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Various - History The Bakersfield Sound - Country Music Capital Of The West 1940 - 1974 (10-CD Deluxe Box Set)

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10-CD Box (LP-Format) mit 224-seitigem gebundenem Buch, 295 Einzeltitel. Gesamtspieldauer ca.... mehr

Various - History: The Bakersfield Sound - Country Music Capital Of The West 1940 - 1974 (10-CD Deluxe Box Set)

10-CD Box (LP-Format) mit 224-seitigem gebundenem Buch, 295 Einzeltitel. Gesamtspieldauer ca. 738 Minuten.

63rd Annual GRAMMY Awards Nominee
Best Album Notes - The Bakersfield Sound : Country Music Capital Of The West, 1940-1974
Scott B.Bomar, album notes writer (Various Artists)
  • Bear Family dokumentiert die beeindruckende Geschichte von einer einst lokalen Country-Music-Szene, die Bakersfield in die Haupstadt der Country Music im Westen der USA verwandelte.
  • Bakersfield, manchmal auch als 'Nashville West' bezeichnet, wurde zur ernsthaften Bedrohung der kommerziellen Dominanz Nashvilles.
  • Diese erste umfangreiche CD-Anthologie beginnt mit Field Recordings von Migranten aus den 1940er Jahren geht bis 1974, mit Biografien zu jedem Künstler.
  • Enthält eine größere Anzahl von bisher unveröffentlichten Studioaufnahmen und Demos, Radio- und Livemitschnitten.
  • Eine Fundgrube zur Geschichte von Bakersfield mit den beiden Stars der Country Music, Merle Haggard und Buck Owens, Gitarrist Don Rich und Dutzenden von Künstlern wie Ferlin Husky, Dallas Frazier, Jean Shepard, Wynn Stewart, Tommy Duncan, Red Simpson, Kay Adams, Duck Curless, Joe Maphis, David Frizzell, The Gosdin Brothers, Clarence White u.v.a.
  • Von Hits über obskure Titel bis hin zu alternativen Versionen, von Albumstücken bis hin zu Live-Material: diese Box taucht tiefer als jede andere Veröffentlichung in den Bakersfield-Sound ein.
  • Vierfarbiges, illustriertes und kommentiertes 224-seitiges gebundenes Buch mit einer Fülle von Fotos, viele davon zum ersten Mal abgedruckt, und Kommentaren zu jedem einzelnen Song
  • Detaillierte Analyse durch den Grammy-nominierten Bakersfield-Sound-Historiker Scott B. Bomar.
  • Vorwort von Foo Fighters Gitarrist Chris Shiflett.

Buck Owens und Merle Haggard tauchten aus Kaliforniens blühender Honky-Tonk-Szene der 1950er und 60er Jahre in Bakersfield auf. Mit ‘Dim lights, thick smoke and loud, loud music’ veränderten sie die Country Music für immer. Doch was ist der 'Bakersfield Sound'? Während man sich an den Sound rasiermesserscharfer Telecaster-Gitarren und sentimentaler Steelgitarren erinnert, spiegelt die Musik aus dem zentralkalifornischen Bakersfield eine Vielzahl verschiedener Einflüsse wider, die auf unterschiedlichste Weise zum Ausdruck kamen.

''Wir stellen das Endresultat der Entwicklung der Country Music in dieser Stadt dar'', bemerkte Haggard einmal über Bakersfield, seinerzeit Heimat für die beiden Mitglieder der Country Music Hall of Fame. Aber wie ist die musikalische Welt, aus der Buck und Merle hervorgingen, entstanden? Wie wurden die beiden Säulen des Bakersfield Sounds von der größeren Musikszene der Stadt geprägt? Wer waren ihre Einflüsse, und was waren die musikalischen Orientierungspunkte auf ihrem Weg zum Erfolg? Inwiefern haben ihre Erfolge die lokale Szene, aus der sie stammen, verändert?

Diese erste umfangreiche Anthologie über die Geschichte und das Vermächtnis der Country Music in Bakersfield beginnt mit Feldaufnahmen von Migranten aus den 1940er Jahren. Sie waren vor den verheerenden Folgen von Staub und wirtschaftlicher Depression auf der Suche nach einem besseren Leben nach Kalifornien geflohen. Die Dokumentation beschreibt die Entwicklung der Musik bis 1974, jenem letzten Jahr, in dem Merle Haggard in Bakersfield zu Hause war, dem Jahr von Buck Owens' letztem Top-10-Hit als Solokünstler und dem Jahr, in welchem der wegweisende Gitarrist Don Rich aus Bakersfield bei einem Motorradunfall getötet wurde. 

Manchmal wurde Bakersfield auch 'Nashville West' genannt. Die Stadt wurde zur Keimzelle der Karrieren von Ferlin Husky, Herb Henson, Jimmy Thomason, Billy Barton, Fuzzy Owen, Lewis Talley, Tommy Collins, Dallas Frazier, Semie Moseley, Jean Shepard, The Farmer Boys, Wynn Stewart, Tommy Duncan, Billy Mize, Cliff Crofford, Bonnie Owens, Don Markham, Al Brumley unterstützte, Tommy Dee, Jelly Sanders, Oscar Whittington, Johnny Barnett, Vancie Flowers, Bobby Durham, Bob Morris, Roy Nichols, Don Rich, Red Simpson, Kay Adams, Bobby Austin, Dick Curless, Joe & Rose Lee Maphis, Buddy Mize, Gary Paxton, The Gosdin Brothers, Ronnie Sessions, Gene Moles, Clarence White, Tony Booth, Freddie Hart, David Frizzell und unzähligen anderen.

Wir haben ein breites Spektrum an Aufnahmen zusammengestellt, zum Beispiel Bob Wills und die Texas Playboys in einem Radiostudio in Bakersfield Mitte der Vierzigerjahre; bisher unbekannte Live-Aufnahmen von Buck Owens und den Buckaroos am allerletzten Tag von Bucks legendären jährlichen ‘Toys for Tots’-Shows und vor Don Richs Tod entstanden; unveröffentlichte Aufnahmen von Red Simpson, Billy Mize, Bonnie Owens und Johnny Bond; Radiosendungen von der Bühne des legendären Blackboard Café und eine frühe Aufnahme von Bill Woods, die vor all seinen zuvor bekannten Aufnahmen entstanden ist.

