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Bill Haley & His Comets The Warner Brothers Years And More (6-CD Deluxe Box Set)

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109,95 € *

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  • BCD16157
  • 1.3
6-CD Box (LP-Format) mit 40-seitigem Buch, 158 Einzeltitel. Spieldauer 415:22 Minuten. BCD...mehr

Bill Haley & His Comets: The Warner Brothers Years And More (6-CD Deluxe Box Set)

6-CD Box (LP-Format) mit 40-seitigem Buch, 158 Einzeltitel. Spieldauer 415:22 Minuten.


Wer dies liest, vor allem, wenn er bereits das vorherige Bear Family Boxset ('The Decca Years and More' BCD 15506) besitzt, wird zweifellos wissen, dass Bill Haley mit seiner Band The Comets in den 50er Jahren eines der erfolgreichsten Show-Business-Phänomene aller Zeiten war. 

Der anerkannte 'Vater des Rock'n' Roll', hatte eine Reihe von spektakulären Hits aufgenommen, Millionen und Abermillionen von Dollar verdient, war in den meisten Ländern der Welt auf der Bühne, auf der Leinwand und auf der Platte aufgetreten und war einst der am höchsten bezahlte Entertainer der Welt gewesen.

Der Standard-Textbucheintrag für "Haley, Bill (Bandleader und Sänger)" entlässt dann in der Regel den Rest seiner Karriere mit einer Aussage, dass sein Sturz aus der Gnade so kometenhaft ist wie sein Aufstieg, mit vielleicht einem vorübergehenden Hinweis auf seine anhaltende Popularität in Europa und seine Rolle im Rock'n' Roll-Revival ab 1968. 

Was nicht allgemein bekannt ist, ist, dass er in den 1960er Jahren weiter an einem zermürbenden Zeitplan arbeitete, dass er weiterhin Platten aufgenommen hat, dass er seinen musikalischen Horizont erweiterte und dass die Geschichte seines Lebens nicht weniger bemerkenswert war als sein frühes Leben, das in der ausgezeichneten Biographie'Sound and Glory' von John W. Haley und John Von Hoelle (Dyne-American Publications, 1990) so anschaulich beschrieben wurde.

Dieses Box-Set enthält fast alle Aufnahmen, die Bill Haley in den 1960er Jahren in den USA gemacht hat. Zwischen 1961 und 1966 nahm er auch für Orfeon Records in Mexiko und ab 1968, vor allem in Europa, für die schwedische Firma Sonet Records auf, aber diese Aufnahmen gehen über den Rahmen dieser Box hinaus. Wir waren in der Lage, alle ausgegebenen Tracks, eine Reihe von nicht ausgegebenen Tracks und einige alternative Versionen von ausgegebenen Tracks zusammenzustellen. 

Bei Bill Haley ist ein Take eines Songs jedoch eher wie jeder andere, und obwohl es zum Beispiel mehrere Takes der Warner Brothers-Aufnahmen gibt, sind nur wenige so unterschiedlich, dass sie eine Veröffentlichung rechtfertigen. Leider sind uns einige Aufnahmen entgangen. Es wird vermutet, dass zum Beispiel 1962 im Round Table Club viele weitere Lieder aufgenommen wurden, aber es gibt keine Spur von den Meistern. Ebenso muss es mehr vom Filzforum-Konzert 1969 geben, aber wir konnten sie nicht aufspüren.


Als das neue Jahr 1960 über dem frostigen Rasen vor dem komfortablen Haus, das er 1955 für seine Familie gebaut hatte (Melody Manor, an der Faulk Road in Boothwyn, Pennsylvania), anbrach, schlief Bill Haley wohl im Bett und dachte darüber nach, was in den nächsten zehn Jahren geschehen würde. Er hatte die übliche Weihnachtsfeier im Melody Manor für seine Mitarbeiter, seine Musiker und deren Familien. Kein Zweifel, es war ein wenig weniger fröhlich als die von 1955 und 1956, als er ganz oben auf der Welt war und die Kosten keine Rolle spielten. 

Es gab jedoch Grund zur Hoffnung. Er hatte einen neuen Plattenvertrag. Gegen Ende 1959 hatte er mit Warner Brothers eine Garantie von 150.000 Dollar über 5 Jahre, eine 5%ige Lizenzgebühr und einen Vorschuss von 50.000 Dollar in seiner Tasche unterzeichnet. Er hatte noch seine Band, mit den meisten der Musiker, die mit ihm durch die glorreichen Jahre gearbeitet hatten. Seine Frau, Cuppy, war in den letzten Phasen der Schwangerschaft, und Bills vierter Sohn, Scott, sollte später im Monat geboren werden. Um dem entgegenzuwirken, gab es jedoch dunkle Wolken....

