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Various - History West Indian Rhythm - Calypso 1938-1940 (10-CD Deluxe Box Set)

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Sofort versandfertig, Lieferzeit** 1-3 Werktage

  • BCD16623
  • 3.6
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10-CD Box (LP-Format) mit 316-seitigem gebundenen Buch, 267 Einzeltitel. Spielzeit ca. 752... mehr

Various - History: West Indian Rhythm - Calypso 1938-1940 (10-CD Deluxe Box Set)

10-CD Box (LP-Format) mit 316-seitigem gebundenen Buch, 267 Einzeltitel. Spielzeit ca. 752 Minuten.

Es gab keine weltoffenere Insel in der Welt als Trinidad. Zunächst unter spanischer Herrschaft, wurde sie später britische Kolonie. Afrikanische, spanische, französische, britische, amerikanische und sogar indische Einflüsse flossen in der Musik zusammen. Dann kam der Jazz aus New Orleans. Und danach entstanden einige der aufschlussreichsten gesellschaftlichen Kommentare, die jemals Eingang in irgendeine Musik gefunden haben. Es war ein berauschender musikalischer Cocktail, der gelegentlich das Festland erreichte, z.B. als Rum And Coca Cola ein Hit wurde oder als Harry Belafonte die Musik bekannt machte. Der WAHRE Calypso jedoch wurde nur selten außerhalb der Inseln oder der trinidadschen Enklaven in New York oder London gehört. Bear Family transportiert Sie jetzt zurück in den Karneval der Jahre 1938, 1939 und 1940 nach Port of Spain, Trinidad.

Das Bekenntnis von Decca Records zu Calypso vor siebzig Jahren war unglaublich. In den Jahren 1935 bis 1937 holte Decca Trinidads größte Entertainer zu Marathonsessions nach New York. 1938 schließlich verluden sie Aufnahmegeräte auf ein Schiff, das unterwegs nach Trinidad war. Produzent Ralph Perez bekam absolut freie Hand. Seine Aufnahmen erwiesen sich als die größte Sammlung von Calypso-Musik schlechthin! Ralph Perez nahm neue Calypsos, alte Calypsos, Lieder mit aktuellen Themen, Tanzcombos, Shango- und Shouter-Hymnen der Baptisten, Karnevalsgesänge, Lieder der Stockkämpfer und vieles mehr auf. Die Qualität, Vielfalt, Tiefe und Breite des von ihm Erfassten war derart beeindruckend, dass Decca in den Jahren 1939 und 1940 weitere Reisen finanzierte, um den eindrucksvollen Calypso-Katalog weiter auszubauen.

Ein Teil der Aufnahmen blieb zunächst unveröffentlicht. Oftmals wurden von lokalen Zensoren, die nervös wurden, wenn sich Barden des Calypsos mit widersprüchlichen und politischen Themen befassten, Beschränkungen auferlegt. Calypso profitierte stets von Skandalen und wurde vom Drang, die Wahrheit zu sagen, angetrieben. Vertrauensvoll nahm Decca auf, was immer dem Zugriff des Zensors entkommen konnte. Diese Lieder sind Dokumente von aufsehenerregenden Arbeiteraufständen und deren politischem Niederschlag, zusammen mit Liedern, die sich mit dem aufziehenden Gewitter, welches schließlich in den Zweiten Weltkrieg mündete, beschäftigen. Dicht am Geschehen richteten sich Calypso-Musiker an Ehebrecher, Hühnerdiebe, Schwätzer, Spanner, Prostituierte und einen Schwarm Streithähne mit Namen wie Joe Laugher, Greasy Pole und Gumbo Lai Lai – und beschrieben sie gleichzeitig.

Alle Master, bis auf eins, haben überlebt und sind für diese herrliche Veröffentlichung zusammengestellt worden. Ein umfangreiches Buch, erstellt von den Calypso-Wissenschaftlern John Cowley, Don Hill,
Dick Spottswood und Lise Winer mit Abhandlungen zum Thema, Fotos, Liedertexten, einer Diskografie und weiteren Informationen, die Sie von einer Bear-Family-Box erwarten dürfen, runden diese Edition ab.

Schauen Sie sich die Titelliste an und Sie werden erkennen, wie überaus unterhaltsam diese Musik ist!

