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Slim Whitman I'm A Lonely Wanderer (6-CD Deluxe Box Set)

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Sofort versandfertig, Lieferzeit** 1-3 Werktage

  • BCD16214
  • 1.6
6-CD Box (LP-Format) mit 56-seitigem Buch, 173 Einzeltitel, Spieldauer 430:03 Minuten. Er...mehr

Slim Whitman: I'm A Lonely Wanderer (6-CD Deluxe Box Set)

6-CD Box (LP-Format) mit 56-seitigem Buch, 173 Einzeltitel, Spieldauer 430:03 Minuten.

Er ist einer der überragenden Stilisten der Country-Music, eine Legende und als Künstler bis heute angesagt: Slim Whitman, dessen Popularität weltweit größer war, als in seiner amerikanischen Heimat. Er hatte seine Hoch-Zeit während der frühen 50er Jahre – und obwohl seine Beliebtheit im folgenden Jahrzehnt ein wenig nachließ, lieferte er weiterhin Spitzen-Singles und –Alben ab, die bis heute nichts von ihrer Klasse verloren haben. Seine Arbeiten aus jener Zeit haben den Boden bereitet für Slims Comeback in den 70ern und 80ern.

Diese Box beginnt mit der Whitman-Story anno 1960 (exakt dort, wo unsere erste Box 'Rose Marie' endete) und reicht bis 1966. Slim Whitman war zum 'Album-Künstler' geworden, und dieses neue Set enthält alle seine hervorragenden LPs jener Zeit wie 'Just Call Me Lonesome', 'Cool Water', 'Sings Annie Laurie', 'I’m A Lonely Wanderer', 'Yodeling', 'Irish Songs The Whitman Style', 'All Time Favorites' sowie 'Country Songs, City Hits', 'Love Song Of The Waterfall', 'Reminiscing', 'More Than Yesterday', 'God's Hand In Mine' und 'Travelin'Man'.

Viele der insgesamt 157 Songs erscheinen hier erstmals in Stereo. Und die Box präsentiert außerdem die Lieder, die Slim Whitman 1965 in Südafrika eingespielt hat – mit Virginia Lee und die in Afrikaans. Die Biografie hat Kevin Coffey neu recherchiert, die Diskografie stammt vonRuss Wapensky und Richard Weize.

Artikeleigenschaften vonSlim Whitman: I'm A Lonely Wanderer (6-CD Deluxe Box Set)

  • Interpret: Slim Whitman

  • Albumtitel: I'm A Lonely Wanderer (6-CD Deluxe Box Set)

