Wer war/ist Earl Hooker ? - CDs, Vinyl LPs, DVD und mehr
Earl Hooker
The Hucklebuck The Hucklebuck is a jazz/R&B number with a long and compli- cated history that can be traced back to Lucky Millinder and per- haps to Charlie Parker. The Paul Williams instrumental recording with that title was a big hit in 1949.
It spawned a dance craze and, not surprisingly, cover versions, many of which – including the one by Frank Sinatra – con- tained instructional lyrics about how to do the dance. Earl Hooker learned to play the guitar as a child in Chicago. He recorded widely in the early 1950s, sometimes as a sideman and sometimes under his own name as either guitarist or vocalist.
Hooker came to SUN and ran through his on- stage repertoire hoping to impress Sam Phillips and get a recording contract. He got his con- tract but never had a release on SUN. Happily for us, Sam kept that audition tape where it could be discovered decades later. On this purely instrumental version of The Huck- lebuck, after Hooker runs through the tune "straight," his wonderful virtuoso performance moves fluently and seamlessly through jazz, R&B, and proto-rock 'n' roll.
Various - SUN Records Great Drums At Sun - Featuring J. M. Van Eaton, WS Holland, Billy Weir, Houston Stokes & Johnny Bernero (CD)
Read more at: https://www.bear-family.com/various-sun-records-great-drums-at-sun-featuring-j.-m.-van-eaton-ws-holland-billy-weir-houston-stokes-und-johnny-bern.html
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