gefundene Interpreten
# | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Alle |
A Taste Of Honey
Acklin, Barbara
Acuff, Roy
Adams, Art
Adams, Billy
Adams, Faye
Adams, Johnny
Adams, Woodrow
Adkins, Hasil
Agee, Ray
Ahlqvist, Pepe
Aitken, Laurel
Alexander, Eddie
Allen, Annisteen
Allen, Tony
Allures, The
Alvin, Phil
Anderson, Bill
Anderson, Lynn
Anderson, Robert
Angels, The
Anka, Paul
Anthony, Ray
Apache Crotale
Apollas, The
Archer, Randy
Archia, Tom
Armstrong, Louis
Arnold, P.P.
Arrogants, The
August, Joseph
Aunt Nelly
Austin, Sil
Avery, Bill
Ayers, Roy
Babcocks, The
Babs, Alice
Backsters, The
Bailey, June Bug
Baker, Jeanette
Baker, LaVern
Baker, Mickey
Ball, Marcia
Ballard, Frank
Ballard, Hank
Bandaleers, The
Banks, Darrell
Bar-Kays, The
Barbara & Ernie
Barge, Gene
Barkle, Al
Barner, Juke Boy
Barnes, Chris
Barr, Joe
Barrett, Richard
Barron, Ronnie
Barton, Ernie
Barton, Kearney
Bass, Fontella
Bassey, Shirley
Bataan, Joe
Bateman, June
Beasley, Jimmy
Beaver, Lindsay
Bell, Archie
Bell, Thom
Bell, William
Bellrays, The
Belmonts, The
Belvin, Jesse
Ben, Jorge
Bennett, Bobby
Bennett, Brian
Benson, George
Benton, Brook
Berigan, Bunny
Berry, Chuck
Berry, Richard
Berry, Sally
Bey, Frank
Big Bill
Big Boy Bloater
Big Harp George
Big Maybelle
Big Poppa G
Big Ralph
Big Rude Jake
Big Smo
Big Star
Bigg Robb
Bill & Will
Billups, Shortie
Biram, Scott H.
Black Heat
Black Pumas
Black, Amy
Blackwell, Otis
Blanca, Burt
Bland, Bobby 'Blue'
Blast, C.L.
Blinddog Smokin'
Blue Flagships
Blue Harlem
Blue Jays, The
Blueberries, The
Blues Brothers
Bo, Eddie
Bob & Gene
Bobbettes, The
Bonds, Gary U.S.
Bonner, Juke Boy
Book / Buch
Booker T. & The MG's
Booker, James
Boone, Pat
Boots, Joe
Bostic, Earl
Box Tops
Boyd, Eddie
Boze, Calvin
Bradford, Alex
Bradford, Chuck
Bradley, Charles
Bradshaw, Tiny
Breedlove, Jim
Breit, Kevin
Brooklyn Dreams
Brooks, Hadda
Brooks, La La
Brown, Boots
Brown, Buster
Brown, Charles
Brown, Elaine
Brown, Honey
Brown, James
Brown, Les
Brown, Maxine
Brown, Nappy
Brown, Piney
Brown, Roy
Brown, Ruth
Brown, Walter
Brownlee, Archie
Browns, The
Brox, Kyla
Bruce, Ed
Bryant, Don
Bryant, Jimmy
Buchanan, Roy
Buck, John
Burdon, Eric
Burke, Solomon
Burnette, Dorsey
Burrage, Harold
Butler, Billy
Butler, Jerry
Butler, Sam
Byrd, Robert
Cadets, The
Cadillacs, The
Caine, Bob
Calloway, Cab
Campbell, Glen
Cannon, Ace
Cannon, Freddy
Capitols, The
Carlton, Carl
Carolines, The
Carr, Gunter Lee
Carr, James
Carr, Valerie
Carr, Wynona
Carson, Martha
Carter & Carter
Carter, B.B.
