Wer war/ist Louis Prima ? - CDs, Vinyl LPs, DVD und mehr
Louis Prima
Geboren am 7. 12. 1911 in New Orleans, US-Staat Louisiana. Bis in die 60er Jahre als Trompeter, Sänger, Schauspieler gut im Geschäft. Nahm viele Platten mit seiner Ex-Frau Keely Smith (Scheidung 1961) auf.
Gab 1966 im Disney-Kino-Hit “Das Dschungelbuch” dem Orang-Utan “King Louis” seine mächtige Stimme. Louis Prima verstarb am 24. 8. 1978 in New Orleans nach einer Gehirnoperation.
Aus dem Bear Family Buch - 1000 Nadelstiche von Bernd Matheja - BFB10025 -
Louis Prima
Louis Prima's roots were in the big band jazz of the Thirties, and he would have been aghast at the notion that he was a rock 'n' roller. Kids would have been aghast at the notion, too; this was their parents' music. What could be squarer than Felicia No Capicia? Well, plenty, as it happens. Looking back, we can see embryonic rock 'n' roll in the giddy energy and in the transformation of black hep into white hep. As Nick Tosches said in one of the first pieces to rehabilitate the man, "Prima presaged the Rock 'n' Roll of the Ridiculous. He perceived and embraced in all its tutti-frutti glory, the spirit of post-literate, made-for-television America.” Buona Sera was a song that Prima first recorded as a ballad for Mercury in 1950, then re-recorded for Capitol as a split-tempo number, starting as a tango, then switching to a brisk 4/4 shuffle. Composer Carl Sigman had earlier written Prima's hit Civilization (Bongo, Bongo, Bongo), and would later have a hand in Perry Como's TV theme song, Dream Along With Me, and the theme song from the Robin Hood series, not to mention classics like Crazy She Calls Me, Ebb Tide, What Now My Love, It's All In The Game, My Heart Cries For You, Marshmallow World, and many others. Sigman's cowriter, Peter DeRose, was dead by the time the Capitol version of Buena Sera appeared. The composer of pop and show tunes like Deep Purple, De Rose died in 1953.
For the complete story of Louis Prima on Capitol, check out Bear Family's exclusive 8-CD box, 'The Capitol Recordings' (BCD 15776)
Various The Drugstore's Rockin' Vol.3
Read more at: https://www.bear-family.com/various-the-drugstore-s-rockin-vol.3.html
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