  • Genre Country

  • Label Bear Family Records

  • Edition 2 Deluxe Edition
  • Preiscode FK
  • Artikelart Box set

  • EAN: 4000127162144

  • Gewicht in Kg: 1.6
Whitman, Slim - I'm A Lonely Wanderer (6-CD Deluxe Box Set) Box set 1
01Cool WaterSlim Whitman
02A Lonesome HeartSlim Whitman
03WindSlim Whitman
04Vaya Con DiosSlim Whitman
05RamonaSlim Whitman
06Just Call Me LonesomeSlim Whitman
07It's A SinSlim Whitman
08I Love You BecauseSlim Whitman
09Sail Along Silv'ry MoonSlim Whitman
10Poor Little AngelineSlim Whitman
11Remember Me (I'm The One Who Loves You)Slim Whitman
12The Old LamplighterSlim Whitman
13I'd Climb The Highest MountainSlim Whitman
14For All We KnowSlim Whitman
15The Bells That Broke My HeartSlim Whitman
16I'll Do As Much For You SomedaySlim Whitman
17Sweeter Than The FlowersSlim Whitman
18Blue Eyes Crying In The RainSlim Whitman
19EileenSlim Whitman
20Straight From HeavenSlim Whitman
21Most BeautifulSlim Whitman
22Molly Darlin'Slim Whitman
23It Sure Looks Lonesome OutsideSlim Whitman
24Annie LaurieSlim Whitman
25The Old Spinning WheelSlim Whitman
26In A Hundred Years Or MoreSlim Whitman
27Yesterday's LoveSlim Whitman
28Ten Thousand TeardropsSlim Whitman
29Just Out Of Reach (Of My Two Open Arms)Slim Whitman
30Valley Of TearsSlim Whitman
Whitman, Slim - I'm A Lonely Wanderer (6-CD Deluxe Box Set) Box set 2
01The Wayward WindSlim Whitman
02We Live In Two Different WorldsSlim Whitman
03I Forgot More Than You'll Ever KnowSlim Whitman
04I'm Walking Behind YouSlim Whitman
05There's A Goldmine In The SkySlim Whitman
06Send Me The Pillow That You Dream OnSlim Whitman
07AnytimeSlim Whitman
08You You YouSlim Whitman
09Love Letters In The SandSlim Whitman
10TammySlim Whitman
11(I'm A) Lonely WandererSlim Whitman
12Backward, Turn BackwardSlim Whitman
13So Long MarySlim Whitman
14Nobody's Darling But MineSlim Whitman
15Have I Told You Lately That I Love YouSlim Whitman
16Broken-Down-Merry-Go-RoundSlim Whitman
17There's A New Moon Over My ShoulderSlim Whitman
18Somebody Loves YouSlim Whitman
19What'll I DoSlim Whitman
20NeverSlim Whitman
21Suppose I Never Had Met YouSlim Whitman
22Tell Me Pretty WordsSlim Whitman
23They Didn't Believe Me/Ages And Ages AgoSlim Whitman
24Chime BellsSlim Whitman
25Would You String Along With MeSlim Whitman
26Hi Lili Hi LoSlim Whitman
27Cowboy's HeavenSlim Whitman
28Weary And BlueSlim Whitman
29Sioux City SueSlim Whitman
30Mocking Bird HillSlim Whitman
31Gonna Find Me A BluebirdSlim Whitman
32Swiss LullabySlim Whitman
33Over The HillSlim Whitman
34My Little LadySlim Whitman
Whitman, Slim - I'm A Lonely Wanderer (6-CD Deluxe Box Set) Box set 3
01Rainbow On The Rio ColoradoSlim Whitman
02My Wild Irish RoseSlim Whitman
03Forty Shades Of GreenSlim Whitman
04EileenSlim Whitman
05Galway BaySlim Whitman
06Dora My DarlingSlim Whitman
07I'll Take You Home Again KathleenSlim Whitman
08Too Ra Loo Ra Loo RaSlim Whitman
09GortnamonaSlim Whitman
10Stone Outside Don Murphy's DoorSlim Whitman
11Londonderry AirSlim Whitman
12Peggy O'NeilSlim Whitman
13Where The River Shannon FlowsSlim Whitman
14Maria ElenaSlim Whitman
15Maria Elena/Tell Me Pretty Words/Rose MarieSlim Whitman
16Only You (And You Alone)Slim Whitman
17Only You (And You Alone)Slim Whitman
18It Keeps Right On A-Hurtin'Slim Whitman
19You're The ReasonSlim Whitman
20Ramblin' RoseSlim Whitman
21A Little Bitty TearSlim Whitman
22Born To LoseSlim Whitman
23From A Jack To A KingSlim Whitman
24I'll Hold You In My HeartSlim Whitman
25I Fall To PiecesSlim Whitman
26I Can't Stop Loving YouSlim Whitman
27No Other Arms, No Other LipsSlim Whitman
28Bouquet Of RosesSlim Whitman
29Give Me A Hundred ReasonsSlim Whitman
Whitman, Slim - I'm A Lonely Wanderer (6-CD Deluxe Box Set) Box set 4
01Love Song Of The WaterfallSlim Whitman
02You Belong To My HeartSlim Whitman
03I The Misty MoonlightSlim Whitman
04Down In The ValleySlim Whitman
05VirginiaSlim Whitman
06Melody Of LoveSlim Whitman
07Silver Threads Among The GoldSlim Whitman
08When I'm Gone, You'll Soon ForgetSlim Whitman
09On The Sunny Side Of The RockiesSlim Whitman
10My Heart Cries For YouSlim Whitman
11Ah! Sweet Mystery Of LifeSlim Whitman
12La GolondrinaSlim Whitman
13Another TomorrowSlim Whitman
14ReminiscingSlim Whitman
15Mansion On The HillSlim Whitman
16Be Honest With MeSlim Whitman
17Have You Ever Been LonelySlim Whitman
18I'm Thinking Tonight Of My Blue EyesSlim Whitman
19When I Grow Too Old To DreamSlim Whitman
20Please Help Me I'm FallingSlim Whitman
21Maybe I'll CrySlim Whitman
22Each TimeSlim Whitman
23More Than YesterdaySlim Whitman
24Bells Of MemorySlim Whitman
25With God's Hand In MineSlim Whitman
26He Bought My Soul At CalvarySlim Whitman
27What A Friend We Have In JesusSlim Whitman
28He Reached Down His HandSlim Whitman
29A Miracle Of LoveSlim Whitman
30Carried On The Shoulders Of The ShepherdSlim Whitman
Whitman, Slim - I'm A Lonely Wanderer (6-CD Deluxe Box Set) Box set 5
01My Father Watches Over MeSlim Whitman
02How Great Thou ArtSlim Whitman
03He Set My Tears To MusicSlim Whitman
04Who At My Door Is StandingSlim Whitman
05He'll Understand And Say Well DoneSlim Whitman
06The Love Of GodSlim Whitman
07I Dreamed Of An Old Love AffairSlim Whitman
08Tennessee WaltzSlim Whitman
09I Went To Your WeddingSlim Whitman
10I'd Trade All Of My TomorrowsSlim Whitman
11A Satisfied MindSlim Whitman
12The Twelfth Of NeverSlim Whitman
13Faded LoveSlim Whitman
14Beautiful, Beautiful Blue Eyes (I'll Never..)Slim Whitman
15Take Me In Your Arms And Hold MeSlim Whitman
16A Travelin' ManSlim Whitman
17Blueberry HillSlim Whitman
18I'll Never Find Another YouSlim Whitman
19At Mail Call TodaySlim Whitman
20No One To Cry ToSlim Whitman
21LorenaSlim Whitman
22I Remember YouSlim Whitman
23Take It From MeSlim Whitman
24HopelessSlim Whitman
25I'm Throwin' Rice (At The Girl I Love)Slim Whitman
26Behind The TearSlim Whitman
27At The End Of The DaySlim Whitman
Whitman, Slim - I'm A Lonely Wanderer (6-CD Deluxe Box Set) Box set 6
01There's A Time For LoveSlim Whitman
02Nothing NewSlim Whitman
03Think I'll Go Somewhere And Cry Myself To...Slim Whitman
04PromisesSlim Whitman
05AfraidSlim Whitman
06What's This World A-Comin' ToSlim Whitman
07The One DreamSlim Whitman
08You Bring Out The Best In MeSlim Whitman
09Seven RosesSlim Whitman
10If I Had My Life To Live OverSlim Whitman
11If I Lost YouSlim Whitman
12JerrySlim Whitman
13Tennessee Yodel Polka ( & Virginia Lee)Slim Whitman
14Blue Eyes Crying In The Rain (& Viginia Lee)Slim Whitman
15That's How The Yodel Was BornSlim Whitman
16Die Son Skyn Weer More (Sunrise)Slim Whitman
17Fluisterende-HoopSlim Whitman
18Die Son Skyn Weer More (Sunrise)Slim Whitman
19Fluisterende Hoop (Whispering Hope)Slim Whitman
Slim Whitman geb. 20. 1. 1924 in Tampa - Florida Record Labels: RCA, Imperial, United... mehr
"Slim Whitman"

