gefundene Interpreten
# | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Alle |
Page, Charles
Paragons, The
Parker, Robert
Parton, Dolly
Patrick, Pat
Patterson, Bobby
Paul & Paula
Paul, Billy
Pauling, El
Pavoni, El
Paycheck, Johnny
Payne, Freda
Peach, Georgia
Peebles, Ann
Pendarvis, Tracy
Penguins, The
Penn, Dan
People's Choice
Perkins, Carl
Perry, King
Perry, Lee
Peterson, Ray
Phillips, Esther
Phillips, Phil
Piano Red
Piano Slim
Piazza, Rod
Pickett, Wilson
Pico Pete
Piper, Jimmie
Pitney, Gene
Platters, The
Pointer Sisters
Pointer, June
Pomus, Doc
Poore, Billy
Porter, Royce
Powe, Shelton
Presley, Elvis
Preston, Billy
Price, Billy
Price, Jesse
Price, Lara
Price, Lloyd
Price, Sam
Pride, Charley
Pride, Lou
Prince Love
Prisonaires, The
Professor Longhair
Profiles, The
Pruitt, Grover
Pryor, Snooky
Prysock, Arthur
Prysock, Red