Wer war/ist Hal Peters And His Trio ? - CDs, Vinyl LPs, DVD und mehr
Hal Peters And His Trio
Founded in 1984 as the Hal Peters Trio, their repetoire includes both self penned material and carefully chosen covers from the songbook of rockabilly legends such as Sid King, George "Thumper" Jones, Carl Perkins and Mac Curtis.The band became popular pretty fast and today they are an established and highly acclaimed act within rockabilly circles.Their debut album Snatch It And Grab It was released in in 1986 and soon after it gained wider exposure and distribution.More albums and singles followed and somewhere down the road the band expended from a trio to a quartet to include a drummer.Many gigs in Europe and the U.S.A. followed and Hal Peters and His Trio also backed 1950s legends Ray Campi, Joe Clay, Curtis Gordon, Mac Curtis and Hayden Thompson and the Swedish Hank Edwards.
In the late 1980's the band expanded to a six piece combo and leaned more towards Western Swing, changing their name to Hal Peters & His String Dusters.Now back in four piece line-up, and playing pure authentic rockabilly once more, Hal Peters and His Trio present their fantastic new album Crazy Mixed Up Blues.The release showcases the band's the deep knowledge of the musical genre that they are devoted to.
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Weitere Informationen zu Hal Peters And His Trio auf de.Wikipedia.org
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