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Elvis Presley The Fun In Acapulco Sessions (3-CD)

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49,95 € *

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Sofort versandfertig, Lieferzeit** 1-3 Werktage

  • CD975135
  • 0.28
(Follow That Dream) Dies ist das ultimative FUN IN ACAPULCO 3-CD-Set: enthält mehr als...mehr

Elvis Presley: The Fun In Acapulco Sessions (3-CD)

(Follow That Dream)

Dies ist das ultimative FUN IN ACAPULCO 3-CD-Set: enthält mehr als eine Stunde bisher unveröffentlichte Fehlstarts, Ausfälle und komplette Aufnahmen!  Alle Tracks wurden kürzlich neu gemischt und von den originalen 3-Spur-Session-Bändern gemastert. Der 8 "x 8" Schuber repliziert die von RCA Victor gelagerte Session-Rollenbox. Das 28-seitige Heft enthält seltene Fotos, Erinnerungsstücke, Sitzungsdaten, Movie Trivia und einen aktualisierten Überblick über den Film von Alan Hanson. Die 3-CDs sind in einem CD-Träger untergebracht, der mit einer Original-Bandbox-Dokumentation verziert ist.

Video von Elvis Presley - The Fun In Acapulco Sessions (3-CD)

Artikeleigenschaften vonElvis Presley: The Fun In Acapulco Sessions (3-CD)

  • Interpret: Elvis Presley

  • Albumtitel: The Fun In Acapulco Sessions (3-CD)

  • Genre Rock'n'Roll

  • Label Follow That Dream - FTD

  • Edition 2 Deluxe Edition
  • Artikelart CD

  • EAN: 5060209751351

  • Gewicht in Kg: 0.28
Presley, Elvis - The Fun In Acapulco Sessions (3-CD) CD 1
01Fun In AcapulcoElvis Presley
02Vino, Dinero Y AmorElvis Presley
03MexicoElvis Presley
04El ToroElvis Presley
05MargueritaElvis Presley
06The Bullfighter Was A LadyElvis Presley
07No Room To Rhumba In A Sports CarElvis Presley
08I Think I'm Gonna Like It HereElvis Presley
09Bossa Nova, BabyElvis Presley
10You Can't Say No In AcapulcoElvis Presley
11GuadalajaraElvis Presley
12Love Me TonightElvis Presley
13Slowly But SurelyElvis Presley
14Bossa Nova, Baby (takes 1-2)Elvis Presley
15Bossa Nova, Baby (take 3)Elvis Presley
16Bossa Nova, Baby (takes 4-5)Elvis Presley
17Bossa Nova, Baby (take 6)Elvis Presley
18Bossa Nova, Baby (takes 7-8)Elvis Presley
19Bossa Nova, Baby (take 9)Elvis Presley
20Bossa Nova, Baby (takes 10 & 11M)Elvis Presley
21I Think I'm Gonna Like It Here (take 1)Elvis Presley
22I Think I'm Gonna Like It Here (takes 2-5)Elvis Presley
23I Think I'm Gonna Like It Here (takes 6-7)Elvis Presley
24I Think I'm Gonna Like It Here (takes 8-9)Elvis Presley
25I Think I'm Gonna Like It Here (splice takes 10 & 7M, record version)Elvis Presley
27Mexico (takes 3-4)Elvis Presley
28Mexico (take 5M)Elvis Presley
Presley, Elvis - The Fun In Acapulco Sessions (3-CD) CD 2
01Mexico (take 6)Elvis Presley
02Mexico (take 7alternate M)Elvis Presley
03Mexico (instrumental takes 1-2 & 3M)Elvis Presley
04The Bullfighter Was A Lady (takes 1-3)Elvis Presley
05The Bullfighter Was A Lady (takes 4-6)Elvis Presley
06The Bullfighter Was A Lady (take 7)Elvis Presley
07The Bullfighter Was A Lady (takes 8-9)Elvis Presley
08The Bullfighter Was A Lady (splice of takes 9 & 7M, record version)Elvis Presley
09Marguerita (take 1)Elvis Presley
10Marguerita (takes 2-6)Elvis Presley
11Marguerita (takes 7 & 8M)Elvis Presley
12Vino, Dinero Y Amor (take 1)Elvis Presley
13Vino, Dinero Y Amor (takes 2-3)Elvis Presley
14Vino, Dinero Y Amor (take 4)Elvis Presley
15Vino, Dinero Y Amor (take 5M)Elvis Presley
16Vino, Dinero Y Amor (The Amigos, cafe version take 1)Elvis Presley
17Vino, Dinero Y Amor (The Amigos, cafe version take 2)Elvis Presley
18Vino, Dinero Y Amor (The Amigos, cafe version take 3)Elvis Presley
19Vino, Dinero Y Amor (The Amigos, cafe version take 4M)Elvis Presley
20Vino, Dinero Y Amor (The Amigos, boat version takes 1-2 & 3M)Elvis Presley
21No Room To Rhumba In A Sports Car (take 1M)Elvis Presley
22Fun In Acapulco (take 1M)Elvis Presley
23El Toro (take 1)Elvis Presley
24El Toro (take 2)Elvis Presley
25El Toro (splice of takes 2 & 1M)Elvis Presley
26I Think I'm Gonna Like It Here (takes 11-13)Elvis Presley
27I Think I'm Gonna Like It Here (takes 14-15)Elvis Presley
28I Think I'm Gonna Like It Here (takes 16-18)Elvis Presley
29I Think I'm Gonna Like It Here (take 19)Elvis Presley
Presley, Elvis - The Fun In Acapulco Sessions (3-CD) CD 3
01I Think I'm Gonny Like It HereElvis Presley
02The Bullfighter WAs A LadyElvis Presley
03The Bullfighter WAs A LadyElvis Presley
04The Bullfighter WAs A LadyElvis Presley
05MalaguenaElvis Presley
06MalaguenaElvis Presley
07MalaguenaElvis Presley
08MalaguenaElvis Presley
09You Can't Say No In Acapulco 1-4Elvis Presley
10You Can't Say No In Acapulco 5Elvis Presley
11GuadalajaraElvis Presley
12GuadalajaraElvis Presley
13GuadalajaraElvis Presley
14GuadalajaraElvis Presley
15GuadalajaraElvis Presley
16GuadalajaraElvis Presley
17Guadalajara 3-4Elvis Presley
18Guadalajara 5-6Elvis Presley
19Guadalajara 7-10Elvis Presley
20Guadalajara (takes)Elvis Presley
Elvis Presley Geboren am 8. 1. 1935 in Tupelo, Mississippi, gestorben am 16. 8. 1977 in... mehr
"Elvis Presley"

