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Connie Smith Latest Shade Of Blue - Columbia Recordings 1973 - 1976 (4-CD Deluxe Box Set)

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Limitierte Edition, begrenzt auf 1.000 Exemplare! 4 CD-Box (LP-Format) mit 96-seitigem...mehr

Connie Smith: Latest Shade Of Blue - Columbia Recordings 1973 - 1976 (4-CD Deluxe Box Set)

Limitierte Edition, begrenzt auf 1.000 Exemplare!
4 CD-Box (LP-Format) mit 96-seitigem gebundenen Buch, 96 Einzeltitel. Spieldauer ca. 5 Stunden

Die ersten 300 Exemplare beinhalten ein Original Autogramm von Connie Smith auf dem beigelegten Bonus Foto! (nur im Bear Webshop) und zusätzlich eine farbige New York Concert Poster Reproduktion im Pop-Art Stil (30x42 cm) aus der Sammlung von Marty Stuart!

"No one in the world does a better job of protecting, loving, and preserving music than Bear Family Records.  I believe we have over one hundred of their albums, CDs, and boxed sets in our library.  Each and every one a treasure.  Latest Shade of Blue, The Columbia Recordings 1973-1976 is the third boxed set of my work to be offered by Bear Family.  It's a an honor, and just as much an honor to share it with you!"

"Niemand auf der Welt schützt, liebt und bewahrt Musik besser als Bear Family Records.  Ich glaube, wir haben über hundert ihrer Alben, CDs und Boxsets in unserer Bibliothek.  Jedes einzelne davon ist ein Schatz.  Latest Shade of Blue, The Columbia Recordings 1973-1976 ist die dritte Box meiner Arbeit, die von Bear Family angeboten wird.  Es ist eine Ehre, und eine ebenso große Ehre, sie mit Ihnen zu teilen!"
Please enjoy, 
Connie Smith
  • Connie Smith ist eine der wichtigsten Persönlichkeiten der Country-Musik.
  • Ihre kompletten COLUMBIA-Aufnahmen von 1973 bis 1976.
  • 9 Alben auf 4 CDs - von Gospel und Weihnachtsliedern bis hin zu klassischem Country und Pop.
  • Das begleitende 96-seitige Buch enthält Dutzende von bisher unveröffentlichten Fotos, eine detaillierte Diskografie, eine detaillierte Übersicht über die Entstehung der Aufnahmen und einen Überblick über Connie Smiths Leben, das sie zwischen Sessionplanung, Grand Ole Opry und Tourneen führte, während sie gleichzeitig eine engagierte Mutter von fünf Kindern war. 
  • Vorwort von Connies Ehemann und musikalischem Mitarbeiter Marty Stuart, der nun zusammen mit ihr als Mitglied in die Country Music Hall of Fame aufgenommen wurde.
  • Enthält alle Titel aus dem zweiten Kapitel von Connie Smiths epochaler Plattenkarriere, als sie 1973 von RCA Victor zum Label Columbia Records wechselte - und die erste Wiederveröffentlichung der meisten von ihnen.
  • Klassische, mitreißende Honky-Tonk-Singles aus den 1970er Jahren wie "Ain't Love a Good Thing", das von ihr selbst mitgeschriebene "You've Got Me Right Where You Want Me" und ihre Hit-Aufnahmen der Everly Brothers "(Till) I Kissed You" und "So Sad".
  • Dutzende von vergriffenen und lange Zeit schwer zu findenden Aufnahmen, darunter ihr unvergessliches Weihnachtsalbum "Joy to the World", das von ihren eigenen Arrangements religiöser Weihnachtslieder geprägt ist, und das einzigartige, Geschichte machende "Connie Smith Sings Hank Williams Gospel". 
  • Connie Smiths fesselnde Interpretationen von Country-Songs aus der Blütezeit des Country aus der Feder von Dallas Frazier, Don Gibson, Bill Anderson, Doug Kershaw, Tom T. Hall, Lefty Frizzell, Harlan Howard, Eddie Raven und Jessi Colter
  • Connies fundierte Kenntnisse der Country-Gospel-Musik kamen bei der Einführung neuer Songs dieses Genres von Kris Kristofferson, Dolly Parton, Porter Wagoner, Larry Gatlin und Dottie Rambo zum Tragen, zusätzlich zu dem Album mit elf Gospelsongs von Hank Williams.
  • Eine neue Erkundung der Steel-Gitarre, die den "Connie-Smith-Sound" in den Vordergrund stellt, indem sie virtuelle Gesangs-Gitarren-Duette mit den Steel-Helden Weldon Myrick, Lloyd Green, John Hughey, Jimmy Day, Buddy Emmons und Hal Rugg vorträgt.
  • Detaillierte Geschichten über Connie Smiths enge Zusammenarbeit mit den Columbia-Produzenten Ray Baker und George Richey, die ihr die Songauswahl und den modernen, aber dennoch traditionellen Sound ermöglichten, der sie durch die pop-zentrierte John Denver-Olivia Newton John County-Ära brachte, ohne dass ihr klassischer Country-Sound verloren ging. Das Buch basiert auf ausführlichen neuen Interviews mit Connie Smith selbst und mit dem Produzenten Baker, die der Autor Barry Mazor geführt hat.
  • Connie Smith - The Latest Shade of Blue" ist der dritte Teil der Bear Family-Chronik über eine der meisterhaftesten Sängerinnen der Country-Musik in den Jahren, die ihren Ruf und ihre Bekanntheit begründeten, und folgt auf die beiden Bücher über ihre früheren Jahre bei RCA Victor, "Born to Sing" (1964-1967) und "Just For What I Am" (1968-1972). 