35 zuvor unveröffentlichte Master

Artikeleigenschaften von Various - History: West Indian Rhythm - Calypso 1938-1940 (10-CD Deluxe Box Set)

  • Interpret: Various - History

  • Albumtitel: West Indian Rhythm - Calypso 1938-1940 (10-CD Deluxe Box Set)

  • Genre Country

  • Label Bear Family Records

  • Edition 2 Deluxe Edition
  • Preiscode JM
  • Artikelart Box set

  • EAN: 4000127166234

  • Gewicht in Kg: 3.6
Various - History - West Indian Rhythm - Calypso 1938-1940 (10-CD Deluxe Box Set) Box set 1
01 Hold Your Hand Madam Khan CODALLO'S TOP HATTERS ORCH.
02 Bastardy Various - History
03 Ida, Ida Let Me Know Various - History
04 The History Of Man Various - History
05 Sunny Grenada HARMONY KINGS' ORCH.
06 Anything For Love Various - History
07 Don't Touch Me Various - History
08 Jack's Broth Various - History
09 Madam Khan CARESSER
10 The More They Try To Do Me Bad Various - History
11 I Want To Build A Bungalow CODALLO'S TOP HATTERS ORCH.
12 Excursion To Granada LION
13 Ba Boo La La LION
14 I Don't Want No Bungalow ATILLA THE HUN
16 Commission's Report ATILLA THE HUN
17 Joe Louis CARESSER
18 Ruby Canera Various - History
19 I Am Going To Buy A Bungalow LION
20 Emmalene Various - History
21 Seven Skeletons Found In The Yard LORD EXECUTOR
22 My Troubles With Dorothy Various - History
23 Clear The Way When The Bamboo Play CARESSER
24 Me And My Neighbour Don't Agree COGGINS, Joe
25 Will Dispute COGGINS, Joe & ZEDA
26 Shout All Guiana SCOTT, Ralph Fitz
27 Why I Killed Winifred Various - History
Various - History - West Indian Rhythm - Calypso 1938-1940 (10-CD Deluxe Box Set) Box set 2
01 Li'l, Li'l Gal HARMONY KINGS' ORCH.
02 The Orphan Children LORD EXECUTOR
03 Rubina CARESSER
04 Back To Grenada HARMONY KINGS' ORCH.
05 The Lajebeless Woman LORD EXECUTOR
06 Theresa CARESSER
07 Show Me What You Could Do COGGINS, Joe
08 The Bushwoman Come To Town SCOTT, Ralph Fitz
09 Lillian CARESSER
10 The Censoring Of Calypso Makes Us Glad LORD EXECUTOR
11 The Bamboo Band BLACK PRINCE
12 Shango CARESSER
14 Mr. Nankivell's Speech Various - History
15 Cicilia CARESSER
16 Exploiting Various - History
17 My Wedding Celebration Various - History
18 School Boys' Adventure BLACK PRINCE
19 The Banning Of Records ATILLA THE HUN
20 West Indian Rhythm Various - History
21 The Governor's Resignation Various - History
22 The Horrors Of War Various - History
24 Jimpy's Ingratitude ATILLA THE HUN
25 Not Me With Matrimony Various - History
26 The League Of Nations LORD EXECUTOR
27 Togabo's Scandal Various - History
Various - History - West Indian Rhythm - Calypso 1938-1940 (10-CD Deluxe Box Set) Box set 3
01 Captain, Put Me Ashore ZEDA
02 Give Me Back My Ring COGGINGS, Joe
03 Ancient Carnival LION
04 Hojoe Various - History
05 Sa Gomes' Emporiums Various - History
06 It's A Sin T Tell A Lie Various - History
07 Heroes Of Old Various - History
08 Vitalogy Various - History
09 I Am Happy To Be In Love Various - History
11 We Mourn The Loss Of Sir Murchison Fletcher Various - History
12 The Strike ATILLA THE HUN
13 The Normandie Various - History
15 The Drinker And The Gambler ATILLA THE HUN & LORD EXECUTOR
16 How I Spent My Time At The Hospital LORD EXECUTOR
18 What Kind Of Shoes You Going To Wear Various - History
19 When Me Body Lay Down In The Grave LION
20 Jonah, Come Out The Wilderness Various - History
21 Mamy Mine My Baby For Me Various - History
22 Ting A Ling Mi Bangola Various - History
23 African War Call Various - History
25 Little Gal, Mother Is Calling You Various - History
26 Fire Brigade ATILLA THE HUN
27 Archie Boulay Various - History