Artikeleigenschaften vonBill Haley & His Comets: The Warner Brothers Years And More (6-CD Deluxe Box Set)

  • Interpret: Bill Haley & His Comets

  • Albumtitel: The Warner Brothers Years And More (6-CD Deluxe Box Set)

  • Genre Rock'n'Roll

  • Label Bear Family Records

  • Edition 2 Deluxe Edition
  • Preiscode FI
  • Artikelart Box set

  • EAN: 4000127161574

  • Gewicht in Kg: 1.3
Haley, Bill & His Comets - The Warner Brothers Years And More (6-CD Deluxe Box Set) Box set 1
01Happy HomerBill Haley & His Comets
02Candy KissesBill Haley & His Comets
03Tamiami (instr.)Bill Haley & His Comets
04I Almost Lost My MindBill Haley & His Comets
05Love Letters In The SandBill Haley & His Comets
06Blueberry HillBill Haley & His Comets
07Kansas CityBill Haley & His Comets
08Whole Lotta Shakin' Goin' OnBill Haley & His Comets
09Rock Around The ClockBill Haley & His Comets
10Stagger LeeBill Haley & His Comets
11Blue Suede ShoesBill Haley & His Comets
12Hot To Trot (instr.)Bill Haley & His Comets
13I'm In Love AgainBill Haley & His Comets
14My Special AngelBill Haley & His Comets
15Crazy Man, CrazyBill Haley & His Comets
16Shake, Rattle And RollBill Haley & His Comets
17Bouquet Of RosesBill Haley & His Comets
18This Is The Thanks I Get (For Loving You)Bill Haley & His Comets
19I Don't Hurt AnymoreBill Haley & His Comets
20AnytimeBill Haley & His Comets
21Singing The BluesBill Haley & His Comets
22Cold, Cold HeartBill Haley & His Comets
23DetourBill Haley & His Comets
24AfraidBill Haley & His Comets
25One Has My Name, The Other Has My HeartBill Haley & His Comets
26No Letter TodayBill Haley & His Comets
27The Wild Side Of LifeBill Haley & His Comets
28There's A New Moon Over My ShoulderBill Haley & His Comets
Haley, Bill & His Comets - The Warner Brothers Years And More (6-CD Deluxe Box Set) Box set 2
01HawkBill Haley & His Comets
02Chick SafariBill Haley & His Comets
03So Right TonightBill Haley & His Comets
04Let The Good Times Roll, CreoleBill Haley & His Comets
05Jack In The BoxBill Haley & His Comets
06Pistol Packin' MamaBill Haley & His Comets
07Honky Tonk (instr.)Bill Haley & His Comets
08Flip, Flop And FlyBill Haley & His Comets
09Spanish TwistBill Haley & His Comets
10My Kind Of WomanBill Haley & His Comets
11Riviera (instr.)Bill Haley & His Comets
12War Paint (instr.)Bill Haley & His Comets
13See You Later, AlligatorBill Haley & His Comets
14A.B.C. BoogieBill Haley & His Comets
15Panic (instr.)Bill Haley & His Comets
16I've Got News For Hugh (instr.)Bill Haley & His Comets
17Don't Mess AroundBill Haley & His Comets
18The WobbleBill Haley & His Comets
19This Is Goodbye, GoodbyeBill Haley & His Comets
20Train Of SinBill Haley & His Comets
21Altar Of LoveBill Haley & His Comets
22Helena (instr.)Bill Haley & His Comets
23Yakety SaxBill Haley & His Comets
24Mish-Mash (CARRIE GRANT)Bill Haley & His Comets
25Let The Girls Sing (CARRIE GRANT)Bill Haley & His Comets
Haley, Bill & His Comets - The Warner Brothers Years And More (6-CD Deluxe Box Set) Box set 3
01Stop, Look And ListenBill Haley & His Comets
02Burn That CandleBill Haley & His Comets
03Dim, Dim The LightsBill Haley & His Comets
04There's A New Moon Over My ShoulderBill Haley & His Comets
05Pepito (instr.)Bill Haley & His Comets
06Haley A Go Go (instr.)Bill Haley & His Comets
07Tongue-Tied TonyBill Haley & His Comets
08Jealous HeartBill Haley & His Comets
09Rock On BabyBill Haley & His Comets
10That's How I Got To MemphisBill Haley & His Comets
11Ain't Love Funny...Ha, Ha, HaBill Haley & His Comets
12Jingle Bell RockBill Haley & His Comets
13Rockin' Around The Christmas TreeBill Haley & His Comets
14Flip, Flop And FlyBill Haley & His Comets
15What Can I Say After I Say I'm SorryBill Haley & His Comets
16Tenor ManBill Haley & His Comets
17TandyBill Haley & His Comets
18Caroline's Pony (instr.)Bill Haley & His Comets
19Dance Around The ClockBill Haley & His Comets
20Up Goes My LoveBill Haley & His Comets
21White Parakeet/Travelin' West (instr.)Bill Haley & His Comets
22Midnight In Washington (instr.)Bill Haley & His Comets
23You Call Everybody DarlingBill Haley & His Comets
24One Phone Call (instr.)Bill Haley & His Comets
25You're Too Much (instr.)Bill Haley & His Comets
