Wer war/ist The Routers ? - CDs, Vinyl LPs, DVD und mehr


The Routers

Most UK football fans would be surprised to learn that one of the most instantly recognisable hand-clapping chants heard throughout England’s soccer grounds during the 60s was created by two brothers born on a small farm in ruralIllinois, Lanny and Robert Duncan. Having settled in Los Angeles, Lanny was signed by A&R man Joe Saraceno, who was looking for likely pop stars in the early 60s teen idol mould. Lanny was not only a pop star in waiting but, when paired with songwriting partner Robert, also a source of catchy instrumentals, such as the Routers’ ‘Let’s Go’ – an irresistibly infectious tune delivered by the twangy guitar of Tommy Tedesco, the rasping sax of Plas Johnson and the big beat of drummer Earl Palmer. Layered on top of everything was the most maddeningly contagious sequence of handclaps that virtually begged you to clap along. And the world did.  (Dave Burke)

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The Chuck Berry Songbook (CD)
The Routers: The Chuck Berry Songbook (CD) Art-Nr.: CDCCM338

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(Collector's Choice Music) 12 Titel Warner Bros Stereo - 1966
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A-Ooga!!! Stamp & Shake With The Routers (CD, Limited Edition)
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(2012/ACE) 27 tracks 1962-64 (4 unissued) with 20 page booklet. Limited Edition (1.500).  ,- Most UK football fans would be surprised to learn that one of the most instantly recognisable hand-clapping chants heard throughout...
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