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Shirley & Lee Shirley & Lee Rock

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1-CD im Digipak (6-seitig) mit 44-seitigem Booklet, 31 Einzeltitel. Spieldauer ca. 73 Minuten.... mehr

Shirley & Lee: Shirley & Lee Rock

1-CD im Digipak (6-seitig) mit 44-seitigem Booklet, 31 Einzeltitel. Spieldauer ca. 73 Minuten.

'Let The Good Times Roll' gilt als Meilenstein des Rock 'n' Roll und inspirierte Film- und Buchtitel sowie zwei Dutzend Versionen von Soul bis Merseybeat und Reggae. Dieses Album, eingespielt mit den großartigsten Sessionmusikern aus New Orleans wie Schlagzeuger Earl Palmer und Tenorsaxophonist Lee Allen, liefert unvergessliche Gesangsduette aus dem Goldenen Zeitalter des R&B aus New Orleans, 31 Titel von den Sweethearts Of The Blues, eine einzigartige Melange aus Rhythm 'n' Blues, Rock 'n' Roll und den Rhythmen des Karnevals. Auf anderen Zusammenstellungen fehlen oftmals I Feel Good oder Feel So Good, weil man irrtümlich meint, es handle sich um denselben Song. 'Rock' enthält selbstverständlich auch diese beiden Top 10 R&B-Hits. Shirleys Stimme ' oftmals 'messerscharf' genannt, eine Mischung aus Sprachwitz und unverblümter Sexualität, erregt und ist zugleich von erschreckender Kälte. 'Shirley & Lee Rock' enthält 31 der grandiosesten Aufnahmen des Duos, sehr viele davon vom Aladdin-Label, aber auch einige Leckerbissen aus den frühen Sechzigern, die während ihrer kurzen Gastspiele auf Warwick und Imperial erschienen sind. Und die Ballade I'm Gone beschließt diese Top-Zusammenstellung als garantiert hochwillkommenen Extra-Song.

Artikeleigenschaften von Shirley & Lee: Shirley & Lee Rock

  • Interpret: Shirley & Lee

  • Albumtitel: Shirley & Lee Rock

  • Genre Rock'n'Roll

  • Label Bear Family Records

  • Preiscode AR
  • Edition 2 Deluxe Edition
  • Artikelart CD

  • EAN: 4000127157850

  • Gewicht in Kg: 0.2
Shirley & Lee - Shirley & Lee Rock CD 1
01 Let The Good Times Roll Shirley & Lee
02 Keep On Shirley & Lee
03 Comin' Over Shirley & Lee
04 Two Happy People Shirley & Lee
05 Feel So Good Shirley & Lee
06 Takes Money Shirley & Lee
07 I'll Thrill You Shirley & Lee
08 That's What I'll Do Shirley & Lee
09 I'll Do It (Deed I Do) Shirley & Lee
10 I Feel Good Shirley & Lee
11 Do You Mean To Hurt Me So Shirley & Lee
12 Everything (When I Saw You) Shirley & Lee
13 That's What I Wanna Do Shirley & Lee
14 I Want To Dance Shirley & Lee
15 Marry Me Shirley & Lee
16 Before I Go Shirley & Lee
17 Don't You Know I Love You Shirley & Lee
18 Rock All Nite Shirley & Lee
19 Rockin' With The Clock Shirley & Lee
20 The Flirt Shirley & Lee
21 Live On The Farm Shirley & Lee
22 Everybody's Rockin' Shirley & Lee
23 Come On And Have Your Fun Shirley & Lee
24 All I Want To Do Is Cry Shirley & Lee
25 When Day Is Done Shirley & Lee
26 Like You Used To Do Shirley & Lee
27 I'm Old Enough Shirley & Lee
28 Hey Little Boy Shirley & Lee
29 Somebody Put A Juke Box In The Study Hall Shirley & Lee
30 Let The Good Times Roll Shirley & Lee
31 I'm Gone Shirley & Lee
Shirley & Lee Although Aladdin Records boss Eddie Mesner christened them 'The... mehr
"Shirley & Lee"

Shirley & Lee

Although Aladdin Records boss Eddie Mesner christened them 'The Sweethearts of the Blues' soon after I'm Gone, their self-penned debut single for his Los Angeles-based label, blasted up to #2 on the R&B hit parade in early 1953, Shirley Goodman and her equally youthful duet partner Leonard Lee weren't romantically involved with one another in reality, despite considerable recorded evidence to the contrary.