Seltene Aufnahmen erster Pioniere wie Tex Butler, Tex Marshall und Ebb Potter geben einen Einblick in die Anfänge des Bakersfield Sounds, während Dutzende seltener Platten von lokalen Labels der 1950er, 60er und 70er Jahre erstmals zusammengefasst werden. Viele der hier präsentierten Titel wurden nie wiederveröffentlicht, nur wenige haben seit der Erstauflage erneut das Licht der Welt erblickt. In einigen Fällen wurde nur eine Handvoll 78er oder 45er Singles gepresst, und viele Songs sind heute längst vergessen. Von Harlan Howards erster Aufnahme für Tally Records über Jan Howards erste bekannte Demo-Aufnahme in Lewis Talleys Studio in Bakersfield bis hin zu Barbara Mandrells allererster Soloaufnahme auf Mosrite Records und zur einzigen bekannten Single des legendären Bandleaders Johnny Barnett bildet diese Kollektion eine Schatztruhe der Geschichte von Bakersfield. Von Hits über obskure Titel bis hin zu alternativen Versionen, von Albumstücken bis hin zu Live-Material: diese Box taucht tiefer als jede andere Veröffentlichung in den Bakersfield-Sound ein.

Das begleitende 224 Seiten umfassende gebundene Buch enthält hunderte von Fotos, ein Vorwort des Foo Fighters-Gitarristen Chris Shiflett, eine eingehende Analyse durch den Grammy-nominierten Historiker und Experten zum Thema Bakersfield Sound, Scott B. Bomar, Biografien zu jedem Künstler und Anmerkungen zu jedem einzelnen Song. Die umfangreiche 10-CD-Edition beleuchtet die Geschichte einer kalifornischen Kleinstadt mit einer florierenden Musikszene, die Bakersfield in die Hauptstadt der Country Music des Westens verwandelte und Spekulationen darüber auslöste, ob diese Stadt zu einer ernsthaften Bedrohung für Nashvilles Dominanz im Bereich kommerzieller Country Music werden könnte. 

Video von Various - History - The Bakersfield Sound - Country Music Capital Of The West 1940 - 1974 (10-CD Deluxe Box Set)

Artikeleigenschaften von Various - History: The Bakersfield Sound - Country Music Capital Of The West 1940 - 1974 (10-CD Deluxe Box Set)

  • Interpret: Various - History

  • Albumtitel: The Bakersfield Sound - Country Music Capital Of The West 1940 - 1974 (10-CD Deluxe Box Set)