Elvis Presley

Geboren am 8. 1. 1935 in Tupelo, Mississippi, gestorben am 16. 8. 1977 in Memphis, Tennessee.

Elvis Presley, populärster und erfolgreichster Interpret der Musikgeschichte.

Stichworte einer Mega-Karriere: Lastwagenfahrer. Sun Records.
Manager und Mastermind: Colonel Tom Parker (richtiger Name: Andreas Cornelius van Kuijk aus Breda, Holland).
Elvis Presley Filme: 33 (inklusive der Dokumentationen 'That's The Way It Is' und 'On Tour').
1973: TV-Ereignis 'Aloha From Hawaii'.
Eintritt in die Armee: 24. 3. 1958 als Soldat mit der Kennummer 53310761.
US-Single-Hits von 1956 bis zu seinem Tod 1977: 148 (davon 15 im EP-Format). Weitere Hits posthum.

Die geschätzte Zahl weltweit verkaufter Presley-Tonträger variiert: Es dürften annähernd zwei Milliarden sein. Vom 1. 10. 1958 (Ankunft mit der USS Randall in Bremerhaven) bis 2. 3. 1960 (Rückflug ab Rhein-Main in Frankfurt) war Elvis Presley im hessischen Friedberg stationiert. Hier hatte er am 14. 9. 1959 die 14jährige Priscilla Beaulieu kennengelernt, die er am 1. 5. 1967 heiratete (Scheidung 1973). Auf der Single 'Wooden Heart' von 1960 streute Elvis Presley deutsche Text-Passagen ( - 'Muß i denn, muß i denn zum Städtele hinaus' usw.) ein.

Aus dem Bear Family Buch - 1000 Nadelstiche von Bernd Matheja - BFB10025 -

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Kundenbewertungen für "The Fun In Acapulco Sessions (3-CD)"

Sehr gute Zusammenstellung.

