Wer war/ist Jimmy Murphy ? - CDs, Vinyl LPs, DVD und mehr
Jimmy Murphy
Now here is a genuine one-of-a-kind guy! In 1951 Jimmy Murphy recorded Electricity for RCA. It was half-country, half blues, and it rocked! So, when rock 'n' roll came along, Jimmy thought he'd already invented it. Now on Columbia he cut Sixteen Tons Rock & Roll, Baboon Boogie, My Gal Dottie, and several others that were the strangest--and most wonderful hybrid you've ever heard. A total of 16 ultra-rare cuts from 1951-1956, and a must for hillbilly and rockabilly fans, and connoisseurs of the bizarre.
Jimmy Murphy Sixteen Tons Rock & Roll
Read more at: https://www.bear-family.de/murphy-jimmy-sixteen-tons-rock-und-roll.html
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