gefundene Interpreten
# | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Alle |
4 Wheels, The
5 Royales, The
Adams, Billy
Adams, Faye
Adams, Johnny
Adams, Woodrow
Agee, Ray
Alexander, Eddie
Angels, The
August, Joseph
Baker, Jeanette
Baker, LaVern
Baker, Mickey
Ballard, Frank
Ballard, Hank
Bennett, Bobby
Benson, George
Benton, Brook
Berry, Chuck
Berry, Richard
Big Boy Bloater
Billups, Shortie
Blue Flagships
Bonds, Gary U.S.
Bonner, Juke Boy
Book / Buch
Bostic, Earl
Boyd, Eddie
Boze, Calvin
Bradshaw, Tiny
Breedlove, Jim
Brooks, Hadda
Brooks, La La
Brown, Charles
Brown, James
Brown, Nappy
Brown, Roy
Brown, Ruth
Brown, Walter
Brownlee, Archie
Browns, The
Burke, Solomon
Cadillacs, The
Caine, Bob
Calloway, Cab
Carr, Gunter Lee
Carr, Valerie
Carter, B.B.
Carter, Clarence
Carter, Goree
Chandler, Gene
Chantels, The
Charles, Ray
Charlie & Ray
Checkers, The
Chenier, Clifton
Chimes, The
Clark, Dee
Clarke, William
Classics, The
Clearwater, Eddy
Clement, Henry
Clovers, The
Coasters, The
Cochran, Wayne
Cole, Eddie
Cook, Little Joe
Cooke, Sam
Cooper, Les
Copeland, Johnny
Copley, Al
Cotton, James
Covay, Don
Crayton, Pee Wee
Cremer, Robert
Crombie, Tony
Cropper, Steve
Crudup, Arthur
Cues, The
Curtis, King
Dallas, Leroy
Darnell, Larry
Davis, Martha
Davis, Melvin
Dee, Jimmy
Dee, Mercy
Dells, The
Detroit Junior
Diamonds, The
Diddley, Bo
Dillard, Varetta
Dixon, Dave
Dixon, Floyd
Dixon, Willie
Doctor Ross
Doggett, Bill
Dollar Bill
Domino, Fats
Dorsey, Lee
Dr. John
Drifters, The
Du-Droppers, The
Dupree, Jack
Duprees, The
Earls, The
Egan, Willie
El Dorados, The
El Venos
Ellington, Ray
Eternals, The
Everett, Betty
Fame, Georgie
Fatman, Lloyd
Fernandez, Enma
Fireflies, The
Fish, Samantha
Five Discs, The
Five Keys, The
Floyd, Eddie
Ford, David
Franklin, Aretha
Franklin, Erma
Freeman, Evelyn
Frost, Frank
Fullylove, Leroy
Fulsom, Lowell
Fulson, Lowell
Fuqua, Harvey
Gaillard, Slim
Gaines, Earl
Gaines, Roy
Gales, The
Gayten, Paul
George, Barbara
Gibson, Steve
Glenn, Lloyd
Good, Jimmy
Gordon, Rosco
Gordon, Roscoe
Gordon, Stomp
Greer, Big John
Griffin, Johnny
Grimes, Tiny
Guitar Slim Jr.
Hamilton, Roy
Happenings, The
Hardesty, Herb
Harpo, Slim
Harris, Frank
Harris, Wynonie
Hawkins, Roy
Henry, Clarence
Higgins, Chuck
Hill, Jessie
Hobson, Emmett
Hogg, Smokey
Holiday, Billie
Holiday, Jimmy
Holliday, Jimmie
Honey Cone
Hooker, John Lee
Hope, Lynn
Houston, Joe
Howlin' Wolf
Humes, Helen
Hunter, Herbert
J.B. & His Hawks
Jackson, Chuck
Jackson, Jerry
Jackson, Willis
James, Elmore
James, Etta
James, Jimmy
Jenkins, Gus
Jesse And Marvin
Joel, Billy
John, Dr.
Johnson, Bubber
Johnson, Buddy
Johnson, Ella
Johnson, Lonnie
Johnson, Roy Lee
Jones Brothers
Jones, Ronnie
Jordan, Louis
Jordan, Toni
K-Doe, Ernie
Kari, Sax
Kelly, Dave
King James
King, B.B.