Slim Whitman

geb. 20. 1. 1924 in Tampa - Florida
Record Labels: RCA, Imperial, United Artists, Liberty, Sunset, Epic, Clev.I.
Erster Top Ten Hit: Indian Love Call (1952)

Otis Dewey Jr. alias Slim Whitman, ein Star der Louisiana Hayride Show und der Grand Ole Opry hatte 1948 seine Karriere als Sänger beim Sender WDAE in Tampa - Florida begonnen. Seine große Zeit waren die 50er Jahre als er mit Songs wie Indian Love Call und Rose Marie großen Charterfolg hatte. Bis in die 80er Jahre blieb Slim Whitman in der Country Hit Parade präsent und erfreut sich auch heute noch in Großbritannien und Irland größter Beliebtheit. Als ehemaliger Champion-Yodeler ist Slim Whitman allerdings mit einer etwas aufdringlichen, süßen Stimme ausgestattet, die manch heutigen Zuhörer abstößt."


Slim Whitman

Ottis Dewey Whitman was born January 20, 1924 in Tampa, Florida. His was a musical family, although in early years it looked more likely that it would be one of Whitman’s sisters (who sang in church) who would gravitate toward professional music. The tall, lanky Whitman was more interested in baseball, and his father, Ottis, Sr. had ideas that his son might be a major league pitcher. Slim learned to play guitar – left-handed because of an injury to his fretting hand -- and performed for shipmates during his three-year stint in the Navy during the war. On his discharge, he pursued a career in baseball for a time before deciding in 1948, with the enthusiastic support of his wife Jerry, whom he’d married in 1941, to take a stab at a music career.