Dies ist die dritte Bear Family Records®-Sammlung, die die Aufnahmen von Connie Smith, einer der profundesten Sängerinnen der Country-Musik, dokumentiert. Die beiden vorangegangenen Sets deckten Connies RCA VICTOR Katalog ab, beginnend mit ihrer bahnbrechenden Single aus dem Jahr 1964. bis zum letzten Song, den sie 1972 für das Label aufnahm.

Die COLUMBIA-Aufnahmen 1973-1976 zeigen eine Frau, die die Stürme in ihrem Leben überstanden hat, an ihrem Glauben festhielt und dabei während sie in der ganzen Tiefe und Bandbreite ihrer Gefühle reifte. Neun komplette Alben sind hier versammelt - darunter 'Connie Smith Sings Hank Williams Gospel", "The Songs We Fell In Love To" und ihre Einspielung des Weihnachtsliedes "Joy To The World". Wie zuvor sind einige einige der bekanntesten Songwriter der Country-Musik vertreten - von Dallas Frazier, Harlan Howard und Don Gibson bis hin zu Kris Kristofferson, Tom T. Hall und Dolly Parton.

Das begleitende Hardcover-Buch im LP-Format enthält Barry Mazors ausführliche Linernotes und einen detaillierten Blick auf die Entstehung der der COLUMBIA-Aufnahmesessions, eine detaillierte Diskografie von Richard Weize sowie eine Fülle von Bildern, Plattencovern, Etiketten und und Ephemera, von denen viele bisher nicht zu sehen waren und erst kürzlich in Connie Smiths Archiv entdeckt wurden. Wenn man Connie Smith bittet, Country-Musik zu beschreiben, lautet ihre Standardantwort: "Es ist der Schrei des Herzens". Ihr Schrei des Herzens ist ihr Gesang, und der ist sehr beeindruckend.