  • Genre Country

  • Label Bear Family Records

  • Edition 2 Deluxe Edition
  • Preiscode JI
  • Artikelart Box set

  • EAN: 5397102160363

  • Gewicht in Kg: 3.5
Various - Country Music History - The Bakersfield Sound - Country Music Capital Of The West 1940 - 1974 (10-CD Deluxe Box Set) Box set 1
01 The Cotton Picker's Song Lloyd Stalcup
02 Darlin' Baby Homer Pierce
03 Sunny Cal Jack Bryant
04 Sunny California Mary Sullivan
05 Home In The Government Camp Wayne 'Gene' Dinwiddle
06 Get Along Down To Town King Family
07 Home In San Antone Lloyd Reading
08 Opening Theme / Seven Come Eleven Bob Wills and His Texas Playboys
09 Get Along Home Cindy Bob Wills and His Texas Playboys
10 Back In Dear Old Oklahoma Elwin Cross and his Arizona Wranglers
11 Okie Boogie The Maddox Brothers and Rose
12 Billy Gray) / Reading Your Letter With Tears In My Eyes Bob Manning (vocal
13 Lost Highway Leon Payne
14 Hittin' The Trail Tex Marshall & Bill Woods
15 When The Leaves Come Tumbling Down Leo 'Tex' Butler
16 Cliff Crofford / Have I Got A Chance With You Bill Woods
17 Water Baby Blues (Boogie) The Maddox Brothers and Rose
18 (A Pretty Woman Is A) Deadly Weapon Terry Preston
19 I Want You So Terry Preston
20 Funny Book Herb Henson
21 Honey Baby Jimmy Thomason
22 Your Love Was Like The Weater Jimmy Thomason
24 Ozark Polka Ebb Pilling and his Ozark Squirrel Shooters
25 A Heart Break Ago Bill Woods and his Orange Blossom Playboys with Hillbilly Barton
26 A Dear John Letter Fuzzy & Bonnie Owens
27 Dear John Bill Woods & Rita Goodwin
28 Pusan Billy Mize with Bill Woods and his Orange Blossom Playboys
29 Hank's Song Ferlin Husky
30 Dim Lights, Thick Smoke (And Loud, Loud Music) Joe Maphis & Rose Lee
31 A Dear John Letter Jean Shepard & Ferlin Husky
Various - Country Music History - The Bakersfield Sound - Country Music Capital Of The West 1940 - 1974 (10-CD Deluxe Box Set) Box set 2
01 You Better Not Do That Tommy Collins
02 Ain't You Had No Bringin' Up At All Dallas Frazier
03 Louisiana Swing Bud Hobbs
04 When I Hold You Forest Lee & Clete Stewart
05 Down On The Corner Of Love Buck Owens
06 Stepping Stones Dave Stogner with Al Brumley
08 When The Saints Go Marching In Semie Moseley
09 Take Possession Jean Shepard
10 It Pays To Advertise The Farmer Boys
11 Why Do I Love You So Wynn Stewart
12 Crazy Mixed Up Kid Tommy Duncan
13 Sad Sad Saturday Night Johnny Taylor
14 I Gotta Know Wanda Jackson
15 Who Will Buy The Wine Billy Mize
16 Baby I Like Your Style Al Coker with the Coker Family
17 Wherever You Are Louise Duncan
18 Bumble Rumble Sid Silver
19 I Need Her Love Andy Morris
20 I Want You Dusty Payne
21 Your Every Thing (I Wish That She Could Be) Fuzzy Owen
22 I Never Thought Bonnie Blue Bell
23 What Time Tomorrow Jan Howard
24 Drivin' Away My Blues George Rich
25 Ask Me No Questions Bill Woods
26 Beware Of A Stranger Fuzzy Owen
27 Keep Her Off Your Mind Skeets McDonald
28 Yes Sir Dave Stogner
29 Fun On The Freeway Harlan Howard
30 A Night For Love Cliff Crofford
31 Someone To Love The Farmer Boys
32 Come Back To Me Buck Owens
Various - Country Music History - The Bakersfield Sound - Country Music Capital Of The West 1940 - 1974 (10-CD Deluxe Box Set) Box set 3
01 I'm Sorry Too Reuben Chapman with Coy Baker & His Band
02 Empty Days And Lonely Nights Don Thompson with Coy Baker & His Band
03 You're A Luxury Phil Brown
04 Steady Lovin' unknown
05 I Like That Kind Johnny Bond
06 Crazy Moon Henry Sharp
07 Pair Of Empty Arms Gene Martin with the Desert Stars
08 You'al Come Herb Henson
09 Letters Have No Arms Lewis Talley
10 Second Fiddle Buck Owens
11 When Billy and Cliff
12 You Can't Take Your Love Outta This Boy Billy Mize
13 I Removed Your Ring Billy Kaundart
14 Keep Right On Tryin' Larry Bryant
15 Tired Of Livin' Buck Owens
16 Cold Hearted Woman Joe Hall
18 If I Could Only Tell You Rip Goodman and Marcia
19 Our Hearts George Latta
20 Til These Dreams Come True Buck Owens
21 Living Up To My Name Billy and Cliff
22 Goose, Pt 1 Don Markham & The Marksmen
23 Just For The Children's Sake Bonnie Owens
24 My Baby Walks All Over Me Wally Lewis
25 Playboy Wynn Stewart
26 Someone's Gonna Get Hurt Al Brumley
27 Door Of Temptation Jackie Kelley
28 Fiddlin' Country Style Jelly Sanders
29 Loose Talk Buck Owens & Rose Maddox
30 What Will I Do (With All These Memories) Jimmy Patton
31 Loving You (On Someone Elses' Time) Tommy Dee
32 Why Tell Me Custer Bottoms & Jack and Jerry
Various - Country Music History - The Bakersfield Sound - Country Music Capital Of The West 1940 - 1974 (10-CD Deluxe Box Set) Box set 4
01 King Of Fools Buck Owens
02 Scratch The Marksmen
03 It's My Turn To Cry Jerry Cornelius and the Golden Eagles
04 I Can't Stop Lovin' Wayne Morris
05 I Pretend Wayne Morris
06 Truck Drivin' Man Bill Woods
07 My Last Night In Town Billy Bledsoe
08 New Home Sweet Home Leon Hart
09 Crossing My Fingers Kenny Hays
10 Foolish Notions Kenny Hays
11 On Your Wedding Day Georgia Lynn
12 Go Where You Wanta Go Tommy Lewis
13 Private Party Vancie Flowers
14 There's Gonna Come A Day Buck Owens
15 Why Should I Cry Again Anita Cross
16 Waggin' Tongues Bonnie Owens
17 Painting The Town Rollie Weber
18 Second Fiddle Johnny Barnett
19 Too Old To Hurt Johnny Barnett
20 Skid Row Merle Haggard
21 Good-Bye Mr Blues Bill Meyers
22 If You Ain't Lovin' You Ain't Livin' Buck Owens
23 Tell Me Why Bill Bledsoe
24 Put Your Arms Around Him Bob Morris
25 Silver Bells Roy Nichols
26 Act Naturally (live) Buck Owens
27 Life In Prison Merle Haggard
28 My Past Is Present Bobby Durham
29 Queen Of Snob Hill Bobby Durham
30 Tears In My Beer Vancie and Rita
31 Out Of My Mind Rose Stassi
Various - Country Music History - The Bakersfield Sound - Country Music Capital Of The West 1940 - 1974 (10-CD Deluxe Box Set) Box set 5
01 Close Up The Honky Tonks Buck Owens
02 Slowly But Surely Merle Haggard & Bonnie Owens
03 Working Overtime Bob Hortter
04 SOS Jim Witlock
05 Fallin' For You Buck Owens
06 I'm Gonna Break Every Heart I Can (Capitol) Merle Haggard
07 I Wish I Hadn't Called You Tommy Duncan
08 Red Wine Jim Ward
09 More Wine, More Women, More Song Lewis Talley
10 I'll Take A Chance Merle Haggard & Bonnie Owens
11 I'm Layin' It On The Line Don Rich & The Buckaroos
12 There Never Was A Fool Buck Owens
13 After You Leave Me Doyle Holly & The Buckaroos
14 Just Leave My World Alone Dee Mize (aka Buddy Mize)
15 Walking My Fool Billy Mize
16 (My Friends Are Gonna Be) Strangers Liz Anderson
19 Home Is Where I Hang My Head Bobby Durham
18 Alcohol And Tears Jeanie O'Neal
20 Jeannie With The Light Brown Cadillac Red Simpson
21 Swinging Doors (alternate take) Merle Haggard
24 House Of Memories Buck Owens
23 Old Standby Dick Curless & Kay Adams
25 Tiger By the Tail (live at Carnegie Hall) Buck Owens
26 Fool Me Again Vicki Lester
27 The Bad Guy Gets The Girl Ray Salter
28 Pappy Was A Clever Man Billy Mize
