gefundene Interpreten
# | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Alle |
Maas, Pim
Mach, Leon
Mack, Lonnie
Mack, Warner
Mad Daddy, The
Mad House Jump
Maddin, Jimmie
Maestro, Johnny
Maggio, Marty
Maloy, Vince
Mambo Jambo
Mandel, Johnny
Manhattans, The
Mann, Carl
Mann, Richard
Mansfield, Jayne
Maphis, Joe
Mar-Keys, The
Marcels, The
March, Peggy
Maresca, Ernie
Marini, Marino
Marterie, Ralph
Martin, Janis
Martin, Jerry
Marvin & Johnny
Marvin, Hank
Marvins, The
Masters, Rip
Maxfield, Mike
McAuliffe, Leon
McCoy, Charlie
McDaniel, Luke
McDaniels, Gene
McDonald, Skeets
McDowell, Ronnie
McGriff, Edna
McGriff, Jimmy
McKay, Scotty
McPhatter, Clyde
McPherson, JD
McVoy, Carl
Medallions, The
Meek, Joe
Mello Kings, The
Mellokings, The
Melson, Joe
Memphis Slim
Merritt, Jerry
Meteor Records
Metrotones, The
Mezcal Brothers
Midnighters, The
Milburn, Amos
Miller Brothers
Miller, Billy
Miller, Chuck
Miller, Clint
Miller, Frankie
Miller, Roger
Mills, Chris
Milton, Roy
Mimms, Garnet
Mineo, Sal
Miracles, The
Mitchell, Bobby
Mitchell, Eddy
Mitchell, Guy
Mitchell, Willie
Mizell, Hank
Monotones, The
Monroe, Marilyn
Montez, Chris
Moore, Merrill
Moore, Rudy Ray
Morgan, Rocket
Morris, Rod
Morse, Ella Mae
Mottola, Tony
Mouliere, Jacky
Mukketier Bande
Mullican, Moon
Munro, Donnie
Murphy, Jimmy
Mustangs, The
Mystics, The