26Little Meanie Jeannie (instr.)Bill Haley & His Comets
27CottonfieldsBill Haley & His Comets
28Tally Ho Rock (instr.)Bill Haley & His Comets
29Double Mint Rock And Twist (instr.)Bill Haley & His Comets
Haley, Bill & His Comets - The Warner Brothers Years And More (6-CD Deluxe Box Set) Box set 4
01Shake, Rattle And RollBill Haley & His Comets
02Dance Around The ClockBill Haley & His Comets
03Rip It UpBill Haley & His Comets
04Night Train (instr.)Bill Haley & His Comets
05Guitar Boogie (instr.)Bill Haley & His Comets
06Razzle DazzleBill Haley & His Comets
07You Are My SunshineBill Haley & His Comets
08Rock A Beatin' BoogieBill Haley & His Comets
09Skinny MinnieBill Haley & His Comets
10Johnny B. GoodeBill Haley & His Comets
11Kansas CityBill Haley & His Comets
12Rock Around The ClockBill Haley & His Comets
13When The Saints Go Marching InBill Haley & His Comets
14Rudy's Rock (instr.)Bill Haley & His Comets
15Rock The JointBill Haley & His Comets
16Fingers On Fire (instr.)Bill Haley & His Comets
17See You Later AlligatorBill Haley & His Comets
18Wipe Out (instr.)Bill Haley & His Comets
19There Goes My EverythingBill Haley & His Comets
20Alabama BoundBill Haley & His Comets
21Whole Lotta Shakin' Goin' OnBill Haley & His Comets
22Rock Around The ClockBill Haley & His Comets
Haley, Bill & His Comets - The Warner Brothers Years And More (6-CD Deluxe Box Set) Box set 5
01Shake, Rattle And RollBill Haley & His Comets
02Honky Tonk (instr.)Bill Haley & His Comets
03Dance Around The ClockBill Haley & His Comets
04Hey MommaBill Haley & His Comets
05Almost PersuadedBill Haley & His Comets
06Yakety Sax (instr.)Bill Haley & His Comets
07FramedBill Haley & His Comets
08Next TimeBill Haley & His Comets
09Crazy Man CrazyBill Haley & His Comets
10See You Later AlligatorBill Haley & His Comets
11Lullaby Of Birdland (instr.)Bill Haley & His Comets
12Twist MarieBill Haley & His Comets
13One-Two-Three TwistBill Haley & His Comets
14Down By The Riverside TwistBill Haley & His Comets
15Queen Of The TwistersBill Haley & His Comets
16Caravan Twist (instr.)Bill Haley & His Comets
17I Want A Little GirlBill Haley & His Comets
18Whistlin' And Walkin' Twist (instr.)Bill Haley & His Comets
19Florida Twist (instr.)Bill Haley & His Comets
20Eight More Miles To LouisvilleBill Haley & His Comets
21Rip It UpBill Haley & His Comets
Haley, Bill & His Comets - The Warner Brothers Years And More (6-CD Deluxe Box Set) Box set 6
01Happy Homer (take 1)Bill Haley & His Comets
02Love Letters In The Sand (take 1)Bill Haley & His Comets
03Hot To Trot (take 9)Bill Haley & His Comets
04Hot To Trot (overdub take 1)Bill Haley & His Comets
05Hot To Trot (overdub take 5)Bill Haley & His Comets
06Anytime (take 1)Bill Haley & His Comets
07Singing The Blues (take 1)Bill Haley & His Comets
08Detour (take 2)Bill Haley & His Comets
09One Has My Name, The Other Has My... (take 1)Bill Haley & His Comets
10No Letter Today (take 1)Bill Haley & His Comets
11Hawk (take 2)Bill Haley & His Comets
12Chick Safari (take 1)Bill Haley & His Comets
13Chick Safari (take 4/false start)Bill Haley & His Comets
14Chick Safari (take 6/false start)Bill Haley & His Comets
15Chick Safari (take 7/false start)Bill Haley & His Comets
16Chick Safari (take 9)Bill Haley & His Comets
17So Right Tonight (take 2)Bill Haley & His Comets
18So Right Tonight (take 5)Bill Haley & His Comets
19Let The Good Times Roll, Creole (take 1)Bill Haley & His Comets
20Tenor Man (take 1)Bill Haley & His Comets
21Tenor Man (take 3)Bill Haley & His Comets
22Tenor Man (take 5)Bill Haley & His Comets
23Tenor Man (take 6)Bill Haley & His Comets
24Dance Around The ClockBill Haley & His Comets
25Midnight In Washington (instr.) (alt.)Bill Haley & His Comets
26Midnight In Washington (instr.) (alt.2)Bill Haley & His Comets
27Tandy (take 2)Bill Haley & His Comets
28You're Too Much (take 2)Bill Haley & His Comets
29One Phone CallBill Haley & His Comets
30Way Down In The Bottom Of My HeartBill Haley & His Comets
31Trouble In MindBill Haley & His Comets
32Caldonia (1)Bill Haley & His Comets
33Caldonia (2)Bill Haley & His Comets
  Bill Haley Geboren am 6.7.1925 in Highland Park, US-Staat Michigan, gestorben am... mehr
"Bill Haley & His Comets"