In fact, Shirley & Lee's earliest Aladdin sides strongly resembled an ongoing rhythm and blues soap opera, replete with teenaged heartbreak and happy reunions. Recording in the cozy confines of Cosimo Matassa's studio in their New Orleans hometown with its brilliant house band in sizzling support, the charmingly unpolished teens acted out the ups and downs of a volatile love affair neatly summarized by their melodramatic song titles. In the wake of I'm Gone, they encored with Shirley, Come Back To Me, Shirley's Back, The Proposal, and Lee Goofed, each heartfelt ballad extending the epic tale with touching sincerity. Since this disc concentrates exclusively on the pair's rocking catalog, those ballads aren't here apart from one essential exception. But they're readily available on Bear Family's four-CD set 'The Sweethearts of the Blues,' containing everything they ever made as a duo for Aladdin, Warwick, and Imperial.

Shirley & Lee were one of the first successful male-female vocal duos in the R&B field. Under the savvy auspices of bandleader Johnny Otis, the pairing of Little Esther and Mel Walker registered a series of smashes at the dawn of the '50s for Savoy Records, but there weren't a whole lot of additional precedents. In the wake of Shirley & Lee's mid-'50s pop crossover success with the rollicking Feel So Good and Let the Good Times Roll--in both cases, rousing New Orleans rock and roll of the highest order--lovey-dovey duos were suddenly in vogue, though precious few apart from Mickey & Sylvia and Gene & Eunice experienced comparable commercial heights at the time.

This non-coosome twosome didn't exactly sing duets in the classic sense because uniting their disparate voices in sweet harmony was nearly impossible. Shirley's shrill, high-pitched wail didn't mesh any too smoothly with Lee's considerably deeper range. Cosimo chuckles that Shirley's untutored delivery was "like a razor blade. We used to joke when she sang, you bleed!" So the young pair usually alternated choruses rather than struggling to find a common key that both could comfortably blend over. The result was a fresh, invigorating sound that set them apart from the pack during rock and roll's first exciting incursion upon the staid commercial mainstream.

Shirley Goodman and Leonard Lee first crossed paths in elementary school, when Leonard was attending seventh grade and Shirley was in the sixth. Both were natives of the Crescent City's Seventh Ward; Shirley was born July 19, 1936 and Leonard on June 29, 1935. Music enveloped Shirley from her youngest days. Her father could pound out a mean Junker's Blues on the 88s and her grandmother, who raised her after her parents divorced, made sure the little girl had a solid Baptist upbringing that included plenty of singing in church. Leonard was the son of a Baptist preacher, so their sanctified background was shared.

You'd never know it to hear her, but Shirley's early secular musical hero was saucy, sophisticated jazz and R&B chanteuse Dinah Washington. But it was a bawdy number originated by local blues singer Chubby Newsome that got Shirley over with the crowd the first time she ever sang in public. She and her cousin were regulars at the Palace Theater for the Saturday vaudeville shows, and one day the gutsy lass hopped onstage to belt out Newsome's ribald 1949 hit Hip Shakin' Mama, gyrating in a decidedly adult manner that may have looked a mite comical coming from such a young girl but reportedly delighted the audience.

Shirley and Leonard were part of a large clique of neighborhood kids numbering as many as 20 that regularly assembled on a local porch to sing for one another. Their friend Evangeline Blazo had a piano at her house, so that's where the group convened to pitch in on the writing of I'm Gone, each of them contributing whatever they could to the cause. At that point, they were just performing for each other, strictly for the love of the music. Initially, singing I'm Gone could stretch on for hours, what with each member of the outsized group chiming in. Once they learned from Shirley's cousin that Matassa made custom recordings for two dollars apiece, they asked the busy engineer about the possibility of recording their homemade ditty.

 SHIRLEY & Lee Shirley & Lee Rock
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Copyright © Bear Family Records

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Shirley & Lee - Shirley & Lee Rock CD 1
01 Let The Good Times Roll
02 Keep On
03 Comin' Over
04 Two Happy People
05 Feel So Good
06 Takes Money
07 I'll Thrill You
08 That's What I'll Do
09 I'll Do It (Deed I Do)
10 I Feel Good
11 Do You Mean To Hurt Me So
12 Everything (When I Saw You)
13 That's What I Wanna Do
14 I Want To Dance
15 Marry Me
16 Before I Go
17 Don't You Know I Love You
18 Rock All Nite
19 Rockin' With The Clock
20 The Flirt
21 Live On The Farm
22 Everybody's Rockin'
23 Come On And Have Your Fun
24 All I Want To Do Is Cry
25 When Day Is Done
26 Like You Used To Do
27 I'm Old Enough
28 Hey Little Boy
29 Somebody Put A Juke Box In The Study Hall
30 Let The Good Times Roll
31 I'm Gone