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Various Artists Tell It To Me - The Johnson City Sessions - Revisted (CD)
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Presse und Rezensionen
Presse Archiv - Various Artists Tell It To Me - The Johnson City Sessions - Revisted (CD) - Country Jukebox VA: TELL IT TO ME: THE JOHNSON CITY SESSIONS zur großen Freude von Sammlern, Raritätenjägern und Liebhaber der volkstümlichen Musik der Appalachen griff man bei Bear Family-Records einmal mehr tief in die Archive und beschert der genannten Klientel mit Tell It To Me: The Johnson City Sessions Revisited einen erstklassigen, historischen Schatz, der das Prädikat „besonders wertvoll“ durchaus verdient Kenner werden natürlich wissen, dass bereits 2013 der gesamte Output von 100 Songs aus den Jahren 1928 und 1929 in einer preisgekrönten 4-CD-Deluxe-Ausgabe veröffentlicht wurden - Anlass für die kompaktere und deshalb auch preislich ansprechende Form von 26 Aufnahmen auf einer CD ist das 90-jährige Jubiläum der im Auftrag von Columbia Records entstandenen Aufnahmen neben den wohl jedem Liebhaber früher Country-Aufnahmen bestens bekannten „Bristol-Sessions“ von Ralph Peer und den „Knoxville-Sessions" für die Brunswick- und Vocalion-Labels gehört diese von Frank Buckley Walker verantwortete Kollektion zu den wichtigsten musikalischen Hinterlassenschaften aus den Anfängen kommerzieller Country Music - eine rundum spannende Mischung, die zu einer hörenswerten Zeitreise einlädt
Presse Archiv - Various Artists Tell It To Me - The Johnson City Sessions - Revisted (CD) - InMusic FAMILY PRESSE Magazin: In Music Ausgabe 10 - 2019 TELL IT TO ME The Johnson City Revisted 1928-29 Bear Family **** Die 26gängige Songkollektion "Teil lt To Me" beinhalte die Highlights der legendären Aufnahmesessions von Columbia Records in Johnson City, Tennessee, die 1928 und 1929 auf 78 RPM-Aufnah-men recorded wurden. Darauf zu hören sind die wohl berühmtesten und einflus-sreichsten Old Time Country-Auf-nahmen von Künstlern wie Claren-ce Ashley ("The Coo-Coo Bird"). Charlie Bowman & His Brothers ("Roll On Buddy"), Byrd Moore & His Hot Shots ("Three Men Went A Hun-ting"), Bill & Belle Reed ("Old Lady And The Devil") u.v.a. Inklusive einem informativem Booklet mit Linernotes von Ted Olson über die legendären Johnson City-Sessions. DUBLAS FRISCH
Presse Archiv - Various Artists Tell It To Me - The Johnson City Sessions - oltimereviews Some of the included tracks here make it seem obvious why the Bristol Sessions are considered seminal and these are not so well known. The Carter Family and Jimmie Rodgers are perhaps more individual in hindsight and their influence can be traced clearly and strong through the generations of future artists and musicians. However, here we find examples of the music of the people, which is as fine and representative of the people of the day living in those rural areas as was the work of the Carters and Rodgers. There is quite a shortage of female voice here. That is possibly the only thing which sticks out as unusual. Otherwise, the 26 artist names also bring to mind charmingly a bygone world. There are names and song titles which bring vibrancy and life to a time long gone. Despite this evocation, this music feels as fresh today as ever.
Presse Archiv - Various Artists Tell It To Me - Johnson City recording sessions earns Pinnacle Award
Presse Archiv - Various Artists Tell It To Me - Johnson City recording sessions earns Pinnacle Award JOHNSON CITY (July 10, 2020) – “Tell It to Me: The Johnson City Sessions 90th Anniversary Celebration,” a two-day event held in Johnson City, on October 18-19, 2019, was named “Festival or Event of the Year” during the recent Northeast Tennessee Tourism Association’s Pinnacle Awards. decorative image for Reaching a Pinnacle Reaching a Pinnacle "Tell It to Me: The Johnson City Sessions 90th Anniversary Celebration," held in October 2019, received the Pinnacle Award for "Festival or Event of the Year," which is the most competitive category in this annual competition sponsored by the Northeast Tennessee Tourism Association. “Tell It to Me” celebrated the influential Johnson City Sessions, which were commercial recording sessions of Appalachian regional music conducted in downtown Johnson City in October 1928 and October 1929. Those recordings, released by Columbia Records at the dawn of the Great Depression, have inspired several generations of musicians in such genres as country, bluegrass, folk, rock and Americana. Until recently, though, there has been little public awareness that the recordings originated in Johnson City. The 2019 event was intended to generate broader awareness about the significance of those recordings locally and regionally as well as nationally and internationally. The Pinnacle Awards program pays tribute to Northeast Tennessee’s peak performers in the tourism industry. According to NETTA’s website, nominations are reviewed by a panel of unbiased judges, and exemplary projects and individuals are selected as Pinnacle Award winners. NETTA Director Alicia Phelps said that the decision to award “Tell It to Me” the top Festival/Event honor “was a unanimous decision in what is always our most competitive category.”