Carter, Clarence
Carter, Fred
Carter, Goree
Carter, Mel
Cartey, Ric
Casanovas, The
Cascades, The
Cash, Alvin
Cash, Johnny
Chamber Brothers
Chambers, Annika
Chamblee, Eddie
Champion, Mickey
Chandler, Gene
Chantels, The
Chaperals, The
Chapman, Grady
Charles, Jimmy
Charles, Ray
Charlie & Ray
Charmaines, The
Checker, Chubby
Checkers, The
Chenier, Clifton
Cherry, Carl
Chimes, The
Chosen Few, The
Chotalls, The
Chuck Wagon Gang
Church, Eugene
Clanton, Jimmy
Clapton, Eric
Clark, Alice
Clark, Claudine
Clark, Dee
Clark, Petula
Clarke, Easton
Clarke, Johnny
Clarke, William
Classics, The
Clay, Joe
Clay, Otis
Clayton, Willie
Clearwater, Eddy
Cleary, Jon
Clement, Henry
Clickettes, The
Cliff, Jimmy
Clifford, Buzz
Clovers, The
Coasters, The
Cobb, Arnett
Cobb, Brent
Cobbs, Willie
Cochran, Wayne
Coe, Jamie
Coffey, Dennis
Coffin, Neil
Cole, Eddie
Cole, Maria
Cole, Natalie
Cole, Stud
Coleman, King
Coleman, Mary
Collier, Mitty
Collier, Vanessa
Collins, Bootsy
Colter, Jessi
Como, Perry
Conlee, John
Conley, Arthur
Connelly, Earl
Conquerors, The
Cook, Little Joe
Cooke, L.C.
Cooke, Sam
Cooper, Dolly
Cooper, Les
Copeland, Johnny
Copley, Al
Corritore, Bob
Cosby, Bill
Cotton, James
Counts, The
Covay, Don
Cranstoun, Si
Crawford, Randy
Crayton, Pee Wee
Crazy Joe
Cremer, Robert
Crests, The
Crew-Cuts, The
Crewe, Bob
Crickets, The
Crombie, Tony
Cropper, Steve
Crows, The
Crudup, Arthur
Crystalairs, The
Crystals, The
Cues, The
Curran, Nick
Curtis Mayfield
Curtis, King
D'Amico, Guido
Dale & Grace
Dallas, Leroy
Danleers, The
Darin, Bobby
Darnell, Larry
Davis, Geater
Davis, Martha
Davis, Maxwell
Davis, Melvin
Davis, Skeeter
Davis, Tyrone
Day, Bobby
Day, Jackie
Day, Margie
De Vita, Daniel
Dean, Jimmy
Dee, Jean
Dee, Jimmy
Dee, Mercy
Dee's Honeytones
Deep South
Deep Street Soul
Dees, Sam
Dekker, Jaap
Del Jays, The
Del Vikings, The
Delaney & Bonnie
Dells, The
Desmond, Johnny
Detroit Junior
Diamonds, The
Dibango, Manu
Diddley, Bo
Dillard, Varetta
Ditta, Carlo
Dixie Cups
Dixieaires, The
Dixon, Dave
Dixon, Floyd
Dixon, Willie
Dobkins Jr, Carl
Doctor Ross
Dodds, Nella
Doggett, Bill
Dollar Bill
Domino, Fats
Dominoes, The
Donley, Jimmy
Doo Wop Cops
Dorman, Harold
Dorsey, Lee
Douglas, Glenn
Douglas, Shy Guy
Dovells, The
Down Home
Dr. John
Dr. Will
Drifters, The
Du-Droppers, The
Dubose, Cliff
Duke, Doris
Dulaney, Todd
Dunkley, Errol
Duportal, Nico
Dupree, Cornell
Dupree, Jack
Duprees, The
Duvall, Huelyn
Duvoll, Dwight
Dwight, Shane
Eager, Vince
Eaglin, Snooks
Earls, The
East Coast
East, Anderson
Easter, Monte
Eckols, Tommy
Eddie & Ernie
Edens Edge
Edsels, The
Edwards, J. D.
Edwards, Tommy
Egan, Willie
El Dorados, The
El Venos
Electric Flag
Elegants, The
Elgins, The
Ellington, Duke
Ellington, Ray
Ellis, Dorothy
Ellis, Shirley
Emotions, The
Ervin, Frankie
Escorts, The
Eternals, The
Evans, Alexis
Evans, Vicki
Everett, Betty
Excitements, The
Exciters, The
Express, B.T.