Bill Haley

Geboren am 6.7.1925 in Highland Park, US-Staat Michigan, gestorben am 9.2.1981 in Harlingen, Texas. Der Rock'n'Roll-Pionier kam aus der Country- und Western-Swing- Szene. 1953 formierte Bill Haley die Comets (später unter anderem mit dem exzellenten Saxophonisten Rudi Pompilli, verstorben am 5.2.1976), im Jahr darauf unterschrieb er einen Plattenvertrag bei Decca.


Bill Haley & The Comets

Bis 1960 spielten Bill Haley & The Comets über ein Dutzend US-Hits und Klassiker ein, darunter Unvergängliches wie “Rock Around The Clock', 'See You Later Alligator“, 'Rock-A- Beatin'-Boogie', 'R-O-C-K' und 'Rip It Up'. Die Crew wirkte ferner in Musikfilmen jener Zeit mit. 1958 war der Altmeister mit der deutschen Sprache in Kontakt gekommen. 


Für seine LP 'Rockin' Around The World' (Decca 8692 - USA) spielte Bill Haley Tracks wie 'El Rocko', 'Vive la Rock'n'Roll', “Me Rock-A-Hula', - 'Piccadilly Rock' und 'Wooden Shoe Rock' ein. Die zumindest im Titel internationales Flair signalisieren sollten. Was lag da näher, als für den deutschen Abstecher ein so ungemein gebräuchliches Wort wie 'Schnitzelbank' in den Text zu integrieren? Ebenfalls im Angebot: 'ja', ' - Fraulein' und 'Ach, du lieber Augustin'. . .

Aus dem Bear Family Buch - 1000 Nadelstiche von Bernd Matheja - BFB10025 -  


Mehr zu Bill Haley & His Comets auf der englischen Bear Family Interpretenseite.