28 They Say I Reign Too Long LORD EXECUTOR
Various - History - West Indian Rhythm - Calypso 1938-1940 (10-CD Deluxe Box Set) Box set 4
01 Manuelita ATILLA THE HUN
02 The Beautiful Land Of Iere TIGER
03 Civil War In Spain TIGER
04 I Don't Want Them To Stand Me Bail Various - History
05 Next Door Neighbour Various - History
06 I Want A Radio At Home BLACK PRINCE
07 Where Was Butler? ATILLA THE HUN
08 The Vendor's Song LION
09 Guests Of Rudy Vallee LION & ATILLA THE HUN
10 Why Me Craf Vex With Me (Why Me Neighbour...) EMERY COURNARD SERENADERS
11 Under The British Commander (The Gold In...) Various - History
12 Tina LION
14 Barre-A-Oh WILLIAMS, John & BLUE RHYTHM..
15 Marian Various - History
16 Girls Of Today LION
17 Man, Man, Man Peter Various - History
18 Nellie Go Out Mi Door LORD EXECUTOR
19 Down The Road TIGER
20 Darling Kimberlin Various - History
21 Senorita Panchita Various - History
22 Emilia Various - History
23 El suspiro del pobre CYRIL MONROSE STRING ORCH.
24 Love Has Done For Me LION
26 Gertrude TIGER
27 Miss Marie's Advice Various - History
Various - History - West Indian Rhythm - Calypso 1938-1940 (10-CD Deluxe Box Set) Box set 5
02 Tierras Lejanas Various - History
03 Linda Vista Various - History
04 Mi Vida Various - History
05 Old Man GROWLER
06 Only Foreigners Various - History
07 Calypso Behind The Wall Various - History
08 Too Botheration Various - History
09 History Of Woodbrook Vicinity Various - History
10 Happy Man JOHNSON, George & RHYTHM KINGS
11 Hitler Demands GROWLER
12 Bosie Darling Various - History
13 Trinidad Loves To Play Carnival Various - History
14 The Coldness Of The Water Various - History
15 In The Morning Various - History
16 Police Diplomacy Various - History
17 The Diamond Ring For Emmaline Various - History
18 Demasbar LORD INVADER
19 Ten Thousand To Bar Me One Various - History
20 Buddy Abraham LION
21 They Talk About Nora's Badness LORD EXECUTOR
22 Who Has Done The Most For Humanity Various - History
23 Love Me Emily ATILLA THE HUN
24 The Five Year Plan Various - History
25 Home Sweet Home CARESSER
26 Time For Man Go Home Various - History
27 So Many Women Various - History
Various - History - West Indian Rhythm - Calypso 1938-1940 (10-CD Deluxe Box Set) Box set 6
01 Fare Thee Well CARESSER
02 Woman Headache LION
03 Malicious Neighbors Various - History
04 After The Bacchanal LORD BEGINNER
05 Chamberlain Says Peace Various - History
06 Christmas Morning The Rum Had Me Yawning Various - History
07 Don't Tickle Me Dorothy Various - History
08 In The Dew And The Rain GROWLER
09 I Don't Want No Calaloo Various - History
10 Mois La Travy CARESSER
11 Peggy Dearie Various - History
12 Death LION
13 Bee Various - History
14 Sweat Emily Various - History
15 Old Woman Various - History
16 Hooray Hurrah Various - History
17 Fire Girls Various - History
18 Elsie Jambie Various - History
20 Old Men Come Back Again Various - History
21 Matilda Various - History
22 John O'Carr Various - History
23 It's The Rhythm We Want Various - History
24 The West Indian Sheik ATILLA THE HUN
25 Dem Policeman Various - History
26 La Belle Trinidad Various - History
27 Inequality Of Life Various - History
Various - History - West Indian Rhythm - Calypso 1938-1940 (10-CD Deluxe Box Set) Box set 7
01 My Life Of Matrimony LORD EXECUTOR
02 No Surrender CARESSER
03 Fire, Fire In Port-on-Spain Various - History
04 If The Follow Me They Get Fever Various - History
06 La Reine Maribone Various - History
07 Charming Trinidad LION
08 Gabilan Bombay ATILLA THE HUN
09 Alla Nom (Go Way Nan) LORD EXECUTOR