29 Correspondence Course In Love Jeanie O'Neal
Various - Country Music History - The Bakersfield Sound - Country Music Capital Of The West 1940 - 1974 (10-CD Deluxe Box Set) Box set 6
01 Apartment #9 Bobby Austin
02 Open Up Your Heart Buck Owens
03 A Good Job Huntin' And Fishin' Dick Curless
04 Goin' Thru The Motions Gary Paxton
05 I'm Actin' Like My Old Self Again Red Simpson
06 Little Pink Mack Kay Adams
07 The Dumb Thing Doyle Holly
08 Someone Told My Story Merle Haggard
09 Diesel Smoke, Dangerous Curves Red Simpson
10 Queen For A Day Barbara Mandrell
11 I Guess You're Finally Satisfied Ronnie Sessions
12 Mixed Up Mess Of A Heart Merle Haggard
13 A Lifetime Of Love Joe and Rose Lee Maphis
14 I'm So Mad At Me Del and Sue Smart
15 Drink Up And Be Somebody Merle Haggard
16 You'll Never Miss The Water (Til The Well Runs Dry) Wayne Wilson & Don Rich with The Buckaroos
17 The First Thing I Think Of Bob Morris
18 Only The Strong Can Survive Faye Hardin
19 You Don't Have Very Far To Go Merle Haggard
20 I'm Not Looking For An Angel Bobby Austin
21 Chicken Pickin' The Buckaroos
22 A Foolish Notion Doyle Holly & The Buckaroos
23 I Made The Prison Band Merle Haggard
24 50 Year Waltz Oscar Whittington
25 Love That Just Won't Stop Del and Sue Smart
26 Hangin' On The Gosdin Brothers
27 Who Do You Go To Suzi Arden
28 There Never Was A Fool Ronnie Sessions
29 Where Does The Good Times Go Merle Haggard
30 Pickin' And Guitin' Joe Maphis
31 Country Girl Courtship Rose Lee Maphis
32 I'd Rather Be Hurt By You Wayne Wilson
Various - Country Music History - The Bakersfield Sound - Country Music Capital Of The West 1940 - 1974 (10-CD Deluxe Box Set) Box set 7
01 The Heartaches Have Just ed Buck Owens
02 Fingerlickin' Gene Moles
03 I'm Goin' Crazy Al Brumley
04 Don't Leave Me Cryin' Bill Handy with Jelly Sanders Combo
05 Walking In My Sleep Crying Over You Leo Stephens
06 It's Over Tom Rose
07 Let The World Keep On A Turnin' Buck Owens and Buddy Alan
08 Too Many Bridges To Cross Over Merle Haggard
09 Too Young To Grow Old Over You Dean Sanford
10 Calling All Lovers Tommy Wiggins
11 Buckshot Larry Daniels & The Buckshots
12 Lead Me On Bonnie Owens
13 I'm Out Of My Mind Leon Copeland
14 Buckaroo Clarence White
15 Vaccination For The Blues The Sanland Brothers
16 You Put My World Back Together Red Simpson
17 Hammin' It Up The Strangers (Merle Haggrad)
18 Lucy Clowers Bob Ross
19 (I Used To Live) The Life Of Riley Ronnie Sessions
20 Married Man Barbara Cheatwood
21 Make It Rain Billy Mize
22 Mention My Name Cliff Crofford
23 Sam's Place (live in London) Buck Owens
24 California Cottonfields Merle Haggard
25 Not Going Back To Jackson Rodney Lay
26 I Want To Live In Your House Glenda Blackwell
27 Pitty Pitty Patter Tom Tall
28 My Old Used To Be Judy Hall
29 Love Is Me Ira Allen
30 Mistakes I've Made Faye Hardin
31 Pumpkin Center Harold Cox & The Sooners
32 Tears Of Joy (Are A-Croppin' Out On Me) Jerry Dallas
33 Devil River Stan Farlow
Various - Country Music History - The Bakersfield Sound - Country Music Capital Of The West 1940 - 1974 (10-CD Deluxe Box Set) Box set 8
01 Mama Tried (live in Muskogee) Merle Haggard
02 Stealin' Corn The Strangers
03 Forgive And Forget Truitt Cunningham
04 Cryin' Time Buck Owens & Susan Raye
05 Bring Back My Peace Of Mind Buck Owens
06 Cowboy Convention The Sanland Brothers
07 Guitar Pickin' Man Don Rich & The Buckaroos
08 Your Heart Turned Left (And I Was On The Right) Don Rich
09 A Whole Lot Of Somethin' Buddy Alan (Sohn von Buck & Bonnie Owens)
10 I'm A Good Loser Merle Haggard
11 California On My Mind Bobby Wayne
12 Reno Lament Buck Owens
13 Your Tender Loving Care The Hagers
14 There Is No Easy Way Henry Sharpe
15 Because You Can't Be Mine Lewis Talley
16 She Don't Care Now Mike Beagles
17 Night Life Is My Weakness Dave Price
18 Daddy Frank (The Guitar Man) Merle Haggard
19 Heartbreak Mountain Sharon Haley
20 Never Ending Song Of Love Mayf Nutter
21 Cinderella Tony Booth
22 I'm A Truck Red Simpson
23 Mr Conscience Johnny Campbell
24 How Dark Is My Journey Vancie Flowers
25 Bring It On Down To My House Merle Haggard
26 Number One Heel Kenni Huskey
28 I'm Tired Of Your Understanding Ways Merle Haggard
29 I Bought The Shoes (That Just Walked Out On Me) Kenny Vernon
Various - Country Music History - The Bakersfield Sound - Country Music Capital Of The West 1940 - 1974 (10-CD Deluxe Box Set) Box set 9
01 Arms Full Of Empty Buck Owens
02 Love Sure Feels Good In My Heart Susan Raye
03 Streets Of Bakersfield Homer Joy
04 I Know An Ending When It Comes Merle Haggard
05 Something's Wrong Buck Owens
06 Young Widow Brown Doyle Singer & The Buckaroos
07 Cheater's Ground Tide Cartwright
08 I Laid Back Down Blackjack Duran
09 This Troubled Mind Of Mine Arlo Guthrie
10 The Emptiest Arms In The World Merle Haggard
11 Beer Drinkers Of America Unite Kenny Johnson with the Country Mile
12 Sweethearts In Heaven Buck Owens & Susan Raye
13 Mountain Of Fortune And Fame Laurel Lee
14 Bill Woods From Bakersfield Red Simpson
15 Good Ole Country Sound Thad Tillotson
16 If You Can't Feel It (It Ain't There) Freddie Hart
17 Foolish Man Carlyle Graham
18 The Lord Rested On Sunday Kay Austin
19 Every Time I Hear The Fiddle Play Cliff Crofford
20 Holding Things Together Merle Haggard
21 I'm The Bartender's Best Friend David Frizzell
22 I Ain't Hangin' Round Lawanda Lindsey
23 Going Back To Oklahoma Toby Keeney
24 That Little Glass Of Milk Walt Pascoe
25 Betty Jane Roger Spanke
26 Antique In My Closet Sandy Thomas
27 Do You Believe In Me Dennis Payne
28 Teach Me How To Love Debi Hawkins
29 Mirrors Don't Lie Merle Haggard
30 A Different Kind Of Sad Tony Booth
Various - Country Music History - The Bakersfield Sound - Country Music Capital Of The West 1940 - 1974 (10-CD Deluxe Box Set) Box set 10
01 Y'all Come / Tall Dark Stranger (live at Toys for Tots) Buck Owens
02 Lonesome 7-7203 (live at Toys for Tots show) Tony Booth
03 Fishin' on the Mississippi (live at Toys for Tots show) Buddy Alan
04 LA International Airport (live at Toys for Tots) Susan Raye
05 Johnny B Goode (live at Toys for Tots) Buck Owens, the Buckaoors and OMAC artists
06 Number One Heel (take 14) Bonnie Owens
07 Strange Vancie & Rita
08 Tears In My Beer Vancie & Rita
09 Misery Billy Mize
10 The Name Of The Game Is Heartaches Billy Mize
11 I'd Be A Good Time Charlie Red Simpson
12 Fit For A King Red Simpson
13 Which One Is To Blame Johnny Barnett
14 Release Me Junior Stonebarger with Jelly Sanders Band
15 My Ears Should Burn (When Fools Are Talked About) Fuzzy Owen, Bill Woods, Red Simpson & Band
16 Truck Driving Man Bill Woods, Don Rich, Don Markham & Band
17 Be Serious Ann Tommy Collins
18 Christmas Time's A Comin' Joe & Rose Lee Maphis
19 Blue Christmas Lewis Talley
20 Lonely Christmas Call Louise Lovett
The Bristol Sessions -  The Johnson City Sessions -  The Knoxville Sessions... mehr
"Various - History"