Fabulous Four
Fairburn, Werly
Falcons, The
Fame, Georgie
Farlowe, Chris
Farmer, Willie
Fat Chance
Fatback Band
Fatman, Lloyd
Fenton, Graham
Fernandez, Enma
Fields, Lee
Fiestas, The
Fifth Dimension
Finley, Robert
Fiona, Melanie
Firebirds, The
Fireflies, The
Fish, Samantha
Fitz, Bunie
Five Boroughs
Five Crowns
Five Discs, The
Five Keys, The
Five Satins, The
Five Stairsteps
Flack, Roberta
Flairs, The
Flamingos, The
Flares, The
Fleetwoods, The
Flemons, Wade
Fletcher, Darrow
Floyd, Eddie
Floyd, King
Fontaine, Eddie
Ford, David
Ford, Emile
Forsman, Ina
Foster, Ruthie
Foundations, The
Four Aces, The
Four Blazes
Four Epics, The
Four Internes
Four Lads, The
Four Lovers, The
Four Preps, The
Four Seasons, The
Four Tops, The
Four Tunes, The
Francis, Connie
Franklin, Aretha
Franklin, Erma
Frazier Jr., Sam
Freeman, Bobby
Freeman, Evelyn
Frizzell, Allen
Frost, Frank
Fullylove, Leroy
Fulsom, Lowell
Fulson, Lowell
Fuqua, Harvey
Gaillard, Slim
Gaines, Earl
Gaines, Roy
Gaither, Bill
Gale, Bill
Gales, The
Garcia, Jerry
Gardner, June
Garrett, Amos
Garvin, Rex
Gay Family
Gaye, Marvin
Gaynor, Gloria
Gayten, Paul
Gene & Eunice
George And Earl
George, Barbara
Gerfast, Jan
Ghent, Aubrey
Ghetto Brothers
Gibbs, Georgia
Gibbs, Richard
Gibson, Steve
Giles, Eddy
Glenn, Lloyd
Good Fellas
Good, Jimmy
Gordon, Barry
Gordon, Rosco
Gordon, Roscoe
Gordon, Stomp
Grand Prix, The
Gray, Dobie
Grayzell, Rudy
Greaves, R.B.
Greco, Rocco
Green, Al
Green, Garland
Green, Rudy
Greene, Jack
Greenwich, Ellie
Greenwood, Lil
Greer, Big John
Grier, Roosevelt
Griffin, Johnny
Griffin, Patty
Grimes, Tiny
Grits'n Gravy
Guess Who, The
Guitar Crusher
Guitar Slim
Guitar Slim Jr.
Gunter, Arthur
Guy, Buddy
Haddix, Travis
Haggard, Marty
Haig, Ronnie
Hall, Nat
Hallyday, Johnny
Hamblen, Stuart
Hamilton, Roy
Hammer, Jack
Hanson, Jerry
Happenings, The
Hardesty, Herb
Hardrock Gunter
Harlan, Billy
Harper, Bud
Harpo, Slim
Harrel, Vernon
Harris, Eddie
Harris, Frank
Harris, Ray
Harris, Thurston
Harris, Wynonie
Harrison, Cledus
Hathaway, Donny
Havens, Richie
Hawkins, Dale
Hawkins, Kaz
Hawkins, Ronnie
Hawkins, Roy
Hawkmen, The
Hawks, Billy
Hayes, Isaac
Heartbeats, The
Heath, Ted
Hebb, Bobby
Henderson, Joe
Hendricks, Bobby
Henry, Clarence
Henry, Corey
Hensley, Casey
Hervey, Pat
Hi-Jivers, The
Higgins, Chuck
Highlights, The
Hill, Jessie
Hill, Nikki
Hill, Tommy
Hill, Z.Z.
