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Various - That'll Flat Git It Vol.45 - That'll Flat Git It! Rockabilly & Rock 'n' Roll From The Vaults Of Imperial Records (CD)

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  • BCD17677
  • 0.115
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1-CD (Digipak) mit 36-seitigem Booklet, 35 Einzeltitel. Gesamtspieldauer ca. 79 Min. Die...mehr

Various - That'll Flat Git It: Vol.45 - That'll Flat Git It! Rockabilly & Rock 'n' Roll From The Vaults Of Imperial Records (CD)

1-CD (Digipak) mit 36-seitigem Booklet, 35 Einzeltitel. Gesamtspieldauer ca. 79 Min.

Das in Los Angeles ansässige und von Lew Chudd gegründete Label Imperial Records deckte in den 50er Jahren das Gebiet der Roots-Musik lückenlos ab: Country, Rockabilly, R&B (vor allem die New Orleans-Variante) und einige weitere Subgenres zeichneten den umfangreichen Katalog aus. 

Bear Family's 'That'll Flat Git It! Vol. 45' widmet sich intensiv den gewaltigen Archiven von Imperial und gräbt 35 Stücke von einigen der größten Namen des Labels aus. Drei Rocker von Imperials beliebtesten Teenie-Idol Ricky Nelson sind ebenso an Bord wie Klassiker von The Burnette Brothers, Merle Kilgore, Lew Williams, Laura Lee Perkins, Dennis Herrold, Jackie Walker und Bob Luman. 

Doch diese Serie lebt auch durch ihre Super-Obskuritäten, und davon gibt es jede Menge von Tommy Lomonte, The Leen Teens, Jay Blue, Sonny Anderson und Slick Slavin, um nur einige zu nennen. 

Freddy Fender in seinen prägenden Jahren und der New Orleans-Jump-Blues-Shouter Roy Brown sind ebenfalls dabei, und die leidenschaftliche Gloria Jean Pitts liefert einen mitreißenden Crescent City R&B-Song ab. Dieses Set ist ein durchgängig rockendes Vergnügen!

Video von Various - That'll Flat Git It - Vol.45 - That'll Flat Git It! Rockabilly & Rock 'n' Roll From The Vaults Of Imperial Records (CD)

Artikeleigenschaften vonVarious - That'll Flat Git It: Vol.45 - That'll Flat Git It! Rockabilly & Rock 'n' Roll From The Vaults Of Imperial Records (CD)

  • Interpret: Various - That'll Flat Git It

  • Albumtitel: Vol.45 - That'll Flat Git It! Rockabilly & Rock 'n' Roll From The Vaults Of Imperial Records (CD)

  • Genre Rock

  • Label Bear Family Records

  • Preiscode AR
  • Edition 2 Deluxe Edition
  • Artikelart CD

  • EAN: 4000127176776

  • Gewicht in Kg: 0.115
Various - That'll Flat Git It - Vol.45 - That'll Flat Git It! Rockabilly & Rock 'n' Roll From The Vaults Of Imperial Records (CD) CD 1
01Yeah, Yeah, YeahTommy Lomonte
02Shirley LeeRicky Nelson
03Wild Eyed WomanBob Luman
04Saturday NightRoy Brown
05I Don't Stand No Quittin'Gloria Jean Pitts
06Everybody Needs A Little Lovin'Merle Kilgore
07Rockin' BabyGene Henslee
08My HoneyThe Burnette Brothers
09Speed CrazySlick Slavin
10Only Teenagers AllowedJackie Walker
11Blue Days, Black NightsBob Luman
12ErnieMerle Kilgore
13One Of These MorningsRicky Nelson
14Kiss Me BabyLaura Lee Perkins
15So ShyThe Leen Teens
16Get Off My BackJay Blue
17Don't Push AwayDennis Herrold
18Long Time No LoveRonnie Smith
19Milk Cow BluesRicky Nelson
20Slow Down Little EvaRoy Brown
21Yes, I'm Gonna Love YouSonny Anderson
22Don't Mention My NameLew Williams
23Love In Be Bop TimeNick Venet
24SidewinderThe Sidewinders
25This Is The NightBob Luman
26Mean WomanFreddy Fender
27Life Begins At 4 O'ClockRonnie Diamond
28Sweet Little StrangerBobby Jay
29Make With The Lovin' (Unedited)Dennis Herrold
30Good Good FeelingJackie Walker
31Start All Over AgainMerle Kilgore
32Red Cadillac And A Black MoustacheBob Luman
33Diggin' N' Datin'Gene Henslee
34Sugar LipsDub Dickerson
35Lonely ManJack Tucker
That'll Flat Git It CDs Album-Serie produziert von Bear Family Records 'That'll Flat... mehr
"Various - That'll Flat Git It"