Video von Connie Smith - Latest Shade Of Blue - Columbia Recordings 1973 - 1976 (4-CD Deluxe Box Set)

Artikeleigenschaften vonConnie Smith: Latest Shade Of Blue - Columbia Recordings 1973 - 1976 (4-CD Deluxe Box Set)

  • Interpret: Connie Smith

  • Albumtitel: Latest Shade Of Blue - Columbia Recordings 1973 - 1976 (4-CD Deluxe Box Set)

  • Genre Country

  • Label Bear Family Records

  • Preiscode DK
  • Edition 2 Deluxe Edition
  • Artikelart Box set

  • EAN: 5397102176098

  • Gewicht in Kg: 1.25
Smith, Connie - Latest Shade Of Blue - Columbia Recordings 1973 - 1976 (4-CD Deluxe Box Set) Box set 1
01Pass Me By (If You're Only Passing Through)Connie Smith
02Never Love AgainConnie Smith
03Ain't Love A Good ThingConnie Smith
04When You Hurt Me More Than I Love YouConnie Smith
05Love Held On To MeConnie Smith
06A Picture Of Me (Without You)Connie Smith
07Let's All Go Down To The RiverConnie Smith
08Too Soon To KnowConnie Smith
09You've Got Me (Right Where You Want Me)Connie Smith
10In The House Where Love ShinesConnie Smith
11Soul SongConnie Smith
12JesusConnie Smith
13Remind Me Dear LordConnie Smith
14Why MeConnie Smith
15The Wonders You PerformConnie Smith
16The Golden Street Of GloryConnie Smith
17When I Sing For HimConnie Smith
18God Is AbundantConnie Smith
19Help MeConnie Smith
20The Well Of His MercyConnie Smith
21The Baptism Of Jesse TaylorConnie Smith
22You Can Move That MountainConnie Smith
23At The Foot Of The CrossConnie Smith
24He Did It All For MeConnie Smith
Smith, Connie - Latest Shade Of Blue - Columbia Recordings 1973 - 1976 (4-CD Deluxe Box Set) Box set 2
01I Still Feel The Same About YouConnie Smith
02Be All Right In ArkansasConnie Smith
03Did We Have To Come This Far (To Say Goodbye)Connie Smith
04Tie A Yellow Ribbon Round The Ole Oak TreeConnie Smith
05We're Gonna Hold OnConnie Smith
06My Uncle AbelConnie Smith
07Teddy Bear SongConnie Smith
08Thanks A Lot For Trying AnywayConnie Smith
09That's The Way Love GoesConnie Smith
10DallasConnie Smith
11Never Having YouConnie Smith
12Letting GoConnie Smith
13Sunshine BlueConnie Smith
14The Key's In the MailboxConnie Smith
15I'll Still Be Missing YouConnie Smith
16Them Ole Rainy Lovesick Songs (Are Hittin' Home)Connie Smith
17I Never Knew (What That Song Meant Before)Connie Smith
18Is This All You Hear (When A Heart Breaks)Connie Smith
19I Just Had You On My MindConnie Smith
20I Wish We'd All Been ReadyConnie Smith
21Because Of YesterdayConnie Smith
22I've Got My Baby On My MindConnie Smith
23Searching (For Someone Like You)Connie Smith
24Back In The CountryConnie Smith
25I Got A Lot Of Hurtin' Done TodayConnie Smith
26Loving You (Has Changed My Whole Life)Connie Smith
Smith, Connie - Latest Shade Of Blue - Columbia Recordings 1973 - 1976 (4-CD Deluxe Box Set) Box set 3
01A House of GoldConnie Smith
02I'm Gonna SingConnie Smith
03How Can You Refuse Him NowConnie Smith
04I Saw The LightConnie Smith
05Are You Walking And A-Talking For the LordConnie Smith
06When The Book Of Life Is ReadConnie Smith
07Jesus Is CallingConnie Smith
08Jesus Died For MeConnie Smith
09Calling YouConnie Smith
10A Home In HeavenConnie Smith
11Jesus Remembered MeConnie Smith
12Why Don't You Love MeConnie Smith
13Ain't It Good To Be In Love AgainConnie Smith
14You'll See JesusConnie Smith
15Praying HandsConnie Smith
16One Little ReasonConnie Smith
17Because I Love You That's WhyConnie Smith
18Viva La LoveConnie Smith
19Nothing In This WorldConnie Smith
20The Song We Fell In Love ToConnie Smith
21('Till) I Kissed YouConnie Smith
22Jesus Hears, He Cares, He CanConnie Smith
23Once A DayConnie Smith
24Ridin' On A RainbowConnie Smith
25When I Need Jesus, He's ThereConnie Smith
Smith, Connie - Latest Shade Of Blue - Columbia Recordings 1973 - 1976 (4-CD Deluxe Box Set) Box set 4
01I Don't Wanna Talk It Over AnymoreConnie Smith
02Storms Never LastConnie Smith
03You Crossed My Mind A Thousand Times TodayConnie Smith
04Love Don't Care (Where It Grows)Connie Smith
05ConstantlyConnie Smith
06I Wonder If The Angels Could Use Another SingerConnie Smith
07I'm In The Middle Of A Losin' StreakConnie Smith
08Come On DownConnie Smith
09The Latest Shade Of BlueConnie Smith
10So Sad (To Watch A Good Love Go Bad)Connie Smith
11I'm All Wrapped Up In YouConnie Smith
12Go Tell It On The MountainConnie Smith
13O Come All Ye FaithfulConnie Smith
14While Shepherds Watched Their FlocksConnie Smith
15Away In A Manger / Silent NightConnie Smith
16Sweet Little Jesus BoyConnie Smith
17Little Drummer BoyConnie Smith
18O Holy NightConnie Smith
19The First NoelConnie Smith
20What Child Is ThisConnie Smith
21Joy To The WorldConnie Smith
Connie Smith "There's only three real female singers: Barbra Streisand, Linda Ronstadt,... mehr
"Connie Smith"

