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Rod McKuen If You Go Away (RCA) (7-CD Deluxe Box Set)

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7-CD Box (LP-Format) mit 104-seitigem gebundenem Buch, 195 Einzeltitel. Spieldauer 538 Minuten....mehr

Rod McKuen: If You Go Away (RCA) (7-CD Deluxe Box Set)

7-CD Box (LP-Format) mit 104-seitigem gebundenem Buch, 195 Einzeltitel. Spieldauer 538 Minuten.

Wer war der kommerziell erfolgreichste amerikanische Poet und Singer/Songwriter des 20. Jahrhunderts? Antwort: Rod McKuen. Zum erstenmal gibt es jetzt seine vollständigen Aufnahmen für RCA Victor in einer wunderbaren CD-Box.

Die insgesamt 192 Aufnahmen zeigen Rod McKuen auf dem Zenit seines Könnens Mitte bis Ende der 60er Jahre. Enthalten ist u. a. das komplette Gold-Album 'Listen To The Warm', dazu Dutzende bislang unveröffentlichte Einspielungen. Die meisten Songs wurden hiermit erstmals auf CD veröffentlicht. Zur Box gehört ein 104-seitiges gebundenes Buch mit seltenen und zuvor nie gezeigten Fotos aus
Rod McKuen
s Privatarchiv. Mit dabei sind natürlich englische Fassungen von Jacques-Brel-Liedern und weitere Songs aus der Zusammenarbeit mit ihm, zum Beispiel Seasons In The Sun und If You Go Away, welches kürzlich zum 'Song des Jahrhunderts' gewählt wurde.

Rod McKuens Erfolge in den USA waren gigantisch. Doch er gehörte auch in England (wo er Gastgeber einer eigenen BBC TV-Show war), in Australien, den Niederlanden, in Frankreich, Südafrika und diversen anderen Ländern zu den Superstars.

Rod McKuen hat drei Dutzend Gedichtbände geschrieben. Sie erschienen in elf Sprachen, rund 65 Millionen Exemplare wurden verkauft. Dies hat ihm einen Platz unter den populärsten Lyrikern der Literaturgeschichte eingebracht. McKuen arbeitete außerdem als Rodeo-Cowboy, Holzfäller und Schauspieler in B-Filmen.

'If You Go Away' hat als Thema die vier sehr ergiebigen Jahre des Musikers und Liedermachers Rod McKuen. Seit den 50er Jahren, so vermutet er selbst, sind ungefähr 200 LPs unter seinem Namen erschienen. Aus seinem Fundus von rund 1.500 Kompositionen wählten Sänger wie Ray Charles,Petula Clark, Johnny Cash und Frank Sinatra Titel aus und nahmen sie auf. Die jetzt vorliegende Box enthält Rods sechs Alben für RCA Victor, eingespielt zwischen 1965 und 1968. Hinzu kommt eine wahre Flut an unveröffentlichten Mastern, Demos, Alternativ-Versionen und sogar einige Live-Aufnahmen.

Dabei sind Rods eigene Fassungen vieler Songs, die längst als Standards gelten: If You Go Away, The World I Used To Know, A Cat Named Sloopy, Love's Been Good To Me, I'm Strong But I Like Roses
und Seasons In The Sun. Zu hören sind außerdem Duette mit Glenn Yarbrough und Don Ho. Weitere Höhepunkte sind Songs, die von McKuen als Auftragsarbeiten für die Beach Boys und
Sergeant Barry Sadler
komponiert, von ihnen aber nie aufgenommen wurden. Im beiliegenden gebundenen Buch gibt es einen Essay von Todd Everett, und Rod McKuen persönlich kommentiert jeden einzelnen Song. Zu Wort kommen frühere und aktuelle Mitstreiter wie Yarbrough und Phyllis Diller, die beide erheblichen Anteil an Rods Karriere haben. Optische Highlights sind viele Fotos und Dokumente aus McKuens Privatarchiv, die bislang nicht zu sehen waren.

