting his songs and, because of his unprecedented influence, the course of popular music in general.

However, Dylan had already gone electric earlier that year. Returning to Columbia Studios on January 13. 1965 for a three-day recording session, he began work on his fifth album, Bringing It All Back Home. While half of the album would be recorded in his traditional acoustic style, one half would feature the backing of a full rock band. Producer Tom Wilson assembled a sympathetic group of session musicians, including John P. Hammond and Kenny Rankin on guitar, John Sebastian and John Lee on bass and Bobby Gregg on drums. This new, switched-on method was immediately apparent on the album's opening track, 'Subterranean Homesick Blues.' A tough, sinewy number, the band drives forward as Bob spits out phrases faster than the listener can interpret them. Hailed as both pre-punk and proto-rap, it reached #39 on the Billboard singles chart, giving Dylan his first Top Forty hit. It was later immortalized in an innovative scene in Don't Look Back, D.A. Pennebaker's documentary on Dylan.

The tension eases on the next track, 'She Belongs to Me,' which is practically a blueprint for the Velvet Underground's quieter moments. The churning blues rocker 'Maggie's Farm' ups the ante again, with legions of Dylan watchers struggling to interpret its true meaning. Was it another rejection of the hidebound traditional folk crowd' Was it a comment on racism, or perhaps an anti-war song' The answers proved elusive yet seductively compelling. The rollercoaster of emotions continued through the album's electrified Side One, with Dylan sounding extremely comfortable as a rock front man.

The mostly solo acoustic Side Two is no less powerful, though. It opens with one of Dylan's best-known songs, 'Mr. Tambourine Man.' This is not the truncated, 4/4 version that the Byrds flew up the pop charts. In its creator's hands, it is an in-depth character study, revealed through a series of cryptic couplets. At 7:29, 'It's Alright Ma (I'm Only Bleeding)' is the side's epic, a song that Dylan lists among his favorites and one he returns to often in concert. Side Two closes with 'It's All Over Now, Baby Blue,' another song left open to intriguing interpretation. Whatever the true identity of 'Baby Blue,' it became a favorite cover song with versions by the Byrds, the Animals, Joan Baez, the Chocolate Watch Band, the Thirteenth Floor Elevators, the Grateful Dead and many more.

Bringing it All Back Home was also significant in that it was the first Dylan album to feature a structured cover portrait rather than a simple artist picture. Shot by photographer Daniel Kramer, it showed Dylan with Sally Grossman, wife of his manager Albert Grossman, lounging in the background, both of them surrounded by a variety of objects. In what would become a common practice, each item in the photograph was scrutinized for its possible meaning: a fallout shelter sign, a copy of Newsweek, cufflinks given to him by Baez, a cat. to the dedicated Dylan fan, it was all significant. Whether they were 'clues' or just random props matters little in comparison to the groundbreaking album inside the jacket. Dylan was now letting his boot heels wander to beat of his own tambourine and nothing could stop him now.

Sundazed is proud to present this seminal album in its rare mono form. It has been sourced directly from the original Columbia analog mono masters to provide a superior listening experience.

Artikeleigenschaften von Bob Dylan: Bringing It All Back Home (180g Edition)

  • Interpret: Bob Dylan

  • Albumtitel: Bringing It All Back Home (180g Edition)

  • Genre Rock'n'Roll

  • Label SUNDAZED

  • Preiscode VLP2
  • Geschwindigkeit 33 U/min
  • Plattengröße LP (12 Inch)
  • Record Grading Mint (M)
  • Sleeve Grading Mint (M)
  • Vinyl weight 180g Vinyl
  • Artikelart LP

  • EAN: 0090771507013

  • Gewicht in Kg: 0.2
Dylan, Bob - Bringing It All Back Home (180g Edition) LP 1
01 Subterranean Homesick Blues Bob Dylan
02 She Belongs To Me Bob Dylan
03 Maggie's Farm Bob Dylan
04 Love Minus Zero/No Limit Bob Dylan
05 Outlaw Blues Bob Dylan
06 On The Road Again Bob Dylan
07 Bob Dylan's 115th Dream Bob Dylan
08 Mr. Tambourine Man Bob Dylan
09 Gates Of Eden Bob Dylan
10 It's Alright Ma (I'm Only Bleeding) Bob Dylan
11 It's All Over Now, Baby Blue Bob Dylan
Bob Dylan Bob Dylan - The Answer My Friend Is Blowin' In The Wind  ... mehr
"Bob Dylan"

Bob Dylan

Bob Dylan - The Answer My Friend Is Blowin' In The Wind


Literaturnobelpreis 2016 geht an Bob Dylan!

Der Sänger und Songwriter wird für seine poetischen Neuschaffungen in der großen amerikanischen Tradition des Songschreibens geehrt.


Bob Dylan - bürgerlich Robert Zimmermann - wurde als Sohn eines jüdischen Kaufmanns geboren und wuchs in der Kleinstadt Hibbing auf. Nach einem abgebrochenen Studium an der Universität von Minnesota tauchte er im Herbst 1960 im New Yorker Künstlerviertel Greenwich Village auf. 

Bob Dylan hatte kein Geld und suchte in Cafés und Nachtklubs Jobs, um seine Lieder vorzusingen. ln dieser Zeit soll es ihm auch gelungen sein, zu dem todkranken Folksong-Idol Woody Guthrie ins Krankenhaus vorzudringen. Dylan schrieb Hit-Titel, die die Gemütsverfassung der Jugend in aller Welt widerspiegelte - Signale, die die Jugend auch sofort aufnahm und begriff: „The Times They Are Changing', „Blowin ln The Wind', „Too Many Mornings' und Zahllose andere. Es entstanden Lieder wie „Mr. Tambourine Man', „Like A Rolling Stone', „Rainy Day Women' und „Blonde On Blonde', das erste Doppelalbum der Rock-Ära.

lm Sommer 1966 zog sich Bob Dylan nach einem schweren Motorradunfall in die totale Emigration zurück. Er ließ die Gerüchte, er sei taub, schwachsinnig oder gar tot unwidersprochen. Seine einzigen Lebenszeichen in jeder Zeit blieben die Platten - so die Country-LP „John Wesley Harding', die einen ausgereiften Rock-Moralisten erkennen ließ, der als Vorbild wieder einmal die Szene veränderte. 1974 machte Dylan die Sensation perfekt. Bob Dylan trat aus dem Schatten hervor ins Rampenlicht und gab nach 8 Jahren Pause während einer 6-Wochen-Tournee erstmals wieder Konzerte.

Original Presse-Info: WEA Music GmbH

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Dylan, Bob - Bringing It All Back Home (180g Edition) LP 1
01 Subterranean Homesick Blues
02 She Belongs To Me
03 Maggie's Farm
04 Love Minus Zero/No Limit
05 Outlaw Blues
06 On The Road Again
07 Bob Dylan's 115th Dream
08 Mr. Tambourine Man
09 Gates Of Eden
10 It's Alright Ma (I'm Only Bleeding)
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