10 You Better Let Me Go CARESSER
11 I Am Free, Single And Disengaged Various - History
12 Don't Stop The Carnival LORD INVADER
13 Sofie Bellah Various - History
14 Too Much Sorry And Pain KING RADIO
15 Joe Louis-Schmeling Fight GROWLER
16 Soup In Bottle Various - History
17 High Brown Various - History
18 Bad Woman Oh LION
19 Blow Wind Blow Various - History
20 Kash Kash Kmona Various - History
21 Customs Fire Various - History
22 The Power Of The Lion Various - History
23 Where Is My Sister This Morning Various - History
24 Ara Da Da Various - History
25 Scorpion ATILLA THE HUN
26 The New Shop Law LORD EXECUTOR
27 My Indian Girl Love Various - History
28 Bing Crosby LION
29 Mama I Want It Various - History
Various - History - West Indian Rhythm - Calypso 1938-1940 (10-CD Deluxe Box Set) Box set 8
01 Memories Of Trinidad CABRAL, George
02 Amanja Soqua Me CARESSER
03 Two Bad Men In The World LORD EXECUTOR
04 Gambo Lai Lai Before The Court LORD EXECUTOR
05 Leave Me Alone Dorothy GROWLER
06 Advantageous Young Girls GROWLER
07 Adeline PRETENDER
08 You Felt Me Bundle Before The Dro BLACK PRINCE
10 My Intention Is To Join The Volunteers LORD INVADER
11 Hitler Demanded Trinidad Various - History
12 Romance In The Moonlight Various - History
13 Caro At Point Cumana Various - History
14 Ochro And Rice Various - History
15 The Invasion Of Poland LION
16 Sir Neville Chamberlain LION
17 Hitler's Mistake Various - History
18 Freedom And Liberty CARESSER
19 Clementina Various - History
20 Not So Carolina Various - History
22 My Impressions Of Demerara KING RADIO
23 Sedition Law Various - History
24 Two Sisters Scandal Various - History
25 Run Your Run Hitler LORD BEGINNER
26 Hitler's Attitude LION
27 Brambroocoo Dance GORILLA
28 Appetite Various - History
Various - History - West Indian Rhythm - Calypso 1938-1940 (10-CD Deluxe Box Set) Box set 9
01 Let Them Fight For Ten Thousand Years TIGER
02 Lion Oh LION
03 Carnival Revue Various - History
05 Do You Remember Me? CARESSER
06 Second Hand Girls LORD BEGINNER
07 Cocoa Tea Puzzle To Me Various - History
08 No No No Miss Angeline TIGER
09 In My Own Native Land Various - History
10 When I Marry Dorothy GROWLER
12 Germany Invade Poland Various - History
13 Story Of Mr. Paul Various - History
14 Leave Me Alone Dorothy MIGHTY DESTROYER
15 Matrimony Becomes A Papyshow Various - History
16 Lillian's Slackness LORD ZIEGFIELD
17 Don't Worry With Me Various - History
18 Bertha I Feel You GROWLER
19 No, No, Marie Various - History
20 Demi Gal Various - History
21 Nazi Spy Ring Various - History
22 Deliso LION
23 Ah Neighbours Neighbours TIGER
24 Happy Land Of Canaan LION
25 Suzi-Qu LION
26 I Send My Wife To The Market Various - History
27 Shango Dance Various - History
28 Rada Dance Various - History
Various - History - West Indian Rhythm - Calypso 1938-1940 (10-CD Deluxe Box Set) Box set 10
01 La Vieja Mila QUINTANA, Luis Daniel
02 Carnival Again LORD EXECUTOR
03 Sambo Why You Are Go Various - History
04 Patria Preferida QUINTANA, Luis Danie
05 Gambie Law Ray ATILLA THE HUN
06 The Admiral Graf Spee Various - History
07 No Wedding Bells For Me Various - History
08 Li Li Pierrot Darrie Various - History
09 Send Hitler To St. Helena Various - History
10 Teener Have Sympathy LORD BEGINNER
11 The Guardian Contest KING RADIO
12 The War Various - History
13 Harold Change Your Mind GROWLER
14 Women Diplomacy Various - History
15 Orphan Home LION
16 Ellis Nottingham TIGER
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Kundenbewertungen für "West Indian Rhythm - Calypso 1938-1940 (10-CD Deluxe Box Set)"