In 1949, Whitman caught the ear of Colonel Tom Parker, then managing Eddy Arnold, who secured the young singer a contract with RCA Victor. The story has long been told that Whitman was dubbed “Slim” by RCA after he signed with that label in 1949, but a recently uncovered, ultra-rare, limited demo pressing from a few months prior to that proves that he was using the name Slim Whitman before he signed with RCA. At any rate, he recorded ten fascinating but commercially unsuccessful sides with the label over the next year, but was dropped in 1950 and was without a contract when he moved to Shreveport that year to become a regular on the Louisiana Hayride, one of the top weekly country music shows in the nation, a star-breaking rival to Nashville’s famous Grand Ole Opry.

Whitman worked as a postman during the day, and worked the Hayride in addition to his own early morning radio show on KWKH. His distinctive, soaring vocals soon made him one of the show’s most popular attractions; his sound was made even more distinctive when he teamed with guitarist Curly Herndon and, more importantly, steel guitarist Hoot Rains, whose ‘arrows’ behind Whitman’s vocals became a trademark. His rendition of Love Song Of The Waterfall, in particular, attracted widespread regional attention and soon Lew Chudd, who headed the growing West Coast-based independent Imperial Records, came calling and snatched the singer up.

Chudd could be a difficult man, but Whitman was fortunate to sign with him, because Chudd tended to leave his artists alone to find their own sound, choose their own songs; he’d be even more hands off with Whitman than with most, because Whitman wanted it that way and remained defiantly independent, defiantly his own man. Love Song Of The Waterfall  became a hit in the spring of 1952, followed closely by Whitman’s telling revival of Indian Love Call. A string of hits followed, most notably the singer’s versions of two pop songs, Rose Marie and Secret Love. The hits slowed – at least domestically -- with the arrival of rock ‘n’ roll, but Whitman remained a popular artist, particularly overseas. Indeed, in 1956 and 1957 he successfully toured the UK and enjoyed major hits there with Rose Marie and I’ll Take You Home Again Kathleen.

By 1960, when this set commences, Whitman had not had a domestic hit since Cattle Call in 1955. He remained a consistent seller for Imperial, more as an LP artist than a singles artist, but as the adult market increasingly gravitated toward the latter format he  nevertheless scored a few hit singles during the period covered in this set.


When the recordings that open this set were made in May 1960, Whitman had been recording in Nashville for a half-decade, with a handful of sessions made elsewhere. Although he remained particularly close with Nashville stalwarts Harold and Owen Bradley and he recorded at Owen’s famous Quonset Hut studio, he had not and never would become a part of the scene. He eschewed insider politics and he remained steadfastly his own man, with his own sound.

Slim Whitman I'm A Lonely Wanderer (6-CD)
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Copyright © Bear Family Records

