Wer war/ist The Fleetwoods ? - CDs, Vinyl LPs, DVD und mehr

The Fleetwoods

The Fleetwoods, formed in 1958 at Olympia High School, Washington, with Gary Troxel (born Nov. 28, 1939), Bar-bara Ellis (Feb. 20, 1940) and Gretchen Christopher (Feb. 29, 1940), first called themselves Two Girls and a Guy, be-fore changing their name to the Fleetwoods. Their first record, the self-penned `Come Softly To Me' was a smash No. 1 in the spring of 1959 on Liberty/Dolton, as was their second, and best, the De Wayne Blackwell composition, `Mr. Blue'.

However, their gentle, close harmony sound soon fell out of favour and they had their last Top Ten hit with a revival of Thomas Wayne's 'Tragedy' in 1961.

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Weitere Informationen zu The Fleetwoods auf de.Wikipedia.org

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Chronicles - Thru The Years (2-CD)
The Fleetwoods: Chronicles - Thru The Years (2-CD) Art-Nr.: CDBST8001

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(LIBERTATE) 65 Songs 1959-65 Stereo-Master feat. Hits, Flips & seltene Album-Schnitte plus 20 Seiten farbiges Booklet
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Come Softly To Me 1959-61 (2-CD)
FLEETWOODS: Come Softly To Me 1959-61 (2-CD) Art-Nr.: CDJAS722

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CD auf JASMINE RECORDS von FLEETWOODS - Come Softly To Me 1959-61 (2-CD)
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