Wer war/ist Michael Jackson ? - CDs, Vinyl LPs, DVD und mehr
Michael Jackson
Michael Jackson was born August 29, 1958 in Gary, Indiana and he died June 25, 2009 in Los Angeles, California
Few rock performers merit literary attention. Fewer still warrant either bibliographic guides or discographic compilations. Michael
Jackson, the singer/composer from Gary, Indiana, is the exception to both rules. A conglomerate-directing millionaire, an internation-
ally acclaimed stage performer, and a prolific, talented recording artist, Jackson has established artistic and commercial standards
that defy comparison.
Since the 1968 release of the first recording by The Jackson 5 for Steeltown Records through the end of The
Jacksons' "Victory Tour" and the 1984 release of the Victory album, Michael and his brothers have sold more than 100 million
records. But it is as an individual artist that Jackson has received public accolades in clusters.
During the 1984 Grammy ceremonies, for instance, he won eight awards: Album of the Year (Thriller); Record of the Year ("Beat It"); Producer of the Year (Thriller); Best Male Rock Performance ("Beat It"); Best New R&B Song ("Billie Jean"); Best Children's Album (ET); Best Male R&B Performance ("Billie Jean"); and Best Male Pop Performance (Thriller). Michael's humanitarian efforts-in conjunction with Lionel Richie and Quincy Jones-on the 1985 "We Are the World" project illustrated a philanthropic streak that complements his entre-
preneurial drive. This young man is a music-industry force to be examined, pondered, and admired.
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Weitere Informationen zu Michael Jackson auf de.Wikipedia.org
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