Hilltoppers, The
Hinton, Eddie
Hobson, Emmett
Hogg, Smokey
Holiday, Billie
Holiday, Jimmy
Holland, Jools
Holliday, Jimmie
Hollow, Rick
Holloway, Brenda
Holly, Buddy
Holt, John
Honey & The Bees
Honey Cone
Hooker, Earl
Hooker, John Lee
Hooks, Ellis
Hope, Lynn
Hopson, Sonny
Hot Chocolate
Hot Jumpin' Six
Hot Roux
Houle Brothers
Houston, Cissy
Houston, Joe
Houston, Thelma
Houston, Whitney
Howard, Camille
Howard, Edwin
Howlin' Wolf
Hues Corporation
Hughes, Freddie
Hughes, Jimmy
Humes, Anita
Humes, Helen
Hummel, Mark
Hunt, Tommy
Hunter, Herbert
Hunter, Ivory Joe
Hunter, James
Hyland, Brian
Hyman, Phyllis
I Love You Sos
Ikettes, The
Ill Biskits, The
Impacts, The
Impalas, The
Impressions, The
Ingram, Luther
Ink Spots, The
Intruders, The
Invitations, The
Irwin, Big Dee
Isaacs, Gregory
Isley Brothers, The
J.B. & His Hawks
J.B.'s, The
Jackson 5, The
Jackson Five
Jackson, Chuck
Jackson, Cookie
Jackson, Deon
Jackson, Gene
Jackson, George
Jackson, J.J.
Jackson, Jerry
Jackson, Mahalia
Jackson, Mark
Jackson, Michael
Jackson, Millie
Jackson, Ralph
Jackson, Walter
Jackson, Wanda
Jackson, Willis
Jacobs, Dick
Jaguars, The
James Brown
James, Colin
James, Elmore
James, Etta
James, Jesse
James, Jimmy
Jan & Dean
Jaxon, Bob
Jean, Norma
Jenkins, Gus
Jerome, Patti
Jesse And Marvin
Jive 5, The
Jive Brothers
Jo, Damita
Joel, Billy
John, Dr.
Johnnie & Joe
Johnny C
Johnson, Bubber
Johnson, Buddy
Johnson, Curtis
Johnson, Ella
Johnson, Herb
Johnson, Lonnie
Johnson, Lou
Johnson, Marv
Johnson, Roy Lee
Johnson, Ruby
Johnson, Syl
Jones Brothers
Jones, Booker T.
Jones, Durand
Jones, George
Jones, Joe
Jones, Linda
Jones, Ronnie
Jones, Sharon
Jones, Thelma
Jordan, Louis
Jordan, Toni
Jordanaires, The
Joseph, Margie
Juke Joint Pimps
Justis, Bill
K-Doe, Ernie
Kac-ties, The
Kalin Twins
Kane, Eden
Kari, Sax
Karim, Ty
Katz, Bruce
Kay, Judy
Keeble, Billy
Kelly, Dave
Kelly, Paul
Kelly, R.
Kenner, Chris
Kerbs, Charlotta
KERRY, Marvin
Key, Troyce
Keynotes, The
Keys, Calvin
Khan, Aisha
Kid Thomas
King Coleman
King James
King Memphis
King Tutt Band
King, Albert
King, B.B.
King, Ben E.
King, Clifford
King, Clydie
King, Earl
King, Elizabeth
King, Evelyn
King, Freddie
King, Saunders
Kit Kats, The
Kitt, Eartha
Knight, Gladys
Knight, Sonny
Knox, Buddy
Kool & The Gang
Korner, Alexis
Kraus, Peter
La Botz, Jake
LaBelle, Patti
Laine, Frankie
Lambert, Lloyd
Lance, Major
Lancers, The
Lane, Mickey Lee
Lang, K.d.
Lanham, Roy
LaSalle, Denise
Lavette, Bettye
Lawrence, Steve
Lawson, Jimmie
Layne, Lancelot
Lazy Lester
Lee Boys, The
Lee, Brenda
Lee, Byron
Lee, Jackie
Lee, Julia
Lee, Katie
Lee, Mamie
Lee, Myron
Lennon, John
Lenoir, J.B.