Artikeleigenschaften vonRod McKuen: If You Go Away (RCA) (7-CD Deluxe Box Set)

  • Interpret: Rod McKuen

  • Albumtitel: If You Go Away (RCA) (7-CD Deluxe Box Set)

  • Label Bear Family Records

  • Genre Pop

  • Edition 2 Deluxe Edition
  • Artikelart Box set

  • EAN: 4000127161222

  • Gewicht in Kg: 2.2
McKuen, Rod - If You Go Away (RCA) (7-CD Deluxe Box Set) Box set 1
01The Summer's LongRod McKuen
02Channing WayRod McKuen
03Each Of Us AloneRod McKuen
04I've Been To TownRod McKuen
05YesRod McKuen
06The HuntersRod McKuen
07One Day SoonRod McKuen
08Summer In My EyeRod McKuen
09Times Gone ByRod McKuen
10Looking Back At 30Rod McKuen
11So Many Others (remake)Rod McKuen
12The LoversRod McKuen
13Rusting In The RainRod McKuen
14The Plains Of My Country Ballet Suite In 3...Rod McKuen
15Alamo JunctionRod McKuen
16The Summer's Long (alt. take)Rod McKuen
17The House Upon The HillRod McKuen
18Stanyan Street RevisitedRod McKuen
19We Have Only Love (demo)Rod McKuen
20On My Own (demo)Rod McKuen
21The Tamarack TreeRod McKuen
22Take Me Home AgainRod McKuen
23Sleep Now LoveRod McKuen
24TrashyRod McKuen
25So Many Others (alt. take)Rod McKuen
McKuen, Rod - If You Go Away (RCA) (7-CD Deluxe Box Set) Box set 2
01Some Trust In ChariotsRod McKuen
02People ChangeRod McKuen
03How Deep Is Down?Rod McKuen
04When Flora Was MineRod McKuen
05If You Go Away (Ne me quites pas)Rod McKuen
06So Long San FranciscoRod McKuen
07The LonerRod McKuen
08SoloRod McKuen
09The Lonely ThingsRod McKuen
10SheRod McKuen
11The Good Times Is All Done NowRod McKuen
12Truck StopRod McKuen
13Thank YouRod McKuen
14I Turn To YouRod McKuen
15Church Windows (instr.)Rod McKuen
16FlowersRod McKuen
17Me And The CatRod McKuen
18For Silence Is Golden (demo)Rod McKuen
19Watching You Sleep/Thank YouRod McKuen
20My Old ManRod McKuen
21Darlin' Don't You Know (& GLENN YARBROUGH)Rod McKuen
22The Girls Of The Summer (GLENN YARBROUGH)Rod McKuen
23Happy Birthday Ernie (Bon Anniversary Ernie)Rod McKuen
24FlowersRod McKuen
25My Mother's EyesRod McKuen
26The World I Used To Know (rejected vers.)Rod McKuen
27Gee It's Nice To Be Alone (demo)Rod McKuen
28If You Go Away (alt. vers.)Rod McKuen
29So Long San Francisco (alt. lyrics)Rod McKuen
McKuen, Rod - If You Go Away (RCA) (7-CD Deluxe Box Set) Box set 3
01The Hurtin'Rod McKuen
02YouRod McKuen
03Before The Monkeys CameRod McKuen
04The Summertime Of DaysRod McKuen
05The WomenRod McKuen
06ZangraRod McKuen
07Down At Mary's Old Time BarRod McKuen
08MeantimeRod McKuen
09Open The Windows And See All The ClownsRod McKuen
10I'm Strong, But I Like RosesRod McKuen
11The StatueRod McKuen
12Ain't You Glad You're Livin', JoeRod McKuen
13Loneliness In CrowdsRod McKuen
14Nouveau Fleur (instr.)Rod McKuen
15Me And The CatRod McKuen
16Something MoreRod McKuen
17Meantime (alt. take)Rod McKuen
18Open The Window & See All The Clowns (alt)Rod McKuen
19Don't Forget To Bring Her A RoseRod McKuen
20Ain't You Glad You're Livin' JoeRod McKuen
21The HabitRod McKuen
22The HabitRod McKuen
23My Old ManRod McKuen
24You (take 2)Rod McKuen
25I'm Strong But I Like Roses (alt. take)Rod McKuen
26Meantime (1st version)Rod McKuen
27Kill The WindRod McKuen
28Don't Forget To Bring Her A RoseRod McKuen
29Open The Window & See All The ClownsRod McKuen
30Loneliness In Crowds (alt. take)Rod McKuen
31Something More (demo)Rod McKuen
McKuen, Rod - If You Go Away (RCA) (7-CD Deluxe Box Set) Box set 4
01I'll Say Goodbye (Je Partirai)Rod McKuen
02La Mer Sans Soleil (Sea Without Sun)Rod McKuen
03Le BourgeoisRod McKuen
04Through European WindowsRod McKuen
05Song Without Words (Chanson Sans Paroles)Rod McKuen
06Paris (Mon Arbre)Rod McKuen
07Baby Be My Love (L'amour Avec Toi)Rod McKuen
08The Ever Constant SeaRod McKuen
09Like A ChildRod McKuen
10On The Road Again (Qu'est-ce Que Tu Attends.)Rod McKuen
11NathalieRod McKuen