Connie Smith

"There's only three real female singers: Barbra Streisand, Linda Ronstadt, and Connie Smith. The rest of us are only pretending."

Dolly Parton


There are singers and there are stars. Connie Smith is a singer common consensus one of the great voices of country music... but the star's mantle sits uneasily upon her. The gregariousness and easy laugh just barely mask the innate shyness. The first prerequisite of stardom is that you must never tire of talking about yourself, but it doesn't come easily to Connie Smith. She is a natural born singer, but not a natural born entertainer. Her life revolves around music, but more so around her children and grandchildren. It's family portraits that line her living room, not onstage shots or award plaques.

Comparisons don't mean much, but it sometimes seems more than coincidental that Connie began recording within a year or so of Patsy Cline's death. After a ten-year struggle, Patsy had become the best pure singer in country music. Her death left a void, one that Connie Smith seemed to fill overnight. Connie's first record, released when she was just twenty-two, was remarkably mature and fully realized. Her voice was so musical and so free of artifice that there was almost universal assent that the next great one had arrived.

The rags to riches story, played up in the liner notes to Connie's first album, is no less true for being oft-repeated. Constance June Meador was born on August 14, 1941 in Elkhart, Indiana, near Chicago. Her parents, Hobart and Wilma Meador, were from West Virginia, and returned there when Connie was five months old, moving on to Dungannon, Ohio. Hobart Meador was an alcoholic, abusive to the family, and Wilma divorced him when Connie was seven. Wilma eventually married a man named Tom Clark, and Connie only saw her father twice after that. He died in 1962. "There were five of us,"Connie remembered,"and my stepfather had eight children. He and my mom had two kids, one stillborn, so at one point there was fourteen kids in the house. I was in the middle. There were six younger than me, and the rest were older. They needed to watch the little ones, see they didn't get hurt, watch the big ones, see they didn't get into trouble. If someone came to the house, I'd bring them a glass of water and a chair to make sure I'd get noticed."

