Wer war/ist Timo Gross ? - CDs, Vinyl LPs, DVD und mehr
Timo Gross
Long since the producer, guitarist and singer has earned himself the reputation to keep up with the international blues greats. Not for nothing, five of his releases have been nominated for the “Preis der deutschen Schallplattenkritik“, until he received the prize 2012 for his album “Fallen from Grace“. As “one of the best songwriters between Blues and Rock“ (Wasser Prawda), he says, “a good song is always about pain, desire, enjoyment and lust“. “It ́s always a reflection of life, transforming it to a another level that is bigger and higher than we are.“ But naturally it ́s also about energy and expression.
As no-one else, Timo Gross understands how to reinvent himself, without losing sight of him- self. Over the years, he has matured as comprehensive artist and craftsman. He plays with influences from rock through funk to soul, combining his emotional singing with his thrilling guitar-playing. With his love for sonic details, and the musical humour of an experienced and curious professional, Timo Gross willingly surprises his audience and turns his concerts into an adventure with addictive fun.
The “Grand monsieur du Blues“ (DNA, France) plays it laid-back, always on the point and on a consistently high energetic level.
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