Leo's Five
Lester, Ketty
Lettermen, The
Levan, Larry
Lewis Family
Lewis, Barbara
Lewis, Bobby
Lewis, Jerry Lee
Lewis, Margaret
Lewis, Sammy
Lewis, Smiley
Liggins, Jimmy
Liggins, Joe
Lightnin' Rod
Lightnin' Slim
Lil' Alfred
Little Axe
Little Beaver
Little Caesar
Little Esther
Little Irvin
Little Joe
Little Luther
Little Papa Joe
Little Richard
Little Victor
Little Walter
Lloyd & Willie
Lomax, Jackie
Lombardo, Guy
Lone Wolf
Long, Shorty
Lord Luther
Los Mambo Jambo
Louis, Joe Hill
Love Unlimited
Love, Darlene
Love, Mary
Love, Preston
Lucas, Buddy
Luman, Bob
Lutcher, Joe
Lutcher, Nellie
Lymon, Frankie
Lynn, Barbara
Lynn, Cheryl
Lynn, Loretta
Lynn, Trudy
Mabon, Willie
Mabu's Madness
Mack, Lonnie
Mack, Teddy
MacLeod, Doug
Mad Lads
Maestro, Johnny
Magic Sam
Magness, Janiva
Maltais, Gene
Mandel, Harvey
Manhattans, The
Mann, Carl
Mann, Plez Gary
Mar-Keys, The
Marcels, The
Marchan, Bobby
Marley, Bob
Marley, Ky-Mani
Marlo, Micki
Marshall, Carl
Marterie, Ralph
Martin, Janis
Martin, Ronee
Marvin & Johnny
Mason, Barbara
Masters Family
Masters Of Soul
Mastro, Johnny
Mathis, Johnny
Mayer, Nathaniel
Mayes, TJ
Mayfield, Curtis
Mayfield, Percy
Mays, John
McBride, Dale
McCain, Jerry
McCalla, Leyla
McClain, Mighty Sam
McCrae, George
McCrae, Gwen
McDaniels, Gene
McDonald, Skeets
McGhee, Stick
McGhee, Tommy
McGill, Rollee
McGriff, Edna
McGriff, Jimmy
McLaurin, Bette
McLin, Claude
McNeely, Big Jay
McPhatter, Clyde
McRae, George
McVea, Jack
Medallions, The
Mello Kings, The
Mellokings, The
Melvin, Harold
Memphis Horns
Memphis Quartet
Memphis Slim
Meters, The
Metrotones, The
Mickey & Sylvia
Midnighters, The
Mighty Hannibal
Milburn, Amos
Miller, Babe
Miller, Roger
Millet, Li'l
Millinder, Lucky
Mills, Hayley
Milton, Roy
Mimms, Garnet
Miracles, The
Mitchell, Bobby
Mitchell, Willie
Mittoo, Jackie
Mojo Blues Band
Moments, The
Monotones, The
Monroe, Marilyn
Moonstone, Molly
Moore & Napier
Moore, Gatemouth
Moore, Jackie
Moore, Jimmy
Moore, Johnny
Moore, Melba
Moore, Rudy Ray
Moore, Stanton
Moose John
Moreno, Sue
Morgan, Rocket
Morris, Joe
Morrison, Van
Mosely, Snub
Moss, Nick
Moss, Roy
Mr. Sam
Ms. Jody
Muddy Waters
Mulligan, Gerry
Mystics, The
Nash, Johnny
Nashville Pianos
Neilson, Tami
Nelson, Ricky
Nelson, Willie
Nemeth, John
Neville Brothers
Neville, Aaron
Neville, Cyril
Neville, Cyrill
Neville, Ivan
New Birth
New Mastersound
Newman, Joe
Nicholas, Johnny
Nix, Willie
Nixon, James
Nobles, The
Nolan, Lloyd
Nolen, Jimmy
Norman, Jimmy
Norris, Chuck
Nymonics, The
O'Gwynn, James
O'Jays, The
Ohio Players
Oliver, Sy
Olympics, The
Omer, Pierre
Orbison, Roy
Orioles, The
Ork, Jay Hodge
Orlons, The
Oroza, Bobby
Otis, Johnny
Ovations, The
Owens, Brian
Page, Charles
Paragons, The
Parker, Robert
Parton, Dolly
Patrick, Pat
Patterson, Bobby
Paul & Paula
Paul, Billy
Pauling, El
Pavoni, El
Paycheck, Johnny
Payne, Freda
Peach, Georgia
Peebles, Ann
Pendarvis, Tracy
Penguins, The
Penn, Dan
People's Choice
Perkins, Carl
Perry, King
Perry, Lee
Peterson, Ray
Phillips, Esther
Phillips, Phil
Piano Red
Piano Slim
Piazza, Rod
Pickett, Wilson
Pico Pete
Piper, Jimmie
Pitney, Gene
Platters, The
Pointer Sisters
Pointer, June
Pomus, Doc
Poore, Billy
Porter, Royce
Powe, Shelton
Presley, Elvis
Preston, Billy