King, Ben E.
King, Clydie
King, Earl
King, Freddie
King, Saunders
Kitt, Eartha
Knight, Sonny
La Botz, Jake
Lambert, Lloyd
Lee, Julia
Lee, Katie
Lewis, Bobby
Lewis, Sammy
Lewis, Smiley
Liggins, Jimmy
Liggins, Joe
Lil' Alfred
Little Axe
Little Caesar
Little Esther
Little Joe
Little Luther
Little Richard
Little Walter
Lloyd & Willie
Lombardo, Guy
Long, Shorty
Louis, Joe Hill
Love, Preston
Lucas, Buddy
Lutcher, Nellie
Lynn, Barbara
Mabon, Willie
Mar-Keys, The
Marchan, Bobby
Marvin & Johnny
Mason, Barbara
Mayfield, Percy
McBride, Dale
McCain, Jerry
McDaniels, Gene
McGhee, Stick
McGill, Rollee
McGriff, Edna
McGriff, Jimmy
McLaurin, Bette
McLin, Claude
McNeely, Big Jay
McPhatter, Clyde
McVea, Jack
Memphis Slim
Mickey & Sylvia
Midnighters, The
Mighty Hannibal
Milburn, Amos
Miller, Babe
Millet, Li'l
Millinder, Lucky
Milton, Roy
Mimms, Garnet
Mitchell, Bobby
Mitchell, Willie
Moore, Gatemouth
Moore, Jimmy
Moore, Johnny
Morris, Joe
Mosely, Snub
Muddy Waters
Neville, Aaron
Neville, Cyril
Nobles, The
Nolan, Lloyd
Nolen, Jimmy
Norman, Jimmy
Norris, Chuck
Paragons, The
Patrick, Pat
Pauling, El
Perry, King
Phillips, Esther
Phillips, Phil
Pickett, Wilson
Platters, The
Pomus, Doc
Price, Jesse
Price, Lloyd
Price, Sam
Prince Love
Prisonaires, The
Profiles, The
Pruitt, Grover
Pryor, Snooky
Prysock, Arthur
Prysock, Red
Record Covers
Redding, Otis
Reed, Jimmy
Reed, Lil' Jimmy
Reed, Lula
Reese, Della
Rhodes, Todd
Rhythm Kings
Ridgley, Tommy
Rivingtons, The
Robinson, Skip
Rockin' Sidney
Rollers, The
Rush, Otis
Sams, Tony
Sapphires, The
Scott, Chyvonne
Scott, Mabel
Sears, Big Al
Serenaders, The
Sharp, Dee Dee
Shelton, Roscoe
Shepard, Ollie
Shirley & Lee
Silvertones, The
Simone, Nina
Singer, Hal
Sledge, Percy
Smith, Floyd
Smith, Melvin
Smith, Tab
Soul, Jimmy
Southside Johnny
Spiders, The
Spriggs, Walter
Sterling, Dave
Stidham, Arbee
Stone, Jesse
Swallows, The
Swamp Dogg
Sweeney, Jimmy
Table Toppers
Taylor, Eddie
Taylor, Ted
Thomas, Ba Ba
Thomas, Carla
Thomas, Irma
Thomas, Mule
Thomas, Rufus
Thomas, Tabby
Thompson, Roy
Thompson, Sonny
Toussaint, Allen
Tramps, The
Travelers, The
Treniers, The
Tribble, T.N.T.
Troy, Doris
TT Syndicate
Turner, Big Joe
Turner, Ike
Turner, Sammy
Valentines, The
Valli, Frankie
Various Artists
Vaughan, Sarah
Verlinde, Guy
Vinson, Eddie
Walker, T-Bone
Walls, Van
Washington, Dinah
Washington, Gino
Waters, Muddy
Wells, Junior
Wells, Mary
Wheeler, Caron
Williams, Andre
Williams, Cootie
Williams, Donnie
Williams, Larry
Williams, Mel
Williams, Paul
Willis, Chick
Willis, Chuck
Wilson, Jackie
Wonder, Stevie
Wright, Billy
Wyman, Bill
Wynn, Big Jim
Yates, Bill