12The Far West (Le Plat Pays)Rod McKuen
13Pushing The Clouds AwayRod McKuen
14Do You Like The Rain?Rod McKuen
15Gifts From The SeaRod McKuen
16Some Day We'll See Spain (Concerto for GuitarRod McKuen
17& Orch.) Extract from 2nd MovementRod McKuen
18Seasons In The SunRod McKuen
19Capri In JulyRod McKuen
20Je Vien de Loin, (french vocal/1stRod McKuen
21international issue)Rod McKuen
22A Kind Of LovingRod McKuen
23I'n Only MeRod McKuen
24Chasin' The SunRod McKuen
25The Money Boys Of Cannes (demo & GLENNRod McKuen
27Bon Soir MademoiselleRod McKuen
28Through European Windows (alt. take)Rod McKuen
McKuen, Rod - If You Go Away (RCA) (7-CD Deluxe Box Set) Box set 5
01Prologue: A Cat Named SloopyRod McKuen
02To Share The Summer SunRod McKuen
03Round, Round, RoundRod McKuen
04I'll Never Be AloneRod McKuen
05The Ducks On The MillpondRod McKuen
06Midnight WalkRod McKuen
07Listen To The WarmRod McKuen
08It's RainingRod McKuen
09WeekendRod McKuen
10Brown OctoberRod McKuen
11Where Are We Now?Rod McKuen
12The Singing Of The WindRod McKuen
13Dandelion DaysRod McKuen
14I Live AloneRod McKuen
15Epilogue: One Day I'll Follow The BirdsRod McKuen
16Entre Act: Listen To The Warm (instr.)Rod McKuen
17Listen To The WarmRod McKuen
18I Have Loved You In So Many WaysRod McKuen
19We Touch Shoulder To ShoulderRod McKuen
20Sunday In NovemberRod McKuen
21Beyond This Wall (The Phoenix)Rod McKuen
22The Warm And Gentle GirlsRod McKuen
23Be Gentle, PleaseRod McKuen
24HurryRod McKuen
25Round, Round, Round (reprise)Rod McKuen
26Conversation After 1:AMRod McKuen
27I Have Loved You In So Many Ways (theme)Rod McKuen
28Me And The CatRod McKuen
29After The Toll BeachRod McKuen
30Listen To The Warm (alt. vocal)Rod McKuen
31Twenty-NineRod McKuen
32MidsummerRod McKuen
McKuen, Rod - If You Go Away (RCA) (7-CD Deluxe Box Set) Box set 6
01The Single ManRod McKuen
02Leave Me SomethingRod McKuen
03I Never Go There AnymoreRod McKuen
04The PhoenixRod McKuen
05The Last Of The WineRod McKuen
06Elegy #1Rod McKuen
07The Girls Of The SummerRod McKuen
08Where Would I Be?Rod McKuen
09Elegy #2Rod McKuen
10I've Saved The SummerRod McKuen
11In PassingRod McKuen
12Some Of Them FallRod McKuen
13Elegy #3Rod McKuen
14The Importance Of The Rose (C'est La Rose)Rod McKuen
15The Ivy That Clings To The Wall (instr.)Rod McKuen
16Inside Of MeRod McKuen
17The VoyeurRod McKuen
18Home To See MariaRod McKuen
19The Lovers Of DecemberRod McKuen
20Things To Come (Gymnopedes #1)Rod McKuen
21Home By Water (Gymnopedes #3)Rod McKuen
22SometimesRod McKuen
23And To Each SeasonRod McKuen
24The Wind Of ChangeRod McKuen
25The Girls Of The Summer (alt. vocal)Rod McKuen
26The Ivy That Clings To The Wall (vocal)Rod McKuen
McKuen, Rod - If You Go Away (RCA) (7-CD Deluxe Box Set) Box set 7
01UpRod McKuen
02I'll Catch The SunRod McKuen
03Glad Rag DollRod McKuen
04The Women (alt. take)Rod McKuen
05We Have Only LoveRod McKuen
06Soldiers Who Want To Be Heroes (parody)Rod McKuen
07The Waltz Goes On (demo)Rod McKuen
08To Die In Summertime (demo)Rod McKuen
09Seasons In The Sun (alt. vocal)Rod McKuen
10So Many OthersRod McKuen
11Ain't You Glad You're Livin', Joe (alt.)Rod McKuen
12Simple Gifts (demo)Rod McKuen
13If You Go AwayRod McKuen
14Love And Let Love (demo)Rod McKuen
15Don't Forget To Bring Her A RoseRod McKuen
16Some Of Them Fall (alt. vocal)Rod McKuen
17When The Green Berets Come HomeRod McKuen
18The New WordsRod McKuen
19Portuguese BendRod McKuen
20El MonteRod McKuen
21Children One And AllRod McKuen
22WeRod McKuen
23I Never Will Marry (demo & CHET ATKINS)Rod McKuen
24River, River (demo & CHET ATKINS)Rod McKuen
25Things Bright And BeautifulRod McKuen
26One By One (& DON HO)Rod McKuen
27All Of Me Is Mine (demo)Rod McKuen
Rod McKuen Rod is our pioneer spirit. He writes and sings like no one else and his... mehr
"Rod McKuen"