Price, Billy
Price, Jesse
Price, Lara
Price, Lloyd
Price, Sam
Pride, Charley
Pride, Lou
Prince Love
Prisonaires, The
Professor Longhair
Profiles, The
Pruitt, Grover
Pryor, Snooky
Prysock, Arthur
Prysock, Red
Rader, Don
Ragtones, The
Rainbows, The
Raindrops, The
Raney, Wayne
Ravens, The
Rawls, Johnny
Rawls, Lou
Rayford, Sugaray
Real Brown Sugar
Real Thing, The
Record Covers
Red Tops
Redding, Otis
Reed, Jimmy
Reed, Lil' Jimmy
Reed, Lula
Reed, Vivian
Reese, Della
Reeves, Del
Reeves, Glenn
Reeves, Martha
Reflections, The
Regents, The
Reid, Clarence
Reiersrud, Knut
Renay, Diane
Rene, Wendy
Renrut, Icky
Rhodes, Todd
Rhythm Hogs, The
Rhythm Kings
Rich, Charlie
Richards, Dick
Richie, Lionel
Ricks, Jimmy
Ridgley, Tommy
Rivieras, The
Rivingtons, The
Robbins, Marty
Roberson, Chuck
Robert & Johnny
Roberts, Roy
Robinson, Lonnie
Robinson, Skip
Robinson, Smokey
Robinson, Sylvia
Rockin' Sidney
Roe, Tommy
Rogers, Jimmy
Rogie, S.E.
Rollers, The
Romero, Max
Ronettes, The
Roomates, The
Ross, Diana
Ross, Jackie
Roth, Arlen
Royal Kings
Royals, The
Ruffin Brothers
Ruffin, Jimmy
Rush, Bobby
Rush, Otis
Rushing, Jimmy
Russell, Connie
Sahm, Doug
Sam & Dave
Sams, Tony
Sanchez, Mike
Sapphires, The
Schoolboy Cleve
Scofield, John
Scott-Heron, Gil
Scott, Chyvonne
Scott, Freddie
Scott, George
Scott, Gloria
Scott, Jack
Scott, Mabel
Scott, Marylin
Sears, Big Al
Sedaka, Neil
Seeds, The
Self, Ronnie
Senay, Eddy
Senor Soul
Serenaders, The
Sha Na Na
Shane, Jackie
Shangri-Las, The
Sharp, Dee Dee
Sharpe, Ray
Shaw, Marlena
Shaw, Ryan
Sheen, Bobby
Shells, The
Shelton, Roscoe
Shepard, Ollie
Sheppards, The
Shirelles, The
Shirley & Lee
Side Effect
Sigler, Bunny
Silk, Garnett
Silvertones, The
Simon, Joe
Simone, Nina
Simpson, Valerie
Sims, Carl
Sinclair, Ranny
Singer, Hal
Six Teens, The
Skatalites, The
Skyliners, The
Slack, Freddie
Sledge, Percy
Slide Brothers
Sloan, Jackson
Sly & Robbie
Smith, Bette
Smith, Effie
Smith, Floyd
Smith, Melvin
Smith, Tab
Smokin A
Solitaires, The
Sonics, The
Soul Stirrers
Soul Survivors
Soul, Jimmy
Southern Avenue
Southern Sons
Southside Johnny
Sovine, Red
Spaniels, The
Sparks, Melvin
Sparrow, Mighty
Spector, Phil
Speedos, The
Spiders, The
Spinners, The
Sportesmen, The
Spriggs, Walter
Spyro Gyra
Stanley Brothers
Stant, Barbara
Staple Singers
Staples, Mavis
Staples, Pops
Stargazers, The
Starjays, The
Starr, Edwin
Staton, Candi
Sterling, Dave
Stevens, Cat
Stewart Family
Stewart, Delano
Stidham, Arbee
Stinit, Dane
Stivers, Brad
Stone, Jesse
Story, Carl
Stringer, Bobby
Strong, Barrett
Strong, Nolan
Stuart, Jeb
Stuart, Marty
Summer, Donna
Sunshine Boys
Superbs, The
Supremes, The
Surfivors, The
Swallows, The
Swamp Dogg
Swann, Bettye
Sweeney, Jimmy
Sweet Angel
Sweet Vandals
Table Toppers
Tams, The
Tandy, Sharon
Tate, Howard
Tate, Tommy
Taylor, Eddie
Taylor, Gene
Taylor, Johnnie
Taylor, Koko
Taylor, Ted
Tee, Willie
Teen Kings, The
Teen Queens
Teena Marie
Temptations, The
Terrell, Tammi
Terry, Dossie
Tex, Joe
Thee Heart Tones
Thee Sinseers
Thomas, Ba Ba
Thomas, Carla
Thomas, Cliff
Thomas, Irma
Thomas, Jesse
Thomas, Mule
Thomas, Rufus
Thomas, Tabby
Thompson, Junior
Thompson, Roy
Thompson, Sonny
Three Degrees
Til, Sonny
Tinez Roots Club
Tiny Topsy
Tokens, The
Tolbert, O.c.
