gefundene Interpreten
# | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Alle |
Mabon, Willie
Mabu's Madness
Mack, Lonnie
Mack, Teddy
MacLeod, Doug
Mad Lads
Maestro, Johnny
Magic Sam
Magness, Janiva
Maltais, Gene
Mandel, Harvey
Manhattans, The
Mann, Carl
Mann, Plez Gary
Mar-Keys, The
Marcels, The
Marchan, Bobby
Marley, Bob
Marley, Ky-Mani
Marlo, Micki
Marshall, Carl
Marterie, Ralph
Martin, Janis
Martin, Ronee
Marvin & Johnny
Mason, Barbara
Masters Family
Masters Of Soul
Mastro, Johnny
Mathis, Johnny
Mayer, Nathaniel
Mayes, TJ
Mayfield, Curtis
Mayfield, Percy
Mays, John
McBride, Dale
McCain, Jerry
McCalla, Leyla
McClain, Mighty Sam
McCrae, George
McCrae, Gwen
McDaniels, Gene
McDonald, Skeets
McGhee, Stick
McGhee, Tommy
McGill, Rollee
McGriff, Edna
McGriff, Jimmy
McLaurin, Bette
McLin, Claude
McNeely, Big Jay
McPhatter, Clyde
McRae, George
McVea, Jack
Medallions, The
Mello Kings, The
Mellokings, The
Melvin, Harold
Memphis Horns
Memphis Quartet
Memphis Slim
Meters, The
Metrotones, The
Mickey & Sylvia
Midnighters, The
Mighty Hannibal
Milburn, Amos
Miller, Babe
Miller, Roger
Millet, Li'l
Millinder, Lucky
Mills, Hayley
Milton, Roy
Mimms, Garnet
Miracles, The
Mitchell, Bobby
Mitchell, Willie
Mittoo, Jackie
Mojo Blues Band
Moments, The
Monotones, The
Monroe, Marilyn
Moonstone, Molly
Moore & Napier
Moore, Gatemouth
Moore, Jackie
Moore, Jimmy
Moore, Johnny
Moore, Melba
Moore, Rudy Ray
Moore, Stanton
Moose John
Moreno, Sue
Morgan, Rocket
Morris, Joe
Morrison, Van
Mosely, Snub
Moss, Nick
Moss, Roy
Mr. Sam
Ms. Jody
Muddy Waters
Mulligan, Gerry
Mystics, The