Rod McKuen

Rod is our pioneer spirit. He writes and sings like no one else and his influence shows in the work of all of today’s best young songwriters.

Johnny Cash

 His birth certificate says that his father was a 27-year-old refrigerator salesman, named 'Mack' McKuen – or, the clerk's writing being less than legible, McKune. His mother, Clarice, who seems not to have known much about 'Mack,' adopted the first spelling and named her son Rodney Marvin McKuen.

"I was born in Oakland, California, at the Salvation Army Home for Unwed Mothers on April 29, 1933."  Rod writes in 'Finding My Father.' "The doctor…delivered me for $5. My father had left my mother before I was born." The opening passage of the book also included this memorable McKuen line; "Having been born a bastard gave me an advantage over all those people who spend their entire lives becoming one."

Clarice had been working as a taxi dancer in Oakland when she met Mack, Rod supposes. "Until my mother married," he writes, "she supported herself by working at a variety of odd jobs – waitress, barmaid, telephone operator, and clerk." He didn't think he really wanted for anything, though times were occasionally tough. She did marry, when Rod was quite young, and stepfather Bill Hooper worked mainly as a 'cat skinner,' levelling roads for the Works Projects Administration. Rod's earliest memories include moving around Nevada with Bill's work -- Winnemucca, Caliente, Pioche, Sparks, and Alamo, where the family would stay on Bill's parents' small farm.