Incredible offering

This package was packed securely and delivered 1 day earlier. These albums and booklet are an amazing find – the book is hefty and of professional quality. The origins of Mighty Sparrow, Lord Kitchener and Lord Nelson can be traced from this Bear Family offering. Privileged to own this release – part of the heritage and culture of Trinidad and Tobago in the hands.


Hystorisch Lobenswert

Sehr gut !!!

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Various - History - West Indian Rhythm - Calypso 1938-1940 (10-CD Deluxe Box Set) Box set 1
01 Hold Your Hand Madam Khan
02 Bastardy
03 Ida, Ida Let Me Know
04 The History Of Man
05 Sunny Grenada
06 Anything For Love
07 Don't Touch Me
08 Jack's Broth
09 Madam Khan
10 The More They Try To Do Me Bad
11 I Want To Build A Bungalow
12 Excursion To Granada
13 Ba Boo La La
14 I Don't Want No Bungalow
15 Tres Bemoles
16 Commission's Report
17 Joe Louis
18 Ruby Canera
19 I Am Going To Buy A Bungalow
20 Emmalene
21 Seven Skeletons Found In The Yard
22 My Troubles With Dorothy
23 Clear The Way When The Bamboo Play
24 Me And My Neighbour Don't Agree
25 Will Dispute
26 Shout All Guiana
27 Why I Killed Winifred
Various - History - West Indian Rhythm - Calypso 1938-1940 (10-CD Deluxe Box Set) Box set 2
01 Li'l, Li'l Gal
02 The Orphan Children
03 Rubina
04 Back To Grenada
05 The Lajebeless Woman
06 Theresa
07 Show Me What You Could Do
08 The Bushwoman Come To Town
09 Lillian
10 The Censoring Of Calypso Makes Us Glad
11 The Bamboo Band
12 Shango
13 Deliso
14 Mr. Nankivell's Speech
15 Cicilia
16 Exploiting
17 My Wedding Celebration
18 School Boys' Adventure
19 The Banning Of Records
20 West Indian Rhythm
21 The Governor's Resignation
22 The Horrors Of War
23 Victoria
24 Jimpy's Ingratitude
25 Not Me With Matrimony
26 The League Of Nations
27 Togabo's Scandal
Various - History - West Indian Rhythm - Calypso 1938-1940 (10-CD Deluxe Box Set) Box set 3
01 Captain, Put Me Ashore
02 Give Me Back My Ring
03 Ancient Carnival
04 Hojoe
05 Sa Gomes' Emporiums
06 It's A Sin T Tell A Lie
07 Heroes Of Old
08 Vitalogy
09 I Am Happy To Be In Love
10 Poppy Day
11 We Mourn The Loss Of Sir Murchison Fletcher
12 The Strike
13 The Normandie
14 We Want Sa Gomes
15 The Drinker And The Gambler
16 How I Spent My Time At The Hospital
17 Peter, Go Ring Dem Bells
18 What Kind Of Shoes You Going To Wear
19 When Me Body Lay Down In The Grave
20 Jonah, Come Out The Wilderness
21 Mamy Mine My Baby For Me
22 Ting A Ling Mi Bangola
23 African War Call
24 Play Mass, Don't Do Me That
25 Little Gal, Mother Is Calling You
26 Fire Brigade
27 Archie Boulay
28 They Say I Reign Too Long
Various - History - West Indian Rhythm - Calypso 1938-1940 (10-CD Deluxe Box Set) Box set 4
01 Manuelita
02 The Beautiful Land Of Iere
03 Civil War In Spain
04 I Don't Want Them To Stand Me Bail
05 Next Door Neighbour
06 I Want A Radio At Home
07 Where Was Butler?
08 The Vendor's Song
09 Guests Of Rudy Vallee
10 Why Me Craf Vex With Me (Why Me Neighbour...)
11 Under The British Commander (The Gold In...)
12 Tina
13 Tropical Heat
14 Barre-A-Oh
15 Marian
16 Girls Of Today
17 Man, Man, Man Peter
18 Nellie Go Out Mi Door
19 Down The Road
20 Darling Kimberlin
21 Senorita Panchita
22 Emilia
23 El suspiro del pobre
24 Love Has Done For Me
25 Jim Congo Myer
26 Gertrude
27 Miss Marie's Advice
Various - History - West Indian Rhythm - Calypso 1938-1940 (10-CD Deluxe Box Set) Box set 5
01 Lopez Contreras
02 Tierras Lejanas
03 Linda Vista
04 Mi Vida
05 Old Man
06 Only Foreigners
07 Calypso Behind The Wall
08 Too Botheration
09 History Of Woodbrook Vicinity
10 Happy Man