That'll Flat Git It

CDs Album-Serie produziert von Bear Family Records

That'll Flat Git It!'That'll Flat Git It!' das war das verbale Erkennungszeichen des Memphis Disc Jockeys Dewey Phillip, der keinen geringeren als Elvis Presley erstmalig im Radio spielte... Und 'That'll Flat Git It' heisst unsere Bear Family Records Rockabilly CD-Album Serie! Wer kennt nicht die legendären Lanspielplatten wie die 'MGM Rockabillies', die 'Chess Rockabillies', die 'Rare Rockabilly' Zusammenstellungen der Firma MCA, oder die Columbia Zusammenstellungen. Alle Rockabillykracher, die auf diesen LPs enthalten waren, gibt es bei uns auf CD-Album plus mindestens doppelt so vieler weiterer Rockabilly Songs!

Einzigartige That'll Flat Git It! Rockabilly-Serie

Wir machten uns auf die Suche nach den am besten klingenden Bändern. Ließen sie dann von den führenden Mastering-Spezialisten bearbeiten und haben auch in puncto Verpackung neue Maßstäbe gesetzt. Als übergeordneten Serien-Titel wählten wir ' That'll Flat Git It!', das verbale Erkennungszeichen des ersten Rockabilly-Discjockeys Dewey Phillips.
Außerdem suchten wir unveröffentlichtes Fotomaterial und machten all jene Interpreten ausfindig, nach denen bis dahin vergeblich geforscht worden war.
Unterm Strich steht unsere einzigartige That'll Flat Git It! Serie


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Kundenbewertungen für "Vol.45 - That'll Flat Git It! Rockabilly & Rock 'n' Roll From The Vaults Of Imperial Records (CD)"

High quality recordings, careful packaging. It's perfect.

One of the best record companies for reissuing music from the 1950s.


Bear Family does a great job of telling their stories and sharing the music in the CD's very big booklet of notes, label scans, and other vintage images!

The mighty Imperial Records was home to a fair bit of pop, blues, and R&B in the postwar years – but the label also had a slightly secret history as a hotbed for raw rock and hard-edged singles during the same stretch of time! Imperial was an indie, and one that kept an ear to the ground for new sounds far beyond its home in LA – a legacy that certainly comes through in the R&B they recorded, and the paths they forged in hillbilly music too – and which also really shows in this great mix of rare singles from back in the day! A few artists are are ones you'll know from other musical moments in their lives, and most of the rest are pretty darn obscure – yet, as always, Bear Family does a great job of telling their stories and sharing the music in the CD's very big booklet of notes, label scans, and other vintage images.


What a great 2nd Imperial compilation!

Thanks fellas! I'm glad you did it! Top track selection!



great addition to my Rockabilly collection

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Various - That'll Flat Git It - Vol.45 - That'll Flat Git It! Rockabilly & Rock 'n' Roll From The Vaults Of Imperial Records (CD) CD 1
01 Yeah, Yeah, Yeah
02 Shirley Lee
03 Wild Eyed Woman
04 Saturday Night
05 I Don't Stand No Quittin'
06 Everybody Needs A Little Lovin'
07 Rockin' Baby
08 My Honey
09 Speed Crazy
10 Only Teenagers Allowed
11 Blue Days, Black Nights
12 Ernie
13 One Of These Mornings
14 Kiss Me Baby
15 So Shy
16 Get Off My Back
17 Don't Push Away
18 Long Time No Love
19 Milk Cow Blues
20 Slow Down Little Eva
21 Yes, I'm Gonna Love You
22 Don't Mention My Name
23 Love In Be Bop Time
24 Sidewinder
25 This Is The Night
26 Mean Woman
27 Life Begins At 4 O'Clock
28 Sweet Little Stranger
29 Make With The Lovin' (Unedited)
30 Good Good Feeling
31 Start All Over Again
32 Red Cadillac And A Black Moustache
33 Diggin' N' Datin'
34 Sugar Lips
35 Lonely Man