Rod doesn't remember his stepfather as a kind man, but does look back at a particularly significant holiday. "We must have had a little money, because my father told me that I could have my choice – a sled or a blackboard for Christmas. I chose the blackboard because even then I wanted to write and draw pictures, and anyway most of the other kids had sleds I could borrow. My father called me a sissy, but when Christmas came, sure enough, I got my blackboard."

The family continued moving, to Washington state and back to Las Vegas, with the pre-teen Rod several times attempting to run away from home, always returning. At eleven, he made his longest trip yet, moving on his own to the Nevada towns of Ely and Elko, where he first worked as a milk boy – carrying pails of milk between the barn and kitchen of a farm, where he was paid seventy-five cents a week, plus room and board. "It was while tending cows that I began to write. First on scraps of paper, little more than words or thoughts that I couldn't make sense of or understand until I got them out of my head and on paper This led to me keeping a journal."

After a couple of years on the ranch, Rod was tracked down by the authorities and institutionalized at the Nevada School of Industry, which he now characterizes as "a reform school without walls." After three years, he was released – and used skills he'd learned on the ranch in Elko to become a rodeo cowboy.

Two broken legs after a horse fell on him ended McKuen's rodeo career, though he went on to something seemingly as dangerous – moving back to the Pacific Northwest to work as a lumberjack. "Of all the jobs in a lumber camp that I liked," he writes, "I think belting up, shimmying up the trunk to top trees, then bumping, edging, thunking downward to the ground again was best. It was fun, too, to get out on the river and dance a logjam free – two, three men yelling warnings back and forth at each other, trying to be heard over the river's roar."

Not yet sixteen, Rod moved back to California, joining his Aunt Ruth in Oakland; Before long, Clarice – who had left Bill back in North Las Vegas – arrived, with Rod's younger half-brother, Billy, in tow.

Rod landed a job with radio station KROW-AM in Oakland in the early 1950s. On the air since 1920, independently-owned KROW was the training ground for future television hosts Art Linkletter, Jack Clark, and 'This Is Your Life' creator Ralph Edwards. McKuen struck up friendships with fellow disc jockey 'Big Don' Barksdale – earlier he had been a highly-regarded pro basketball player – and a young woman who was writing advertising copy in the station's office, Phyllis Diller. "They played middle-of-the-road pop,"Diller explains."Rod had an hour and a half prime time show on Saturday nights, where he chose the music and wrote a new script every week. An hour and a half is a lot of music, and he had to write an hour and a half's worth of new material every week. NBC made an attempt to copy his show, using a person who had come out of KROW…it didn't work, because Rod was writing out of his soul and his heart."McKuen says he'd play pick-up basketball with Barksdale, who coached him for another job at the station: recreating basketball games on Saturday afternoons from descriptions that would come in on the wire services teletype.

In 1953, Rod volunteered for the Army "to get my military service over with." After spending 16 weeks in basic training at Fort Ord, near Monterey, the young recruit was transferred to Public Information School at Ft. Slocum, New York. He worked as a public information specialist in Tokyo (singing on The Ginza at night), then was transferred to Korea, where he "brought aid and information to the villagers." Discharged in 1957, he returned to California, where his old friend, Phyllis Diller, got him a job working at the Purple Onion. She was on her way to becoming one of the country's pre-eminent comics, but it was Rod's first paid engagement as an entertainer.

"I used to do gigs in San Francisco before I went in the Army,"McKuen says,"reading poetry, where they passed the hat at coffee houses and late-night bars. We'd kept up a friendship; she was funny, and nice, and – I believe – having some problems with her marriage at the time."

"I had started my performing career in 1955,"Diller adds."The Purple Onion was a very well-run discovery club. It was such a kick – while I was working at the Purple Onion, others who were playing there were the Smothers Brothers, the Kingston Trio, [future 'Laugh-In' star] Alan Sues, and Maya Angelou. And they had so much faith in me, that I was able to tell them, 'You've got to hire Rod McKuen.' They said, 'He does poetry?' I said 'Trust me'.He did very well there."

