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Old Crow Medicine Show Paint This Town (CD)

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(ATO Records) 12 tracks. Auf Paint This Town bietet die Old Crow Medicine Show einen...mehr

Old Crow Medicine Show: Paint This Town (CD)

(ATO Records) 12 tracks.<br>
Auf Paint This Town bietet die Old Crow Medicine Show einen fesselnden Einblick in die amerikanische Mythologie und die schillernden Charaktere, die sie bevölkern. Das von OCMS und Matt Ross-Spang mitproduzierte Album ist eine Hommage an alle, von Elvis Presley bis Eudora Welty, und wirft gleichzeitig ein helles Licht auf die dunkleren Seiten des amerikanischen Erbes. Angetrieben von Old Crow's freilaufender Kollision von Americana, Old-Time-Musik, Folk und Rock & Roll, verwandelt Paint This Town messerscharfe Kommentare in mitreißende Singalongs.

Artikeleigenschaften vonOld Crow Medicine Show: Paint This Town (CD)

Old Crow Medicine Show - Paint This Town (CD) CD 1
01Paint This TownOld Crow Medicine Show
02Bombs AwayOld Crow Medicine Show
03GlorylandOld Crow Medicine Show
04Lord Willing and the Creek Don't RiseOld Crow Medicine Show
05Honey ChileOld Crow Medicine Show
06Reasons to RunOld Crow Medicine Show
07PainkillerOld Crow Medicine Show
08Used to Be a MountainOld Crow Medicine Show
09Deford Rides AgainOld Crow Medicine Show
10New Mississippi FlagOld Crow Medicine Show
11John Brown's DreamOld Crow Medicine Show
12Hillbilly BoyOld Crow Medicine Show
Old Crow Medicine Show Big Time In The Jungle Old Crow Medicine Show Radio host and... mehr
"Old Crow Medicine Show"

Old Crow Medicine Show

Next Stop Vietnam

Big Time In The Jungle

Old Crow Medicine Show

Radio host and humorist Garrison Keeler is reported to have called Old Crow Medicine Show (OCMS) "one of the greatest bands that 'A Prairie Home Companion' has ever had the pleasure to host." With their fusion of bluegrass, folk, country and blues, OCMS have reintroduced what their biography calls "traditional American roots music" for "fans sporting tattoos and piercings as well as cowboy boots and western wear."


OCMS was formed by friends and classmates Ketch Secor and Chris 'Critter' Fuqua. Other original members included Willie Watson and Ben Gould. The four began playing together around Ithaca, NY in the late ‘90s. Their first album was a 10-track cassette 'Trans:mission,' that they recorded in a college dorm.


A fortuitous meeting with the daughter of blind Country music legend Doc Watson led to performances in North Carolina and then Nashville, Tennessee, where in 2001 they made their Grand Ole Opry debut. Three years later the group released the first of three well-received studio albums, 'O.C.M.S.' Michael Ross, who reviewed their debut album for, wrote "that they have assimilated not just the sound—banjos, harmonicas, acoustic guitar and bass [of mountain music]—but more importantly the haunting spirit of music that was made to keep hard times at bay." As for Big Time In The Jungle, Ross wrote, "…though it is about Vietnam [it] could easily be transposed to 2004's desert conflicts."

Various - History Next Stop Is Vietnam 1961-2008 (13-CD)
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Copyright © Bear Family Records

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Old Crow Medicine Show - Paint This Town (CD) CD 1
01 Paint This Town
02 Bombs Away
03 Gloryland
04 Lord Willing and the Creek Don't Rise
05 Honey Chile
06 Reasons to Run
07 Painkiller
08 Used to Be a Mountain
09 Deford Rides Again
10 New Mississippi Flag
11 John Brown's Dream
12 Hillbilly Boy