Wer war/ist Anita O'Day ? - CDs, Vinyl LPs, DVD und mehr
Anita O'Day & The Three Sounds – In Other Words (Fly Me To The Moon)
Anita O'Day's real name was Anita Belle Colton. She is one of the most famous female American jazz singers in musical history, in large part because of her great sense of rhythm and dynamics as this version of Fly Me To The Moon, also known as In Other Words, shows. Her version starts smooth and sentimental but switches into a dynamic, swinging dance rhythm a few times before reverting to its smooth beginnings. This track was originally issued in 1962 on Verve LP V-8514, simply entitled 'Anita O'Day & The Three Sounds.’
© Bear Family Records
Extract from: Various - History - Destination Moon - 50 Years-First Man On The Moon - BCD17527
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