"This was the bill,"continues Rod."The budget for entertainment was $200 for the week. Phyllis got $100. Maya Angelou was a calypso singer and I replaced Randy Sparks as low man on the bill. Also on the bill were Ketty Frierson – who became Ketty Lester – and the comedian Milt Kamen"

Los Angeles-based newspaper society columnist and socialite Cobina Wright Sr. came into the club one night, and invited McKuen to Hollywood. "She had friends who were opening the Windemere Hotel in Santa Monica, and I got a job painting the hotel." A week later, he was on the southbound bus. "Life as a protégé of Cobina's consisted mainly of singing at parties,"he remembers."But I was singing and living comfortably off unemployment."

 Rod McKuen If You Go Away (RCA) (7-CD)
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McKuen, Rod - If You Go Away (RCA) (7-CD Deluxe Box Set) Box set 1
01 The Summer's Long
02 Channing Way
03 Each Of Us Alone
04 I've Been To Town
05 Yes
06 The Hunters
07 One Day Soon
08 Summer In My Eye
09 Times Gone By
10 Looking Back At 30
11 So Many Others (remake)
12 The Lovers
13 Rusting In The Rain
14 The Plains Of My Country Ballet Suite In 3...
15 Alamo Junction
16 The Summer's Long (alt. take)
17 The House Upon The Hill
18 Stanyan Street Revisited
19 We Have Only Love (demo)
20 On My Own (demo)
21 The Tamarack Tree
22 Take Me Home Again
23 Sleep Now Love
24 Trashy
25 So Many Others (alt. take)
McKuen, Rod - If You Go Away (RCA) (7-CD Deluxe Box Set) Box set 2
01 Some Trust In Chariots
02 People Change
03 How Deep Is Down?
04 When Flora Was Mine
05 If You Go Away (Ne me quites pas)
06 So Long San Francisco
07 The Loner
08 Solo
09 The Lonely Things
10 She
11 The Good Times Is All Done Now
12 Truck Stop
13 Thank You
14 I Turn To You
15 Church Windows (instr.)
16 Flowers
17 Me And The Cat
18 For Silence Is Golden (demo)
19 Watching You Sleep/Thank You
20 My Old Man
21 Darlin' Don't You Know (& GLENN YARBROUGH)
22 The Girls Of The Summer (GLENN YARBROUGH)
23 Happy Birthday Ernie (Bon Anniversary Ernie)
24 Flowers
25 My Mother's Eyes
26 The World I Used To Know (rejected vers.)
27 Gee It's Nice To Be Alone (demo)
28 If You Go Away (alt. vers.)
29 So Long San Francisco (alt. lyrics)
McKuen, Rod - If You Go Away (RCA) (7-CD Deluxe Box Set) Box set 3
01 The Hurtin'
02 You
03 Before The Monkeys Came
04 The Summertime Of Days
05 The Women
06 Zangra
07 Down At Mary's Old Time Bar
08 Meantime
09 Open The Windows And See All The Clowns
10 I'm Strong, But I Like Roses
11 The Statue
12 Ain't You Glad You're Livin', Joe
13 Loneliness In Crowds
14 Nouveau Fleur (instr.)
15 Me And The Cat
16 Something More
17 Meantime (alt. take)
18 Open The Window & See All The Clowns (alt)
19 Don't Forget To Bring Her A Rose
20 Ain't You Glad You're Livin' Joe
21 The Habit
22 The Habit
23 My Old Man
24 You (take 2)
25 I'm Strong But I Like Roses (alt. take)
26 Meantime (1st version)
27 Kill The Wind
28 Don't Forget To Bring Her A Rose
29 Open The Window & See All The Clowns
30 Loneliness In Crowds (alt. take)
31 Something More (demo)
McKuen, Rod - If You Go Away (RCA) (7-CD Deluxe Box Set) Box set 4