Country music was the soundtrack to Connie Smith's life. "My real daddy's favorite singer was Ernest Tubb,"she says, "and my mom's was Eddy Arnold. The first song I remember learning was 'You Are My Sunshine.' My dad played 'Til The End Of The World' over and over. My stepfather played mandolin, and he had a brother who played fiddle, and another brother who played guitar. They'd play square dances. We'd listen to the Opry when we could pick it up. My favorites were the Louvin Brothers."Connie discovered that she was distantly related on her mother's side to a vintage bluegrass act, the Lilly Brothers, but that realization didn't come until years later. "I remember when I was five saying I was going to sing on the Grand Ole Opry,"she said, "but I was so bashful, I couldn't bear for people to hear me sing. Around that time, we were moving, and we had a big ol' overstuffed chair out in the yard they hadn't moved yet. I was sitting in that chair singing. I looked up and saw them watching me, and I ran off and cried."

Connie seems to have been the only fifteen year-old wholly unaffected by Elvis and the rock 'n' roll upheaval. Maybe her life had so little in common with the 'Honey, I'm home' Fifties sitcom world. The shoes she wore to graduation were bought with money taken up in a class collection. Friends were hard to keep. "We moved a lot,"she says. The idea of performing music took hold after an aborted prom: "My sister had a prom dress that I was going to wear, but it had been stolen. I said, 'I don't want to go to that ol' prom anyway,' so I went to the square dance. A boy I knew from high school was leading the band, and they were singing and playing up there, and I'd never sung with music, but they invited me up. I sang 'My Happiness.' The band was waiting on me, and I was waiting on them, and the timing just kinda went. It got so bad, everybody had to quit dancing. But I made three dollars. My first paying gig."

Doc and Chickie Williams, stars of WWVA's World's Original Jamboree in Wheeling, West Virginia, were the first name act to visit her neighborhood, but Opry star Martha Carson was the first to leave a deep impression. "I got the feeling,"Connie told Eddie Stubbs, "that if she'd jumped off the stage and headed down the street, everyone would have followed her like the Pied Piper." Country music couldn't always be heard on local radio, so when Connie is quizzed on her influences, she'll surprise you with names like Sarah Vaughan and Ella Fitzgerald. "It's like reading a book,"she told Dan Cooper. "You eat the meat and leave the bones. You pick whatever you like. Whatever fits you. I love the way Jean Shepard hits a note solid on, true as a bell. With Sarah Vaughan it's finesse. And then Mahalia Jackson, the freedom. If she's in the middle of a word and needs a breath, she'll take a breath."

In 1959, Connie graduated from Salem-Liberty High School in Lower Salem, Ohio. ....

Connie Smith Born To Sing
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Copyright © Bear Family Records

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Kundenbewertungen für "Latest Shade Of Blue - Columbia Recordings 1973 - 1976 (4-CD Deluxe Box Set)"

Wonderful !!

Beautiful box and finally all her material complete with her other two boxes from Bear Family.
Connie is not only a good singer but she also a beautiful woman. I love her not only for het beautiful songs !!
To be honest I am not a Believer but Connie sings her Gospels with true devotion !!
About the box; really beautiful with relevant information and at last the CD's are enclosed in cardboard boxes and not in jewelcases with simple inlays !!
Thank you Bear Family for this great release


Schnell empfangen.

Ich binn sehr zufrieden.


Als Country Music noch Country Music war

Warum habe ich mir diese Box zugelegt? ich habe doch alle Alben von Connie Smith. Ganz einfach. Hier bekommt man nahezu unerschöpfliche Hintergrundinformationen zu der Künstlerin und den Songs. Das gebundene Buch lässt da keine Wünsche offen. Und auch das Bildmaterial ist beeindruckend. Sieht man nicht nur die üblichen professionell erstellten Promoaufnahmen sondern auch Schnappschüsse die nicht immer ganz scharf sind, aber doch ihren eigenen Reiz auf den Betrachter ausüben. Connie Smith - eine einmalige Stimme und eine echte Persönlichkeit. 9 längst gestrichene Alben auf 4 CDs verteilt in bester Soundqualität. Was will man mehr? Die Anzahl der CD Boxen mit weiblichen Künstlern, aus der Welt der Country Music, hält sich leider in Grenzen. Darum ist diese Box um so wichtiger. Ich denke jeder der sich diese Box zulegt wird es nicht bereuen.
P.S. Eine Box von Pretty Miss Norma Jean wäre schön