11 Hitler Demands
12 Bosie Darling
13 Trinidad Loves To Play Carnival
14 The Coldness Of The Water
15 In The Morning
16 Police Diplomacy
17 The Diamond Ring For Emmaline
18 Demasbar
19 Ten Thousand To Bar Me One
20 Buddy Abraham
21 They Talk About Nora's Badness
22 Who Has Done The Most For Humanity
23 Love Me Emily
24 The Five Year Plan
25 Home Sweet Home
26 Time For Man Go Home
27 So Many Women
Various - History - West Indian Rhythm - Calypso 1938-1940 (10-CD Deluxe Box Set) Box set 6
01 Fare Thee Well
02 Woman Headache
03 Malicious Neighbors
04 After The Bacchanal
05 Chamberlain Says Peace
06 Christmas Morning The Rum Had Me Yawning
07 Don't Tickle Me Dorothy
08 In The Dew And The Rain
09 I Don't Want No Calaloo
10 Mois La Travy
11 Peggy Dearie
12 Death
13 Bee
14 Sweat Emily
15 Old Woman
16 Hooray Hurrah
17 Fire Girls
18 Elsie Jambie
19 Elsie
20 Old Men Come Back Again
21 Matilda
22 John O'Carr
23 It's The Rhythm We Want
24 The West Indian Sheik
25 Dem Policeman
26 La Belle Trinidad
27 Inequality Of Life
Various - History - West Indian Rhythm - Calypso 1938-1940 (10-CD Deluxe Box Set) Box set 7
01 My Life Of Matrimony
02 No Surrender
03 Fire, Fire In Port-on-Spain
04 If The Follow Me They Get Fever
05 Freddo
06 La Reine Maribone
07 Charming Trinidad
08 Gabilan Bombay
09 Alla Nom (Go Way Nan)
10 You Better Let Me Go
11 I Am Free, Single And Disengaged
12 Don't Stop The Carnival
13 Sofie Bellah
14 Too Much Sorry And Pain
15 Joe Louis-Schmeling Fight
16 Soup In Bottle
17 High Brown
18 Bad Woman Oh
19 Blow Wind Blow
20 Kash Kash Kmona
21 Customs Fire
22 The Power Of The Lion
23 Where Is My Sister This Morning
24 Ara Da Da
25 Scorpion
26 The New Shop Law
27 My Indian Girl Love
28 Bing Crosby
29 Mama I Want It
Various - History - West Indian Rhythm - Calypso 1938-1940 (10-CD Deluxe Box Set) Box set 8
01 Memories Of Trinidad
02 Amanja Soqua Me
03 Two Bad Men In The World
04 Gambo Lai Lai Before The Court
05 Leave Me Alone Dorothy
06 Advantageous Young Girls
07 Adeline
08 You Felt Me Bundle Before The Dro
09 Hitler
10 My Intention Is To Join The Volunteers
11 Hitler Demanded Trinidad
12 Romance In The Moonlight
13 Caro At Point Cumana
14 Ochro And Rice
15 The Invasion Of Poland
16 Sir Neville Chamberlain
17 Hitler's Mistake
18 Freedom And Liberty
19 Clementina
20 Not So Carolina
21 Finland
22 My Impressions Of Demerara
23 Sedition Law
24 Two Sisters Scandal
25 Run Your Run Hitler
26 Hitler's Attitude
27 Brambroocoo Dance
28 Appetite
Various - History - West Indian Rhythm - Calypso 1938-1940 (10-CD Deluxe Box Set) Box set 9
01 Let Them Fight For Ten Thousand Years
02 Lion Oh
03 Carnival Revue
04 Run Your Run Hitler
05 Do You Remember Me?
06 Second Hand Girls
07 Cocoa Tea Puzzle To Me
08 No No No Miss Angeline
09 In My Own Native Land
10 When I Marry Dorothy
11 Emily
12 Germany Invade Poland
13 Story Of Mr. Paul
14 Leave Me Alone Dorothy
15 Matrimony Becomes A Papyshow
16 Lillian's Slackness
17 Don't Worry With Me
18 Bertha I Feel You
19 No, No, Marie
20 Demi Gal
21 Nazi Spy Ring
22 Deliso
23 Ah Neighbours Neighbours
24 Happy Land Of Canaan
25 Suzi-Qu
26 I Send My Wife To The Market
27 Shango Dance
28 Rada Dance
Various - History - West Indian Rhythm - Calypso 1938-1940 (10-CD Deluxe Box Set) Box set 10
01 La Vieja Mila
02 Carnival Again
03 Sambo Why You Are Go
04 Patria Preferida
05 Gambie Law Ray
06 The Admiral Graf Spee
07 No Wedding Bells For Me
08 Li Li Pierrot Darrie
09 Send Hitler To St. Helena
10 Teener Have Sympathy
11 The Guardian Contest
12 The War
13 Harold Change Your Mind
14 Women Diplomacy
15 Orphan Home
16 Ellis Nottingham
17 Policeman