The Bristol Sessions - The Johnson City Sessions - The Knoxville Sessions

Zweifach für die GRAMMIES 2012 nominiert, in der Kategorie 'Bestes historisches Album' und der Kategorie 'Beste Linernotes', bear FAmily Records Box Set - The Bristol Sessions -. 

The Bristol Sessions, 1927–1928: The Big Bang Of Country Music’ dokumentiert die bahnbrechenden Aufnahmesitzungen für Victor Records, die u.a. den Karrierebeginn von Jimmie Rodgers und der Carter Family markieren.

Das Augenmerk der ‘The Johnson City Sessions, 1928–1929: Can You Sing Or Play Old-Time Music?’ hingegen liegt auf den Unternehmungen von Columbia Records und deren Suche nach musikalischen Talenten der noch jungen Country Music aus der Appalachen-Region, die wiederum viele weitere zukunftsträchtige Aufnahmen hervorbrachten.  

The Knoxville Sessions, 1929–1930: Knox County Stomp präsentiert Aufnahmen aus zwei von Brunswick Records beaufsichtigten Sessions im St. James Hotel in der Innenstadt. Die Musik steht sowohl für ihren Abwechslungsreichtum als auch für den hohen Seltenheitsgrad der Platten, auf denen sie zu hören ist.

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Kundenbewertungen für "The Bakersfield Sound - Country Music Capital Of The West 1940 - 1974 (10-CD Deluxe Box Set)"

Schnell und zuverlässig


Now you, too, can become an expert!

What an exhaustive review! If you listen to all ten CDs and read the hardback book you will be close to being an expert on the country music of Bakersfield. In a collection like this there will be many excellent and some just average records. But they are all necessary to display a comprehensive picture of a time and place. The West Coast is two thousand miles from Nashville. Country musicians in California felt no need to make the long trip every time they were ready to record. They had all the resources they needed in Bakersfield and Los Angeles. And this is the good stuff. Bakersfield country music is not watered down with pop music elements. This is the mother-load of cry-in-your-beer country music. In the 1960s, Buck Owens records were always played on Top 40 radio stations as well as the country stations here in the Midwest U.S. Plus, I watched his weekly TV show regularly (before "Hee-Haw" started) and marveled at the playing by the Buckaroos. I am amazed at all the work that must have been put into this box set.



Grammy Nominee 2020 Best Album Notes - The Bakersfield Sound : Country Music Capital Of The West, 1940-1974 Scott B.Bomar, album notes writer (Various Artists)

Grammy Nominee 2020 Best Album Notes -
The Bakersfield Sound : Country Music Capital Of The West, 1940-1974
Scott B.Bomar, album notes writer (Various Artists)


sehr zu empfehlen

Ein Zeitgenosse sagte einmal zu mir: Die Bear Family Boxen sind ja sooo teuer. Falsch! Sie sind Preiswehrt. Sie sind ihren Preis wehrt. Man bekommt CD´s mit ca. 30 Songs. Alle in bestmöglicher Qualität, und ein umfangreiches Buch mit Hintergrundwissen zu der Musik. Die seltenen Photos nicht zu vergessen. Die Box " The Bakersfield Sound" macht da keine Ausnahme. 10 CD´s mit um die 300 Songs, ein dickes Buch mit der Entstehungsgeschichte des Bakersfield Sound, Anmerkungen zu den Künstlern und vieles mehr. Für Country Music Liebhaber, die mehr wollen als "nur" die Musik " A Must", wie es früher in den Bear Family Katalogen so schön hieß. Man wird ja öfters im Leben enttäuscht. Bear Family Records hat mich noch nie enttäuscht. Ich vergebe 12 von 10 Punkten.


Bakersfield Sound 1940-1974

Another truly outstanding box-set release from Bear Family documenting the rise and rise of the Bakersfield Sound from 1940-1974. A mouth watering 307 tracks , a playing time of 755 minutes plus a 220 page hardback book makes this set an invaluable addition to anyone's Country collection.Wonderful stuff! I can't wait for this set to be released!