Gut aufbereitet.


Wie immer bei BEAR FAMILY prompte und korrekte Lieferung eines Super-Produktes!

Bin mehr als zufrieden!


Hallo Kinder, bitte nicht vom Beckenrand springen...

...und auch nicht von den Klippen

Klasse Elvis Set :) sehr zufrieden

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Die mit einem * markierten Felder sind Pflichtfelder.

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Presley, Elvis - The Fun In Acapulco Sessions (3-CD) CD 1
01 Fun In Acapulco
02 Vino, Dinero Y Amor
03 Mexico
04 El Toro
05 Marguerita
06 The Bullfighter Was A Lady
07 No Room To Rhumba In A Sports Car
08 I Think I'm Gonna Like It Here
09 Bossa Nova, Baby
10 You Can't Say No In Acapulco
11 Guadalajara
12 Love Me Tonight
13 Slowly But Surely
14 Bossa Nova, Baby (takes 1-2)
15 Bossa Nova, Baby (take 3)
16 Bossa Nova, Baby (takes 4-5)
17 Bossa Nova, Baby (take 6)
18 Bossa Nova, Baby (takes 7-8)
19 Bossa Nova, Baby (take 9)
20 Bossa Nova, Baby (takes 10 & 11M)
21 I Think I'm Gonna Like It Here (take 1)
22 I Think I'm Gonna Like It Here (takes 2-5)
23 I Think I'm Gonna Like It Here (takes 6-7)
24 I Think I'm Gonna Like It Here (takes 8-9)
25 I Think I'm Gonna Like It Here (splice takes 10 & 7M, record version)
27 Mexico (takes 3-4)
28 Mexico (take 5M)
Presley, Elvis - The Fun In Acapulco Sessions (3-CD) CD 2
01 Mexico (take 6)
02 Mexico (take 7alternate M)
03 Mexico (instrumental takes 1-2 & 3M)
04 The Bullfighter Was A Lady (takes 1-3)
05 The Bullfighter Was A Lady (takes 4-6)
06 The Bullfighter Was A Lady (take 7)
07 The Bullfighter Was A Lady (takes 8-9)
08 The Bullfighter Was A Lady (splice of takes 9 & 7M, record version)
09 Marguerita (take 1)
10 Marguerita (takes 2-6)
11 Marguerita (takes 7 & 8M)
12 Vino, Dinero Y Amor (take 1)
13 Vino, Dinero Y Amor (takes 2-3)
14 Vino, Dinero Y Amor (take 4)
15 Vino, Dinero Y Amor (take 5M)
16 Vino, Dinero Y Amor (The Amigos, cafe version take 1)
17 Vino, Dinero Y Amor (The Amigos, cafe version take 2)
18 Vino, Dinero Y Amor (The Amigos, cafe version take 3)
19 Vino, Dinero Y Amor (The Amigos, cafe version take 4M)
20 Vino, Dinero Y Amor (The Amigos, boat version takes 1-2 & 3M)
21 No Room To Rhumba In A Sports Car (take 1M)
22 Fun In Acapulco (take 1M)
23 El Toro (take 1)
24 El Toro (take 2)
25 El Toro (splice of takes 2 & 1M)
26 I Think I'm Gonna Like It Here (takes 11-13)
27 I Think I'm Gonna Like It Here (takes 14-15)
28 I Think I'm Gonna Like It Here (takes 16-18)
29 I Think I'm Gonna Like It Here (take 19)
Presley, Elvis - The Fun In Acapulco Sessions (3-CD) CD 3
01 I Think I'm Gonny Like It Here
02 The Bullfighter WAs A Lady
03 The Bullfighter WAs A Lady
04 The Bullfighter WAs A Lady
05 Malaguena
06 Malaguena
07 Malaguena
08 Malaguena
09 You Can't Say No In Acapulco 1-4
10 You Can't Say No In Acapulco 5
11 Guadalajara
12 Guadalajara
13 Guadalajara
14 Guadalajara
15 Guadalajara
16 Guadalajara
17 Guadalajara 3-4
18 Guadalajara 5-6
19 Guadalajara 7-10
20 Guadalajara (takes)