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Smith, Connie - Latest Shade Of Blue - Columbia Recordings 1973 - 1976 (4-CD Deluxe Box Set) Box set 1
01 Pass Me By (If You're Only Passing Through)
02 Never Love Again
03 Ain't Love A Good Thing
04 When You Hurt Me More Than I Love You
05 Love Held On To Me
06 A Picture Of Me (Without You)
07 Let's All Go Down To The River
08 Too Soon To Know
09 You've Got Me (Right Where You Want Me)
10 In The House Where Love Shines
11 Soul Song
12 Jesus
13 Remind Me Dear Lord
14 Why Me
15 The Wonders You Perform
16 The Golden Street Of Glory
17 When I Sing For Him
18 God Is Abundant
19 Help Me
20 The Well Of His Mercy
21 The Baptism Of Jesse Taylor
22 You Can Move That Mountain
23 At The Foot Of The Cross
24 He Did It All For Me
Smith, Connie - Latest Shade Of Blue - Columbia Recordings 1973 - 1976 (4-CD Deluxe Box Set) Box set 2
01 I Still Feel The Same About You
02 Be All Right In Arkansas
03 Did We Have To Come This Far (To Say Goodbye)
04 Tie A Yellow Ribbon Round The Ole Oak Tree
05 We're Gonna Hold On
06 My Uncle Abel
07 Teddy Bear Song
08 Thanks A Lot For Trying Anyway
09 That's The Way Love Goes
10 Dallas
11 Never Having You
12 Letting Go
13 Sunshine Blue
14 The Key's In the Mailbox
15 I'll Still Be Missing You
16 Them Ole Rainy Lovesick Songs (Are Hittin' Home)
17 I Never Knew (What That Song Meant Before)
18 Is This All You Hear (When A Heart Breaks)
19 I Just Had You On My Mind
20 I Wish We'd All Been Ready
21 Because Of Yesterday
22 I've Got My Baby On My Mind
23 Searching (For Someone Like You)
24 Back In The Country
25 I Got A Lot Of Hurtin' Done Today
26 Loving You (Has Changed My Whole Life)
Smith, Connie - Latest Shade Of Blue - Columbia Recordings 1973 - 1976 (4-CD Deluxe Box Set) Box set 3
01 A House of Gold
02 I'm Gonna Sing
03 How Can You Refuse Him Now
04 I Saw The Light
05 Are You Walking And A-Talking For the Lord
06 When The Book Of Life Is Read
07 Jesus Is Calling
08 Jesus Died For Me
09 Calling You
10 A Home In Heaven
11 Jesus Remembered Me
12 Why Don't You Love Me
13 Ain't It Good To Be In Love Again
14 You'll See Jesus
15 Praying Hands
16 One Little Reason
17 Because I Love You That's Why
18 Viva La Love
19 Nothing In This World
20 The Song We Fell In Love To
21 ('Till) I Kissed You
22 Jesus Hears, He Cares, He Can
23 Once A Day
24 Ridin' On A Rainbow
25 When I Need Jesus, He's There
Smith, Connie - Latest Shade Of Blue - Columbia Recordings 1973 - 1976 (4-CD Deluxe Box Set) Box set 4
01 I Don't Wanna Talk It Over Anymore
02 Storms Never Last
03 You Crossed My Mind A Thousand Times Today
04 Love Don't Care (Where It Grows)
05 Constantly
06 I Wonder If The Angels Could Use Another Singer
07 I'm In The Middle Of A Losin' Streak
08 Come On Down
09 The Latest Shade Of Blue
10 So Sad (To Watch A Good Love Go Bad)
11 I'm All Wrapped Up In You
12 Go Tell It On The Mountain
13 O Come All Ye Faithful
14 While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks
15 Away In A Manger / Silent Night
16 Sweet Little Jesus Boy
17 Little Drummer Boy
18 O Holy Night
19 The First Noel
20 What Child Is This
21 Joy To The World