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Presse und Rezensionen
Press Archive - Various Artists - The Bakersfield Sound 1940 - 1974 -
Press Archive - Various Artists - The Bakersfield Sound 1940 - 1974 - When Buck Owens and Merle Haggard emerged from the dim lights, thick smoke and loud, loud music of Bakersfield, California’s thriving honky-tonk scene of the 50’s and 60’s, they changed country music forever. “We represent the end results of all the years of country music in this town,” Haggard once remarked about the California city that served as home base for the two Country Music Hall of Fame inductees. But how were the twin pillars of the “Bakersfield Sound” shaped by the Central California’s city’s larger musical community? Who paved the way for their successes and who were their influences? The Bakersfield Sound 1940-1974 answers these questions and more. Due from Bear Family on August 9th, this sprawling 10 CD box set is the first multi-disc anthology to cover Bakersfield’s country music heritage. Diving deep into the “Bakersfield Sound,” the compilation’s 307 tracks include plenty of fan favorites as well as a vast quantity of deep cuts, alternate takes, radio recordings, demos, live material, and previously unreleased studio recordings. The massive collection begins with 40’s field recordings of migrants who arrived in Central California to find a better life, and proceeds to trace the development of this historic country music scene all the way through 1974.
Press Archive - Various Artists - The Bakersfield Sound 1940 - 1974 - Billboard
Press Archive - Various Artists - The Bakersfield Sound 1940 - 1974 - Billboard Bear Family Records' upcoming The Bakersfield Sound 1940-1970 box set, due out Aug. 9, was a labor of love for producer Scott Bomar. He found even more to love when he was presented with was thought to be a lost early recording of Merle Haggard singing "I'm Gonna Break Every Heart I Can," featured on the box and premiering exclusively below. Haggard recorded the version included on the set for the independent Tally Records label, where Haggard was signed before Capitol. "I'd heard he'd recorded it for Tally, but nobody ever heard it and it was assumed it was lost," Bomar -- who also annotated Omnivore Records' recent Buck Owens reissues -- tells Billboard. "When I started beating the bushes and putting things together, someone handed me a tape box that was just labeled 'Merle' -- I think it was under somebody's bed somewhere -- and said, 'I don't know if anything on here would be of any interest, but check it out to see.' It turned out to be the original version of that song, which is quite a bit different than the Capitol version he recorded a few years later. It was a real find, quite a nice historical glimpse into that moment in the studio."
Presse Archiv - Various Artists - The Bakersfield Sound 1940 - 1974 - Rolling Stone
Presse Archiv - Various Artists - The Bakersfield Sound 1940 - 1974 - Rolling Stone The Bakersfield Sound 1940-1974 ***** Die Geschichte eines wegweisenden Country-Stils Als musikalischer Fremdkörper auf der „Help!"-LP war die von Ringo Starr vorgetragene Version von Buck Owens' Hit „Act Naturally" eine pure Notlösung (Ersatz für seine eigentlich vorgesehene Aufnahme von Lennon/ McCartneys „If You've Got Trouble") und kein Bekenntnis der Band zu Country Music made in Bakersfield. Als die Everly Brothers Merle Hag-gards „Mama Tried" und Country-Rock-Bands wenig später Songs wie „White Line Fever" aufnahmen, geschah dies aufgrund der genre-übergreifenden Klasse der Kompositi-onen der anderen Galionsfigur dieser regionalen Spielart von Country.
Presse Archiv - Various Artists - The Bakersfield Sound 1940 - 1974 -
Presse Archiv - Various Artists - The Bakersfield Sound 1940 - 1974 - California, is typically more authentic-sounding and less commercial than what Nashville has delivered. Wikipedia calls it "the first genre of country music to be significantly influenced by rock and roll, and as a result, the first to rely heavily on electric instrumentation and a defined backbeat. It was also a reaction against the slickly produced, orchestra-laden Nashville sound, which was becoming popular in the late 1950s." That's about as good a capsule summary as any, but keep in mind that like most musical genres, this one tends to have rather loosely defined boundaries. Just as rock can mean anything from the Sex Pistols to the Moody Blues to Bob Dylan, music lumped together under the Bakersfield umbrella can be Tex-Mex, Western swing, rockabilly, or even mournful, syrupy ballads that could have just as easily issued from Nashville. The geographical boundaries are as fuzzy as the sonic ones, as a massive new box set, The Bakersfield Sound 1940–1974, makes clear. The set, due out October 18, includes tracks that were recorded in Bakersfield by acts that had roots elsewhere, ranging from Bob Wills and His Texas Playboys to Brooklyn, New York–born Arlo Guthrie. It also features songs associated with Bakersfield that were actually produced in Hollywood. As the great Merle Haggard once said, "What became known as the Bakersfield sound was always bigger than Bakersfield." And as music historian Scott Bomar points out in his extensive liner notes for this anthology, Bakersfield refers to "a movement that can't be contained within strict musical definitions." Adds Bomar: "The reality is a bit more complex than a simple label or checklist could accurately reflect." Germany's Bear Family label, which issued the set, is known for its everything-but-the-kitchen-sink mega-boxes, and this collection is true to form.
Presse Archiv - Various Artists - The Bakersfield Sound 1940 - 1974 -
Presse Archiv - Various Artists - The Bakersfield Sound 1940 - 1974 - Buck Owens' "Down On The Corner" war seine erste kommerzielle Aufnahme von 1955 auf dem Label Pep Records! Johnny Bond's "I Like That Kind" ist ein ordentlicher kleiner Rocker (und ja, es gibt hier inmitten des Country Twangs jede Menge Grenzfelsen und Rock-a-Billy Styling). Steady Lovin'" (wahrscheinlich von) Skeets McDonald ist auch ein bisschen Rock'n Rollin' Freude. Gitarristen werden sich freuen, die erste Single von Semie Mosley auf Mos-Rite Records zu hören. Ja, das ist die gleiche Mos-Rite, die auch die renommierte Marke Mosrite Guitars kreierte, die bei Surf-Gitarrenbands wie The Ventures in den 1960er Jahren (und The Ramones in den 70er Jahren!) populär wurde. Hier bricht er aus: "Wenn die Heiligen hereinkommen." Und so geht das Set weiter. Es ist wirklich interessant, wie in sehr kurzer Zeit The Bakersfield Sound durch diese Aufnahmen entsteht, der sofort moderner und rockiger klingt als frühere Nashviller Produktionen. Selbst bei den modernen Produktionen auf den späteren Discs im Set sind die Bakersfield-Aromen recht deutlich zu hören. Tatsächlich geht es beim Bakersfield Sound nicht nur um einen Musikstil, sondern auch um eine Einstellung, und er stößt auf all diese Tracks. Diese Sammlung ist unerlässlich, wenn Sie Country Western Musik lieben.
Presse Archiv - Various Artists - The Bakersfield Sound 1940 - 1974 - nodepression
Presse Archiv - Various Artists - The Bakersfield Sound 1940 - 1974 - These 10 CDs will keep your ears busy picking out old and new favorites, and the accompanying book is a great read by itself. Ken Burns got it right on film, but the Bear Family’s taped archives are just as important and entertaining for capturing this era of country music history, as a standalone piece or an accompaniment.
Presse Archiv - Various Artists - The Bakersfield Sound 1940 - 1974 - nodepression
Presse Archiv - Various Artists - The Bakersfield Sound 1940 - 1974 - These 10 CDs will keep your ears busy picking out old and new favorites, and the accompanying book is a great read by itself. Ken Burns got it right on film, but the Bear Family’s taped archives are just as important and entertaining for capturing this era of country music history, as a standalone piece or an accompaniment.
Presse Archiv - Various Artists - The Bakersfield Sound 1940 - 1974 - allmusic
Presse Archiv - Various Artists - The Bakersfield Sound 1940 - 1974 - allmusic Buck Owens turned Bakersfield, California into the epicenter of hip country music in the mid-1960s. All it took was a remarkable streak of number one singles that steamrolled right through Nashville with their electrified twang, forever changing the notion of what constituted country music and codifying the Bakersfield sound as hard-driving rhythms, trebly Telecasters and lean arrangements suited for honky tonks, beer joints and jukeboxes all across America. Half a century later, these remain sonic signifiers of Bakersfield, so the term no longer conveys a specific sounds, place and era—a situation the weighty Bear Family box The Bakersfield Sound: Country Music Capital Of The West 1940-1974 intends to rectify.
Presse Archiv - Various Artists - The Bakersfield Sound 1940 - 1974 - THE WALL STREET JOURNAL
Presse Archiv - Various Artists - The Bakersfield Sound 1940 - 1974 - THE WALL STREET JOURNAL
63rd Annual GRAMMY Awards Nominee - Best Album Notes - The Bakersfield Sound : Country Music Capital Of The West, 1940-1974
Grammy Nominee Best Album Notes - The Bakersfield Sound : Country Music Capital Of The West, 1940-1974 Scott B.Bomar, album notes writer (Various Artists)
ASSOCIATION FOR RECORDED SOUND COLLECTIONS (ASRC) BEST HISTORICAL RESEARCH IN RECORDED COUNTRY OR ROOTS MUSIC Scott B. Bomar, The Bakersfield Sound (Bear Family Records) John Broven, South to Louisiana: The Music of the Cajun Bayous (Pelican Publishing) Heath Carpenter, The Philosopher King: T Bone Burnett and the Ethic of a Southern Cultural Renaissance (University of Georgia Press) Dayton Duncan and Ken Burns, Country Music: An Illustrated History (Knopf) ARSC_awards_finalists_press_2020.pdf
Vol.1, (CD) 1950's & 60's Boppers and Rockers from 'Nashville West'
Various - The Other Side Of Bakersfield: Vol.1, (CD) 1950's & 60's Boppers and Rockers... Art-Nr.: BCD16946