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Whitman, Slim - I'm A Lonely Wanderer (6-CD Deluxe Box Set) Box set 1
01 Cool Water
02 A Lonesome Heart
03 Wind
04 Vaya Con Dios
05 Ramona
06 Just Call Me Lonesome
07 It's A Sin
08 I Love You Because
09 Sail Along Silv'ry Moon
10 Poor Little Angeline
11 Remember Me (I'm The One Who Loves You)
12 The Old Lamplighter
13 I'd Climb The Highest Mountain
14 For All We Know
15 The Bells That Broke My Heart
16 I'll Do As Much For You Someday
17 Sweeter Than The Flowers
18 Blue Eyes Crying In The Rain
19 Eileen
20 Straight From Heaven
21 Most Beautiful
22 Molly Darlin'
23 It Sure Looks Lonesome Outside
24 Annie Laurie
25 The Old Spinning Wheel
26 In A Hundred Years Or More
27 Yesterday's Love
28 Ten Thousand Teardrops
29 Just Out Of Reach (Of My Two Open Arms)
30 Valley Of Tears
Whitman, Slim - I'm A Lonely Wanderer (6-CD Deluxe Box Set) Box set 2
01 The Wayward Wind
02 We Live In Two Different Worlds
03 I Forgot More Than You'll Ever Know
04 I'm Walking Behind You
05 There's A Goldmine In The Sky
06 Send Me The Pillow That You Dream On
07 Anytime
08 You You You
09 Love Letters In The Sand
10 Tammy
11 (I'm A) Lonely Wanderer
12 Backward, Turn Backward
13 So Long Mary
14 Nobody's Darling But Mine
15 Have I Told You Lately That I Love You
16 Broken-Down-Merry-Go-Round
17 There's A New Moon Over My Shoulder
18 Somebody Loves You
19 What'll I Do
20 Never
21 Suppose I Never Had Met You
22 Tell Me Pretty Words
23 They Didn't Believe Me/Ages And Ages Ago
24 Chime Bells
25 Would You String Along With Me
26 Hi Lili Hi Lo
27 Cowboy's Heaven
28 Weary And Blue
29 Sioux City Sue
30 Mocking Bird Hill
31 Gonna Find Me A Bluebird
32 Swiss Lullaby
33 Over The Hill
34 My Little Lady
Whitman, Slim - I'm A Lonely Wanderer (6-CD Deluxe Box Set) Box set 3
01 Rainbow On The Rio Colorado
02 My Wild Irish Rose
03 Forty Shades Of Green
04 Eileen
05 Galway Bay
06 Dora My Darling
07 I'll Take You Home Again Kathleen
08 Too Ra Loo Ra Loo Ra
09 Gortnamona
10 Stone Outside Don Murphy's Door
11 Londonderry Air
12 Peggy O'Neil
13 Where The River Shannon Flows
14 Maria Elena
15 Maria Elena/Tell Me Pretty Words/Rose Marie
16 Only You (And You Alone)
17 Only You (And You Alone)
18 It Keeps Right On A-Hurtin'
19 You're The Reason
20 Ramblin' Rose
21 A Little Bitty Tear
22 Born To Lose
23 From A Jack To A King
24 I'll Hold You In My Heart
25 I Fall To Pieces
26 I Can't Stop Loving You
27 No Other Arms, No Other Lips
28 Bouquet Of Roses
29 Give Me A Hundred Reasons
Whitman, Slim - I'm A Lonely Wanderer (6-CD Deluxe Box Set) Box set 4
01 Love Song Of The Waterfall
02 You Belong To My Heart
03 I The Misty Moonlight
04 Down In The Valley
05 Virginia
06 Melody Of Love
07 Silver Threads Among The Gold
08 When I'm Gone, You'll Soon Forget
09 On The Sunny Side Of The Rockies
10 My Heart Cries For You
11 Ah! Sweet Mystery Of Life
12 La Golondrina
13 Another Tomorrow
14 Reminiscing
15 Mansion On The Hill
16 Be Honest With Me
17 Have You Ever Been Lonely
18 I'm Thinking Tonight Of My Blue Eyes
19 When I Grow Too Old To Dream
20 Please Help Me I'm Falling
21 Maybe I'll Cry
22 Each Time
23 More Than Yesterday
24 Bells Of Memory
25 With God's Hand In Mine
26 He Bought My Soul At Calvary
27 What A Friend We Have In Jesus
28 He Reached Down His Hand
29 A Miracle Of Love
30 Carried On The Shoulders Of The Shepherd
Whitman, Slim - I'm A Lonely Wanderer (6-CD Deluxe Box Set) Box set 5
01 My Father Watches Over Me
02 How Great Thou Art
03 He Set My Tears To Music
04 Who At My Door Is Standing
05 He'll Understand And Say Well Done
06 The Love Of God
07 I Dreamed Of An Old Love Affair
08 Tennessee Waltz
09 I Went To Your Wedding
10 I'd Trade All Of My Tomorrows
11 A Satisfied Mind
12 The Twelfth Of Never
13 Faded Love
14 Beautiful, Beautiful Blue Eyes (I'll Never..)
15 Take Me In Your Arms And Hold Me
16 A Travelin' Man
17 Blueberry Hill
18 I'll Never Find Another You
19 At Mail Call Today
20 No One To Cry To
21 Lorena
22 I Remember You
23 Take It From Me
24 Hopeless
25 I'm Throwin' Rice (At The Girl I Love)
26 Behind The Tear
27 At The End Of The Day
Whitman, Slim - I'm A Lonely Wanderer (6-CD Deluxe Box Set) Box set 6
01 There's A Time For Love
02 Nothing New
03 Think I'll Go Somewhere And Cry Myself To...
04 Promises
05 Afraid
06 What's This World A-Comin' To
07 The One Dream
08 You Bring Out The Best In Me
09 Seven Roses
10 If I Had My Life To Live Over
11 If I Lost You
12 Jerry
13 Tennessee Yodel Polka ( & Virginia Lee)
14 Blue Eyes Crying In The Rain (& Viginia Lee)
15 That's How The Yodel Was Born
16 Die Son Skyn Weer More (Sunrise)
17 Fluisterende-Hoop
18 Die Son Skyn Weer More (Sunrise)
19 Fluisterende Hoop (Whispering Hope)