Tolliver, Kim
Tom & Jerry
Tomlin, Chris
Torok, Mitchell
Tousan, Allen
Toussaint, Allen
Toys, The
Tramps, The
Trashmen, The
Travelers, The
Travis, Randy
Treadway, Sonny
Trenier, Milt
Treniers, The
Tribble, T.N.T.
Tritt, Travis
Troch, Steven
Trombone Shorty
Troubled Three
Troy, Doris
TT Syndicate
Tucker, Anita
Tune Weavers
Turner, Big Joe
Turner, Ike
Turner, Ike & Tina
Turner, Sammy
Turner, Tina
Turpin, Jeffrey
Tymes, The
Valens, Ritchie
Valentine, T.
Valentines, The
Valentinos, The
Valli, Frankie
Various Artists
Vaughan, Sarah
Vee, Bobby
Velaires, The
Velons, The
Velvets, The
Vera, Billy
Verlinde, Guy
Vernon, Mike
Village People
Vincent, Gene
Vinson, Eddie
Vinton, Bobby
Viscaynes, The
Viscounts, The
Vogues, The
Volumes, The
Vomácka, Sammy
Voxpoppers, The
Wagoner, Porter
Wailers - Sonics
Wailers, The
Waiters, Mel
Waiters, Walter
Walker, Billy
Walker, Charles
Walker, Randolph
Walker, Ronnie
Walker, T-Bone
Walls, Van
Wampus Cats
WAR (Soul Band)
War, The
Ward, Clara
Warren, Beverly
Warwick, Dee Dee
Warwick, Dionne
Washboard Sam
Washington, Baby
Washington, Dinah
Washington, Ella
Washington, Gino
Waterhouse, Nick
Waters, Muddy
Watts, Natasha
Welch, Lenny
Wells, Jean
Wells, Junior
Wells, Mary
West, Willie
Wheeler, Caron
White, Barry
White, Danny
Wiggins, Spencer
Wild Canyon
Wild Magnolias
Wildcat, John
Williams, Andre
Williams, Cootie
Williams, Donnie
Williams, Earl
Williams, Hank
Williams, Jody
Williams, Larry
Williams, Mel
Williams, Otis
Williams, Paul
Williams, Ray
Willis, Chick
Willis, Chuck
Willis, Nicole
Willows, The
Wilson, Charles
Wilson, Charlie
Wilson, Hop
Wilson, Jackie
Wilson, Nancy
Wimberly, Bill
Winehouse, Amy
Winter, Johnny
Withers, Bill
Wolfe, Danny
Wolfe, Richard
Womack & Womack
Womack, Bobby
Wonder, Stevie
Woods, Carol
Wright, Betty
Wright, Billy
Wright, Jimmy
Wright, O.V.
Wyatt, Gene
Wyman, Bill
Wynder K Frog
Wynn, Big Jim
Yates, Bill
Yates, Duane
Yo Yo's
Young Jessie
Young, Paul
Young, Reggie
Yuro, Timi