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14,95 € 16,95 €
Vol.2, (CD) 1950's & 60's Boppers and Rockers from 'Nashville West'
Various - The Other Side Of Bakersfield: Vol.2, (CD) 1950's & 60's Boppers and Rockers... Art-Nr.: BCD17353

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14,95 € 16,95 €
At The Louisiana Hayride Tonight (20-CD Deluxe Box Set)
Various: At The Louisiana Hayride Tonight (20-CD Deluxe... Art-Nr.: BCD17370

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Bobby Bare: Bobby Bare Sings Shel Silverstein plus (8-CD... Art-Nr.: BCD17570

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Various - Country Music History - The Bakersfield Sound - Country Music Capital Of The West 1940 - 1974 (10-CD Deluxe Box Set) Box set 1
01 The Cotton Picker's Song
02 Darlin' Baby
03 Sunny Cal
04 Sunny California
05 Home In The Government Camp
06 Get Along Down To Town
07 Home In San Antone
08 Opening Theme / Seven Come Eleven
09 Get Along Home Cindy
10 Back In Dear Old Oklahoma
11 Okie Boogie
12 Billy Gray) / Reading Your Letter With Tears In My Eyes
13 Lost Highway
14 Hittin' The Trail
15 When The Leaves Come Tumbling Down
16 Cliff Crofford / Have I Got A Chance With You
17 Water Baby Blues (Boogie)
18 (A Pretty Woman Is A) Deadly Weapon
19 I Want You So
20 Funny Book
21 Honey Baby
22 Your Love Was Like The Weater
24 Ozark Polka
25 A Heart Break Ago
26 A Dear John Letter
27 Dear John
28 Pusan
29 Hank's Song
30 Dim Lights, Thick Smoke (And Loud, Loud Music)
31 A Dear John Letter
Various - Country Music History - The Bakersfield Sound - Country Music Capital Of The West 1940 - 1974 (10-CD Deluxe Box Set) Box set 2
01 You Better Not Do That
02 Ain't You Had No Bringin' Up At All
03 Louisiana Swing
04 When I Hold You
05 Down On The Corner Of Love
06 Stepping Stones
08 When The Saints Go Marching In
09 Take Possession
10 It Pays To Advertise
11 Why Do I Love You So
12 Crazy Mixed Up Kid
13 Sad Sad Saturday Night
14 I Gotta Know
15 Who Will Buy The Wine
16 Baby I Like Your Style
17 Wherever You Are
18 Bumble Rumble
19 I Need Her Love
20 I Want You
21 Your Every Thing (I Wish That She Could Be)
22 I Never Thought
23 What Time Tomorrow
24 Drivin' Away My Blues
25 Ask Me No Questions
26 Beware Of A Stranger
27 Keep Her Off Your Mind
28 Yes Sir
29 Fun On The Freeway
30 A Night For Love
31 Someone To Love
32 Come Back To Me
Various - Country Music History - The Bakersfield Sound - Country Music Capital Of The West 1940 - 1974 (10-CD Deluxe Box Set) Box set 3
01 I'm Sorry Too
02 Empty Days And Lonely Nights
03 You're A Luxury
04 Steady Lovin'
05 I Like That Kind
06 Crazy Moon
07 Pair Of Empty Arms
08 You'al Come
09 Letters Have No Arms
10 Second Fiddle
11 When
12 You Can't Take Your Love Outta This Boy
13 I Removed Your Ring
14 Keep Right On Tryin'
15 Tired Of Livin'
16 Cold Hearted Woman
18 If I Could Only Tell You
19 Our Hearts
20 Til These Dreams Come True
21 Living Up To My Name
22 Goose, Pt 1
23 Just For The Children's Sake
24 My Baby Walks All Over Me
25 Playboy
26 Someone's Gonna Get Hurt
27 Door Of Temptation
28 Fiddlin' Country Style
29 Loose Talk
30 What Will I Do (With All These Memories)
31 Loving You (On Someone Elses' Time)
32 Why Tell Me
Various - Country Music History - The Bakersfield Sound - Country Music Capital Of The West 1940 - 1974 (10-CD Deluxe Box Set) Box set 4
01 King Of Fools
02 Scratch
03 It's My Turn To Cry
04 I Can't Stop Lovin'
05 I Pretend
06 Truck Drivin' Man
07 My Last Night In Town
08 New Home Sweet Home
09 Crossing My Fingers
10 Foolish Notions
11 On Your Wedding Day
12 Go Where You Wanta Go
13 Private Party
14 There's Gonna Come A Day
15 Why Should I Cry Again
16 Waggin' Tongues
17 Painting The Town
18 Second Fiddle
19 Too Old To Hurt
20 Skid Row
21 Good-Bye Mr Blues
22 If You Ain't Lovin' You Ain't Livin'
23 Tell Me Why
24 Put Your Arms Around Him
25 Silver Bells
26 Act Naturally (live)
27 Life In Prison
28 My Past Is Present
29 Queen Of Snob Hill
30 Tears In My Beer
31 Out Of My Mind
Various - Country Music History - The Bakersfield Sound - Country Music Capital Of The West 1940 - 1974 (10-CD Deluxe Box Set) Box set 5
01 Close Up The Honky Tonks
02 Slowly But Surely
03 Working Overtime
04 SOS
05 Fallin' For You
06 I'm Gonna Break Every Heart I Can (Capitol)
07 I Wish I Hadn't Called You
08 Red Wine
09 More Wine, More Women, More Song
10 I'll Take A Chance
11 I'm Layin' It On The Line
12 There Never Was A Fool
13 After You Leave Me
14 Just Leave My World Alone
15 Walking My Fool
16 (My Friends Are Gonna Be) Strangers
19 Home Is Where I Hang My Head
18 Alcohol And Tears
20 Jeannie With The Light Brown Cadillac
21 Swinging Doors (alternate take)