01 I'll Say Goodbye (Je Partirai)
02 La Mer Sans Soleil (Sea Without Sun)
03 Le Bourgeois
04 Through European Windows
05 Song Without Words (Chanson Sans Paroles)
06 Paris (Mon Arbre)
07 Baby Be My Love (L'amour Avec Toi)
08 The Ever Constant Sea
09 Like A Child
10 On The Road Again (Qu'est-ce Que Tu Attends.)
11 Nathalie
12 The Far West (Le Plat Pays)
13 Pushing The Clouds Away
14 Do You Like The Rain?
15 Gifts From The Sea
16 Some Day We'll See Spain (Concerto for Guitar
17 & Orch.) Extract from 2nd Movement
18 Seasons In The Sun
19 Capri In July
20 Je Vien de Loin, (french vocal/1st
21 international issue)
22 A Kind Of Loving
23 I'n Only Me
24 Chasin' The Sun
25 The Money Boys Of Cannes (demo & GLENN
27 Bon Soir Mademoiselle
28 Through European Windows (alt. take)
McKuen, Rod - If You Go Away (RCA) (7-CD Deluxe Box Set) Box set 5
01 Prologue: A Cat Named Sloopy
02 To Share The Summer Sun
03 Round, Round, Round
04 I'll Never Be Alone
05 The Ducks On The Millpond
06 Midnight Walk
07 Listen To The Warm
08 It's Raining
09 Weekend
10 Brown October
11 Where Are We Now?
12 The Singing Of The Wind
13 Dandelion Days
14 I Live Alone
15 Epilogue: One Day I'll Follow The Birds
16 Entre Act: Listen To The Warm (instr.)
17 Listen To The Warm
18 I Have Loved You In So Many Ways
19 We Touch Shoulder To Shoulder
20 Sunday In November
21 Beyond This Wall (The Phoenix)
22 The Warm And Gentle Girls
23 Be Gentle, Please
24 Hurry
25 Round, Round, Round (reprise)
26 Conversation After 1:AM
27 I Have Loved You In So Many Ways (theme)
28 Me And The Cat
29 After The Toll Beach
30 Listen To The Warm (alt. vocal)
31 Twenty-Nine
32 Midsummer
McKuen, Rod - If You Go Away (RCA) (7-CD Deluxe Box Set) Box set 6
01 The Single Man
02 Leave Me Something
03 I Never Go There Anymore
04 The Phoenix
05 The Last Of The Wine
06 Elegy #1
07 The Girls Of The Summer
08 Where Would I Be?
09 Elegy #2
10 I've Saved The Summer
11 In Passing
12 Some Of Them Fall
13 Elegy #3
14 The Importance Of The Rose (C'est La Rose)
15 The Ivy That Clings To The Wall (instr.)
16 Inside Of Me
17 The Voyeur
18 Home To See Maria
19 The Lovers Of December
20 Things To Come (Gymnopedes #1)
21 Home By Water (Gymnopedes #3)
22 Sometimes
23 And To Each Season
24 The Wind Of Change
25 The Girls Of The Summer (alt. vocal)
26 The Ivy That Clings To The Wall (vocal)
McKuen, Rod - If You Go Away (RCA) (7-CD Deluxe Box Set) Box set 7
01 Up
02 I'll Catch The Sun
03 Glad Rag Doll
04 The Women (alt. take)
05 We Have Only Love
06 Soldiers Who Want To Be Heroes (parody)
07 The Waltz Goes On (demo)
08 To Die In Summertime (demo)
09 Seasons In The Sun (alt. vocal)
10 So Many Others
11 Ain't You Glad You're Livin', Joe (alt.)
12 Simple Gifts (demo)
13 If You Go Away
14 Love And Let Love (demo)
15 Don't Forget To Bring Her A Rose
16 Some Of Them Fall (alt. vocal)
17 When The Green Berets Come Home
18 The New Words
19 Portuguese Bend
20 El Monte
21 Children One And All
22 We
23 I Never Will Marry (demo & CHET ATKINS)
24 River, River (demo & CHET ATKINS)
25 Things Bright And Beautiful
26 One By One (& DON HO)
27 All Of Me Is Mine (demo)