Wer war/ist Charley Pride ? - CDs, Vinyl LPs, DVD und mehr
Charley Pride
Geb. 18. 3. 1938 in Sledge - Mississippi Record
Gest. 12.12. 2020 Dallas Texas
Labels: RCA, 16th Avenue
Erster Top Ten Hit: Just Between You And Me (1966)
Erster No. 1 Hit: All I Have To Offer You (1969) „Country“
Charley Pride gilt als der erste farbige Künstler, der es in der Country zum Status eines Superstars bringen konnte. In Montana wurde Charley Pride 1963 bei einer regionalen Show von Red Sovine und Red Foley entdeckt. Sovine nahm ihn unter seine Fittiche und brachte ihn nach Nashville, wo Chet Atkins von den Demobändern begeistert war und ihn für RCA unter Vertrag nahm. Und Charley Pride schlug voll ein. Fast jede seiner Platten wurde No. 1 oder Top Ten.
Erst Mitte der 80er Jahre wurden seine Platten etwas eintönig, um nicht zu sagen ideenlos. Das Feuer fehlte und nicht mehr jede Pride-Platte kam unter die Top Ten. Schließlich verließ Charley 1986 die RCA und tauchte Anfang 1987 dem Label 16th Avenue auf. Interessant, dass Charley Pride mit seinen Plattenumsätzen für RCA knapp hinter Elvis Presley folgt. Und welche Ironie des Schicksals: Charley Pride setzt alles daran, um „weiß“ zu klingen, während Elvis sein Bestes tat, um an den schwarzen Sound heranzukommen.
Charley Pride
Is Anybody Goin' To San Antone
Charley Pride
Is Anybody Goin' To San Antone
(Glenn Martin-Dave Kirby)
recorded August 26, 1969 (18:00-21:00) RCA Victor Studio, 806 17th Avenue South, Nashville, Tennessee; Producer: Jack Clement
with Charley Pride: vocal; Jack Eubanks: guitar; Billy Grammer: guitar/leader; Lloyd L. Green: steel guitar; Billy Linneman: bass; John P. 'Johnny' Gimble: fiddle; Norman Keith 'Buddy' Spicher: fiddle; D. J. Fontana: drums; Jerry D. Smith: piano; Bill Irwin: organ; Joseph T. Babcock, Dolores D. Edgin, June Evelyn Page, Hurshel Wayne Wiginton: vocal chorus
RCA 47-9806
master XWA4-2331
Session musician, songwriter, and recording artist Dave Kirby was from Brady, Texas, where his uncle, Hank Williams' front man Big Bill Lister, mentored him. (See our 1952 volume for Lister's recording of Williams' There's A Tear In My Beer). Kirby moved on to Albuquerque in 1955, and claimed that Buck Owens and Rose Maddox recorded his first song, Down To The River, but if that's the case he sold it to Owens. “During the 1960s, Willie Nelson used to come out to Albuquerque and he got me to go and play in the band,” Kirby said later. “Willie got to liking my songs, and I don't remember how, but Hank Cochran got to liking them too. They both wrote me saying 'Come to Nashville,' so in 1967, I made the big move.” Kirby joined Cochran and Nelson at Pamper Music.
In ‘68, Cochran and Nelson bought Ray Price’s share of Pamper. “I got a few things cut and then I wrote 'Is Anybody Going To San Antone?'” said Kirby. He was leaving a session one day when someone asked, “Is anybody goin' to San Antone?” The title stuck in his mind, and he suggested it to another Pamper writer, Glenn Martin. They kicked it around for several months on the phone and in person. “And then,” said Martin, “I had to go to Atlanta and Kirby went, and we finished it on the way. I think it's the most equally cowrittten song I've ever written.” It was copyrighted on February 20, 1969 and first recorded on April 29 by New York Jets NFL player, Bake Turner, who was signed to Kapp Records in Nashville. In May, Cochran, Nelson, and Hal Smith sold Pamper Music to Tree Music for $1.6 million, and Tree's Buddy Killen pitched Is Anybody Goin' To San Antone? to Charley Pride for a session on August 26, apparently unaware of the Turner cut. Pride said that the song was handed to him minutes before the session, but that seems unlikely because producer Jack Clement had Buddy Spicher and Johnny Gimble lined up to play western swing twin fiddles.
Regardless, Pride thought he had the song exclusively, but then, as he said later, “I get back home, I lay down in my bed, and I looked at the Johnny Carson show and there's Bake Turner. He's on Johnny Carson doing that particular song.” Again, not quite. Football legend Joe Namath guest-hosted Carson's Tonight Show on November 26—three months after Pride's session, and Namath introduced Turner signing San Antone. Turner's record was released on January 26, 1970, and only then did RCA decide to rush-release Pride's version. It reached #1 on April 18. Although one of Pride's best records, it was arguably eclipsed by Doug Sahm's half-ripped recording from a couple of years later. Dave Kirby went on to cowrite There Ain't No Good Chain Gang (a #2 hit for Johnny Cash and Waylon Jennings) and many other lesser hits and album cuts. Glenn Martin wrote #1 hits for Pride and Merle Haggard. Kirby, meanwhile, married Haggard's ex-wife, Leona Williams, and died in Branson in 2004.
- Colin Escott -
Various Country & Western Hit Parade 1970
Read more at: https://www.bear-family.de/various-country-und-western-hit-parade-1970.html
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