24 House Of Memories
23 Old Standby
25 Tiger By the Tail (live at Carnegie Hall)
26 Fool Me Again
27 The Bad Guy Gets The Girl
28 Pappy Was A Clever Man
29 Correspondence Course In Love
Various - Country Music History - The Bakersfield Sound - Country Music Capital Of The West 1940 - 1974 (10-CD Deluxe Box Set) Box set 6
01 Apartment #9
02 Open Up Your Heart
03 A Good Job Huntin' And Fishin'
04 Goin' Thru The Motions
05 I'm Actin' Like My Old Self Again
06 Little Pink Mack
07 The Dumb Thing
08 Someone Told My Story
09 Diesel Smoke, Dangerous Curves
10 Queen For A Day
11 I Guess You're Finally Satisfied
12 Mixed Up Mess Of A Heart
13 A Lifetime Of Love
14 I'm So Mad At Me
15 Drink Up And Be Somebody
16 You'll Never Miss The Water (Til The Well Runs Dry)
17 The First Thing I Think Of
18 Only The Strong Can Survive
19 You Don't Have Very Far To Go
20 I'm Not Looking For An Angel
21 Chicken Pickin'
22 A Foolish Notion
23 I Made The Prison Band
24 50 Year Waltz
25 Love That Just Won't Stop
26 Hangin' On
27 Who Do You Go To
28 There Never Was A Fool
29 Where Does The Good Times Go
30 Pickin' And Guitin'
31 Country Girl Courtship
32 I'd Rather Be Hurt By You
Various - Country Music History - The Bakersfield Sound - Country Music Capital Of The West 1940 - 1974 (10-CD Deluxe Box Set) Box set 7
01 The Heartaches Have Just ed
02 Fingerlickin'
03 I'm Goin' Crazy
04 Don't Leave Me Cryin'
05 Walking In My Sleep Crying Over You
06 It's Over
07 Let The World Keep On A Turnin'
08 Too Many Bridges To Cross Over
09 Too Young To Grow Old Over You
10 Calling All Lovers
11 Buckshot
12 Lead Me On
13 I'm Out Of My Mind
14 Buckaroo
15 Vaccination For The Blues
16 You Put My World Back Together
17 Hammin' It Up
18 Lucy Clowers
19 (I Used To Live) The Life Of Riley
20 Married Man
21 Make It Rain
22 Mention My Name
23 Sam's Place (live in London)
24 California Cottonfields
25 Not Going Back To Jackson
26 I Want To Live In Your House
27 Pitty Pitty Patter
28 My Old Used To Be
29 Love Is Me
30 Mistakes I've Made
31 Pumpkin Center
32 Tears Of Joy (Are A-Croppin' Out On Me)
33 Devil River
Various - Country Music History - The Bakersfield Sound - Country Music Capital Of The West 1940 - 1974 (10-CD Deluxe Box Set) Box set 8
01 Mama Tried (live in Muskogee)
02 Stealin' Corn
03 Forgive And Forget
04 Cryin' Time
05 Bring Back My Peace Of Mind
06 Cowboy Convention
07 Guitar Pickin' Man
08 Your Heart Turned Left (And I Was On The Right)
09 A Whole Lot Of Somethin'
10 I'm A Good Loser
11 California On My Mind
12 Reno Lament
13 Your Tender Loving Care
14 There Is No Easy Way
15 Because You Can't Be Mine
16 She Don't Care Now
17 Night Life Is My Weakness
18 Daddy Frank (The Guitar Man)
19 Heartbreak Mountain
20 Never Ending Song Of Love
21 Cinderella
22 I'm A Truck
23 Mr Conscience
24 How Dark Is My Journey
25 Bring It On Down To My House
26 Number One Heel
28 I'm Tired Of Your Understanding Ways
29 I Bought The Shoes (That Just Walked Out On Me)
Various - Country Music History - The Bakersfield Sound - Country Music Capital Of The West 1940 - 1974 (10-CD Deluxe Box Set) Box set 9
01 Arms Full Of Empty
02 Love Sure Feels Good In My Heart
03 Streets Of Bakersfield
04 I Know An Ending When It Comes
05 Something's Wrong
06 Young Widow Brown
07 Cheater's Ground
08 I Laid Back Down
09 This Troubled Mind Of Mine
10 The Emptiest Arms In The World
11 Beer Drinkers Of America Unite
12 Sweethearts In Heaven
13 Mountain Of Fortune And Fame
14 Bill Woods From Bakersfield
15 Good Ole Country Sound
16 If You Can't Feel It (It Ain't There)
17 Foolish Man
18 The Lord Rested On Sunday
19 Every Time I Hear The Fiddle Play
20 Holding Things Together
21 I'm The Bartender's Best Friend
22 I Ain't Hangin' Round
23 Going Back To Oklahoma
24 That Little Glass Of Milk
25 Betty Jane
26 Antique In My Closet
27 Do You Believe In Me
28 Teach Me How To Love
29 Mirrors Don't Lie
30 A Different Kind Of Sad
Various - Country Music History - The Bakersfield Sound - Country Music Capital Of The West 1940 - 1974 (10-CD Deluxe Box Set) Box set 10
01 Y'all Come / Tall Dark Stranger (live at Toys for Tots)
02 Lonesome 7-7203 (live at Toys for Tots show)
03 Fishin' on the Mississippi (live at Toys for Tots show)
04 LA International Airport (live at Toys for Tots)
05 Johnny B Goode (live at Toys for Tots)
06 Number One Heel (take 14)
07 Strange
08 Tears In My Beer
09 Misery
10 The Name Of The Game Is Heartaches
11 I'd Be A Good Time Charlie
12 Fit For A King
13 Which One Is To Blame
14 Release Me
15 My Ears Should Burn (When Fools Are Talked About)
16 Truck Driving Man
17 Be Serious Ann
18 Christmas Time's A Comin'
19 Blue Christmas
20 Lonely Christmas Call