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Haley, Bill & His Comets - The Warner Brothers Years And More (6-CD Deluxe Box Set) Box set 1
01 Happy Homer
02 Candy Kisses
03 Tamiami (instr.)
04 I Almost Lost My Mind
05 Love Letters In The Sand
06 Blueberry Hill
07 Kansas City
08 Whole Lotta Shakin' Goin' On
09 Rock Around The Clock
10 Stagger Lee
11 Blue Suede Shoes
12 Hot To Trot (instr.)
13 I'm In Love Again
14 My Special Angel
15 Crazy Man, Crazy
16 Shake, Rattle And Roll
17 Bouquet Of Roses
18 This Is The Thanks I Get (For Loving You)
19 I Don't Hurt Anymore
20 Anytime
21 Singing The Blues
22 Cold, Cold Heart
23 Detour
24 Afraid
25 One Has My Name, The Other Has My Heart
26 No Letter Today
27 The Wild Side Of Life
28 There's A New Moon Over My Shoulder
Haley, Bill & His Comets - The Warner Brothers Years And More (6-CD Deluxe Box Set) Box set 2
01 Hawk
02 Chick Safari
03 So Right Tonight
04 Let The Good Times Roll, Creole
05 Jack In The Box
06 Pistol Packin' Mama
07 Honky Tonk (instr.)
08 Flip, Flop And Fly
09 Spanish Twist
10 My Kind Of Woman
11 Riviera (instr.)
12 War Paint (instr.)
13 See You Later, Alligator
14 A.B.C. Boogie
15 Panic (instr.)
16 I've Got News For Hugh (instr.)
17 Don't Mess Around
18 The Wobble
19 This Is Goodbye, Goodbye
20 Train Of Sin
21 Altar Of Love
22 Helena (instr.)
23 Yakety Sax
24 Mish-Mash (CARRIE GRANT)
25 Let The Girls Sing (CARRIE GRANT)
Haley, Bill & His Comets - The Warner Brothers Years And More (6-CD Deluxe Box Set) Box set 3
01 Stop, Look And Listen
02 Burn That Candle
03 Dim, Dim The Lights
04 There's A New Moon Over My Shoulder
05 Pepito (instr.)
06 Haley A Go Go (instr.)
07 Tongue-Tied Tony
08 Jealous Heart
09 Rock On Baby
10 That's How I Got To Memphis
11 Ain't Love Funny...Ha, Ha, Ha
12 Jingle Bell Rock
13 Rockin' Around The Christmas Tree
14 Flip, Flop And Fly
15 What Can I Say After I Say I'm Sorry
16 Tenor Man
17 Tandy
18 Caroline's Pony (instr.)
19 Dance Around The Clock
20 Up Goes My Love
21 White Parakeet/Travelin' West (instr.)
22 Midnight In Washington (instr.)
23 You Call Everybody Darling
24 One Phone Call (instr.)
25 You're Too Much (instr.)
26 Little Meanie Jeannie (instr.)
27 Cottonfields
28 Tally Ho Rock (instr.)
29 Double Mint Rock And Twist (instr.)
Haley, Bill & His Comets - The Warner Brothers Years And More (6-CD Deluxe Box Set) Box set 4
01 Shake, Rattle And Roll
02 Dance Around The Clock
03 Rip It Up
04 Night Train (instr.)
05 Guitar Boogie (instr.)
06 Razzle Dazzle
07 You Are My Sunshine
08 Rock A Beatin' Boogie
09 Skinny Minnie
10 Johnny B. Goode
11 Kansas City
12 Rock Around The Clock
13 When The Saints Go Marching In
14 Rudy's Rock (instr.)
15 Rock The Joint
16 Fingers On Fire (instr.)
17 See You Later Alligator
18 Wipe Out (instr.)
19 There Goes My Everything
20 Alabama Bound
21 Whole Lotta Shakin' Goin' On
22 Rock Around The Clock
Haley, Bill & His Comets - The Warner Brothers Years And More (6-CD Deluxe Box Set) Box set 5
01 Shake, Rattle And Roll
02 Honky Tonk (instr.)
03 Dance Around The Clock
04 Hey Momma
05 Almost Persuaded
06 Yakety Sax (instr.)
07 Framed
08 Next Time
09 Crazy Man Crazy
10 See You Later Alligator
11 Lullaby Of Birdland (instr.)
12 Twist Marie
13 One-Two-Three Twist
14 Down By The Riverside Twist
15 Queen Of The Twisters
16 Caravan Twist (instr.)
17 I Want A Little Girl
18 Whistlin' And Walkin' Twist (instr.)
19 Florida Twist (instr.)
20 Eight More Miles To Louisville
21 Rip It Up
Haley, Bill & His Comets - The Warner Brothers Years And More (6-CD Deluxe Box Set) Box set 6
01 Happy Homer (take 1)
02 Love Letters In The Sand (take 1)
03 Hot To Trot (take 9)
04 Hot To Trot (overdub take 1)
05 Hot To Trot (overdub take 5)
06 Anytime (take 1)
07 Singing The Blues (take 1)
08 Detour (take 2)
09 One Has My Name, The Other Has My... (take 1)
10 No Letter Today (take 1)
11 Hawk (take 2)
12 Chick Safari (take 1)
13 Chick Safari (take 4/false start)
14 Chick Safari (take 6/false start)
15 Chick Safari (take 7/false start)
16 Chick Safari (take 9)
17 So Right Tonight (take 2)
18 So Right Tonight (take 5)
19 Let The Good Times Roll, Creole (take 1)
20 Tenor Man (take 1)
21 Tenor Man (take 3)
22 Tenor Man (take 5)
23 Tenor Man (take 6)
24 Dance Around The Clock
25 Midnight In Washington (instr.) (alt.)
26 Midnight In Washington (instr.) (alt.2)
27 Tandy (take 2)
28 You're Too Much (take 2)
29 One Phone Call
30 Way Down In The Bottom Of My Heart
31 Trouble In Mind
32 Caldonia (1)
33 Caldonia (2)